const cmp_check : bool = 0 < 1 (* const cmp_check : bool = ("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" : timestamp) < ("1970-01-01T00:01:00Z" : timestamp)) *) const x : int = (3 : int) type store is record [ goal : nat; deadline : timestamp; backers : map (address, nat); funded : bool; ] entrypoint contribute (storage store : store; const sender : address; const amount : mutez) : store * list (operation) is var operations : list (operation) := nil // const s : list (int) = list [1; 2; 3] // const t : set (int) = set [] begin if now (Unit) > store.deadline then fail "Deadline passed"; else case store.backers[sender] of [ None -> store.backers[sender] := Some (amount) // None -> patch store.backers with map sender -> amount end | _ -> skip ] end with (store, operations) entrypoint withdraw (storage store : store; const sender : address) : store * list (operation) is var operations : list (operation) := list end begin // if set ["a"; "b"] contains x then skip else skip; if sender = owner then if now (Unit) >= store.deadline then if balance >= store.goal then { store.funded := True; // patch store with record funded = True end; operations := list [Transfer (owner, balance)]; }; else fail "Below target" else block { fail "Too soon"; } else skip end with (store, operations) entrypoint claim (storage store : store; const sender : address) : store * list (operation) is var operations : list (operation) := list [] var amount : mutez := 0 begin if now <= store.deadline then fail "Too soon" else case store.backers[sender] of None -> fail "Not a backer" | Some (amount) -> if balance >= store.goal or store.funded then fail "Cannot refund" else begin operations := list [Transfer (sender, amount)]; remove sender from map store.backers end end end with (store, operations)