(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module Request = struct type 'a t = | Flush : Block_hash.t -> unit t | Notify : P2p_peer.Id.t * Mempool.t -> unit t | Inject : Operation.t -> unit t | Arrived : Operation_hash.t * Operation.t -> unit t | Advertise : unit t type view = View : _ t -> view let view req = View req let encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Flush" (obj2 (req "request" (constant "flush")) (req "block" Block_hash.encoding)) (function View (Flush hash) -> Some ((), hash) | _ -> None) (fun ((), hash) -> View (Flush hash)) ; case (Tag 1) ~title:"Notify" (obj3 (req "request" (constant "notify")) (req "peer" P2p_peer.Id.encoding) (req "mempool" Mempool.encoding)) (function View (Notify (peer, mempool)) -> Some ((), peer, mempool) | _ -> None) (fun ((), peer, mempool) -> View (Notify (peer, mempool))) ; case (Tag 2) ~title:"Inject" (obj2 (req "request" (constant "inject")) (req "operation" Operation.encoding)) (function View (Inject op) -> Some ((), op) | _ -> None) (fun ((), op) -> View (Inject op)) ; case (Tag 3) ~title:"Arrived" (obj3 (req "request" (constant "arrived")) (req "operation_hash" Operation_hash.encoding) (req "operation" Operation.encoding)) (function View (Arrived (oph, op)) -> Some ((), oph, op) | _ -> None) (fun ((), oph, op) -> View (Arrived (oph, op))) ; case (Tag 4) ~title:"Advertise" (obj1 (req "request" (constant "advertise"))) (function View Advertise -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> View Advertise) ] let pp ppf (View r) = match r with | Flush hash -> Format.fprintf ppf "switching to new head %a" Block_hash.pp hash | Notify (id, { Mempool.known_valid ; pending }) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[notified by %a of operations" P2p_peer.Id.pp id ; List.iter (fun oph -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a (applied)" Operation_hash.pp oph) known_valid ; List.iter (fun oph -> Format.fprintf ppf "@,%a (pending)" Operation_hash.pp oph) (Operation_hash.Set.elements pending) ; Format.fprintf ppf "@]" | Inject op -> Format.fprintf ppf "injecting operation %a" Operation_hash.pp (Operation.hash op) | Arrived (oph, _) -> Format.fprintf ppf "operation %a arrived" Operation_hash.pp oph | Advertise -> Format.fprintf ppf "advertising pending operations" end module Event = struct type t = | Request of (Request.view * Worker_types.request_status * error list option) | Debug of string let level req = let open Request in match req with | Debug _ -> Logging.Debug | Request (View (Flush _), _, _) -> Logging.Notice | Request (View (Notify _), _, _) -> Logging.Debug | Request (View (Inject _), _, _) -> Logging.Notice | Request (View (Arrived _), _, _) -> Logging.Debug | Request (View Advertise, _, _) -> Logging.Debug let encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Debug" (obj1 (req "message" string)) (function Debug msg -> Some msg | _ -> None) (fun msg -> Debug msg) ; case (Tag 1) ~title:"Request" (obj2 (req "request" Request.encoding) (req "status" Worker_types.request_status_encoding)) (function Request (req, t, None) -> Some (req, t) | _ -> None) (fun (req, t) -> Request (req, t, None)) ; case (Tag 2) ~title:"Failed request" (obj3 (req "error" RPC_error.encoding) (req "failed_request" Request.encoding) (req "status" Worker_types.request_status_encoding)) (function Request (req, t, Some errs) -> Some (errs, req, t) | _ -> None) (fun (errs, req, t) -> Request (req, t, Some errs)) ] let pp ppf = function | Debug msg -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" msg | Request (view, { pushed ; treated ; completed }, None) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@,\ Pushed: %a, Treated: %a, Completed: %a@]" Request.pp view Time.pp_hum pushed Time.pp_hum treated Time.pp_hum completed | Request (view, { pushed ; treated ; completed }, Some errors) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@,\ Pushed: %a, Treated: %a, Failed: %a@,\ %a@]" Request.pp view Time.pp_hum pushed Time.pp_hum treated Time.pp_hum completed (Format.pp_print_list Error_monad.pp) errors end module Worker_state = struct type view = { head : Block_hash.t ; timestamp : Time.t ; fetching : Operation_hash.Set.t ; pending : Operation_hash.Set.t ; applied : Operation_hash.t list ; delayed : Operation_hash.Set.t } let encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { head ; timestamp ; fetching ; pending ; applied ; delayed } -> (head, timestamp, fetching, pending, applied, delayed)) (fun (head, timestamp, fetching, pending, applied, delayed) -> { head ; timestamp ; fetching ; pending ; applied ; delayed }) (obj6 (req "head" Block_hash.encoding) (req "timestamp" Time.encoding) (req "fetching" Operation_hash.Set.encoding) (req "pending" Operation_hash.Set.encoding) (req "applied" (list Operation_hash.encoding)) (req "delayed" Operation_hash.Set.encoding)) let pp ppf view = Format.fprintf ppf "@[\ Head: %a@,\ Timestamp: %a@, @[Fetching: %a@]@, @[Pending: %a@]@, @[Applied: %a@]@, @[Delayed: %a@]@]" Block_hash.pp view.head Time.pp_hum view.timestamp (Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp) (Operation_hash.Set.elements view.fetching) (Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp) (Operation_hash.Set.elements view.pending) (Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp) view.applied (Format.pp_print_list Operation_hash.pp) (Operation_hash.Set.elements view.delayed) end