module Signature = Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Signature open Proto_alpha_utils.Memory_proto_alpha module Data_encoding = Alpha_environment.Data_encoding module MBytes = Alpha_environment.MBytes module Error_monad = Proto_alpha_utils.Error_monad open Error_monad module Context_init = struct type account = { pkh : Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; pk : Signature.Public_key.t ; sk : Signature.Secret_key.t ; } let generate_accounts n : (account * Tez_repr.t) list = let amount = Tez_repr.of_mutez_exn 4_000_000_000_000L in (fun _ -> let (pkh, pk, sk) = Signature.generate_key () in let account = { pkh ; pk ; sk } in account, amount) (Simple_utils.List.range n) let make_shell ~level ~predecessor ~timestamp ~fitness ~operations_hash = Tezos_base.Block_header.{ level ; predecessor ; timestamp ; fitness ; operations_hash ; (* We don't care of the following values, only the shell validates them. *) proto_level = 0 ; validation_passes = 0 ; context = ; } let default_proof_of_work_nonce = MBytes.create Alpha_context.Constants.proof_of_work_nonce_size let protocol_param_key = [ "protocol_parameters" ] let check_constants_consistency constants = let open Constants_repr in let open Error_monad in let { blocks_per_cycle ; blocks_per_commitment ; blocks_per_roll_snapshot ; _ } = constants in Error_monad.unless (blocks_per_commitment <= blocks_per_cycle) (fun () -> failwith "Inconsistent constants : blocks per commitment must be \ less than blocks per cycle") >>=? fun () -> Error_monad.unless (blocks_per_cycle >= blocks_per_roll_snapshot) (fun () -> failwith "Inconsistent constants : blocks per cycle \ must be superior than blocks per roll snapshot") >>=? return let initial_context constants header commitments initial_accounts security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles no_reward_cycles = let open Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Error_monad in let bootstrap_accounts = (fun ({ pk ; pkh ; _ }, amount) -> let open! Parameters_repr in { public_key_hash = pkh ; public_key = Some pk ; amount } ) initial_accounts in let json = Data_encoding.Json.construct Parameters_repr.encoding Parameters_repr.{ bootstrap_accounts ; bootstrap_contracts = [] ; commitments ; constants ; security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles ; no_reward_cycles ; } in let proto_params = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Data_encoding.json json in Tezos_protocol_environment_memory.Context.( set empty ["version"] (MBytes.of_string "genesis") ) >>= fun ctxt -> Tezos_protocol_environment_memory.Context.( set ctxt protocol_param_key proto_params ) >>= fun ctxt -> Main.init ctxt header >|= Alpha_environment.wrap_error >>=? fun { context; _ } -> return context let genesis ?(preserved_cycles = Constants_repr.default.preserved_cycles) ?(blocks_per_cycle = Constants_repr.default.blocks_per_cycle) ?(blocks_per_commitment = Constants_repr.default.blocks_per_commitment) ?(blocks_per_roll_snapshot = Constants_repr.default.blocks_per_roll_snapshot) ?(blocks_per_voting_period = Constants_repr.default.blocks_per_voting_period) ?(time_between_blocks = Constants_repr.default.time_between_blocks) ?(endorsers_per_block = Constants_repr.default.endorsers_per_block) ?(hard_gas_limit_per_operation = Constants_repr.default.hard_gas_limit_per_operation) ?(hard_gas_limit_per_block = Constants_repr.default.hard_gas_limit_per_block) ?(proof_of_work_threshold = Int64.(neg one)) ?(tokens_per_roll = Constants_repr.default.tokens_per_roll) ?(michelson_maximum_type_size = Constants_repr.default.michelson_maximum_type_size) ?(seed_nonce_revelation_tip = Constants_repr.default.seed_nonce_revelation_tip) ?(origination_size = Constants_repr.default.origination_size) ?(block_security_deposit = Constants_repr.default.block_security_deposit) ?(endorsement_security_deposit = Constants_repr.default.endorsement_security_deposit) ?(block_reward = Constants_repr.default.block_reward) ?(endorsement_reward = Constants_repr.default.endorsement_reward) ?(cost_per_byte = Constants_repr.default.cost_per_byte) ?(hard_storage_limit_per_operation = Constants_repr.default.hard_storage_limit_per_operation) ?(commitments = []) ?(security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles = None) ?(no_reward_cycles = None) (initial_accounts : (account * Tez_repr.t) list) = if initial_accounts = [] then Pervasives.failwith "Must have one account with a roll to bake"; (* Check there is at least one roll *) let open Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Error_monad in begin try let (>>?=) x y = match x with | Ok(a) -> y a | Error(b) -> fail @@ List.hd b in fold_left_s (fun acc (_, amount) -> Alpha_environment.wrap_error @@ Tez_repr.(+?) acc amount >>?= fun acc -> if acc >= tokens_per_roll then raise Exit else return acc ) initial_accounts >>=? fun _ -> failwith "Insufficient tokens in initial accounts to create one roll" with Exit -> return () end >>=? fun () -> let constants : Constants_repr.parametric = { preserved_cycles ; blocks_per_cycle ; blocks_per_commitment ; blocks_per_roll_snapshot ; blocks_per_voting_period ; time_between_blocks ; endorsers_per_block ; hard_gas_limit_per_operation ; hard_gas_limit_per_block ; proof_of_work_threshold ; tokens_per_roll ; michelson_maximum_type_size ; seed_nonce_revelation_tip ; origination_size ; block_security_deposit ; endorsement_security_deposit ; block_reward ; endorsement_reward ; cost_per_byte ; hard_storage_limit_per_operation ; } in check_constants_consistency constants >>=? fun () -> let hash = Alpha_environment.Block_hash.of_b58check_exn "BLockGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisCCCCCeZiLHU" in let shell = make_shell ~level:0l ~predecessor:hash ~timestamp:Tezos_utils.Time.epoch ~fitness: (Fitness_repr.from_int64 0L) ~operations_hash: in initial_context constants shell commitments initial_accounts security_deposit_ramp_up_cycles no_reward_cycles >>=? fun context -> return (context, shell, hash) let init ?(slow=false) ?preserved_cycles ?endorsers_per_block ?commitments n = let open Error_monad in let accounts = generate_accounts n in let contracts = (fun (a, _) -> Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract (a.pkh)) accounts in begin if slow then genesis ?preserved_cycles ?endorsers_per_block ?commitments accounts else genesis ?preserved_cycles ~blocks_per_cycle:32l ~blocks_per_commitment:4l ~blocks_per_roll_snapshot:8l ~blocks_per_voting_period:(Int32.mul 32l 8l) ?endorsers_per_block ?commitments accounts end >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, accounts, contracts) let contents ?(proof_of_work_nonce = default_proof_of_work_nonce) ?(priority = 0) ?seed_nonce_hash () = Alpha_context.Block_header.({ priority ; proof_of_work_nonce ; seed_nonce_hash ; }) let begin_construction ?(priority=0) ~timestamp ~(header:Alpha_context.Block_header.shell_header) ~hash ctxt = let contents = contents ~priority () in let protocol_data = let open! Alpha_context.Block_header in { contents ; signature = ; } in let header = { = { predecessor = hash ; proto_level = header.proto_level ; validation_passes = header.validation_passes ; fitness = ; timestamp ; level = header.level ; context = ; operations_hash = ; } ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature = ; } ; } in Main.begin_construction ~chain_id: ~predecessor_context: ctxt ~predecessor_timestamp: ~predecessor_fitness: ~predecessor_level: ~predecessor:hash ~timestamp ~protocol_data () >>= fun x -> Lwt.return @@ Alpha_environment.wrap_error x >>=? fun state -> return state.ctxt let main n = init n >>=? fun ((ctxt, header, hash), accounts, contracts) -> let timestamp = () in begin_construction ~timestamp ~header ~hash ctxt >>=? fun ctxt -> return (ctxt, accounts, contracts) end type identity = { public_key_hash : Signature.public_key_hash; public_key : Signature.public_key; secret_key : Signature.secret_key; implicit_contract : Alpha_context.Contract.t; } type environment = { tezos_context : Alpha_context.t ; identities : identity list ; } let init_environment () = Context_init.main 10 >>=? fun (tezos_context, accounts, contracts) -> let accounts = fst accounts in let tezos_context = Alpha_context.Gas.set_limit tezos_context @@ Z.of_int 350000 in let identities = (fun ((a:Context_init.account), c) -> { public_key = ; public_key_hash = a.pkh ; secret_key = ; implicit_contract = c ; }) @@ List.combine accounts contracts in return {tezos_context ; identities} let contextualize ~msg ?environment f = let lwt = let environment = match environment with | None -> init_environment () | Some x -> return x in environment >>=? f in force_ok ~msg @@ lwt