(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tests about - seed_nonce_hash included in some blocks - revelation operation of seed_nonce that should correspond to each seed_nonce_hash *) open Proto_alpha open Test_tez (** Tests that baking [blocks_per_commitment] blocks without a [seed_nonce_hash] commitment fails with [Invalid_commitment] *) let no_commitment () = Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b,_) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun { parametric = { blocks_per_commitment } } -> let blocks_per_commitment = Int32.to_int blocks_per_commitment in (* Bake normally until before the commitment *) Block.bake_n (blocks_per_commitment-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* Forge a block with empty commitment and apply it *) Block.Forge.forge_header b >>=? fun header -> Block.Forge.set_seed_nonce_hash None header |> Block.Forge.sign_header >>=? fun header -> Block.apply header b >>= fun e -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function | Apply.Invalid_commitment _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Tests that: - after baking with a commitment the bond is frozen and the reward allocated - revealing too early produces an error - revealing at the right time but the wrong value produces an error - revealing correctly rewards the baker with the tip - revealing twice produces an error - after [preserved cycles] a committer that correctly revealed receives back the bond and the reward *) let revelation_early_wrong_right_twice () = let open Assert in Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b,_) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun csts -> let bond = csts.parametric.block_security_deposit in let reward = csts.parametric.block_reward in let tip = csts.parametric.seed_nonce_revelation_tip in let blocks_per_commitment = Int32.to_int csts.parametric.blocks_per_commitment in let preserved_cycles = csts.parametric.preserved_cycles in (* bake until commitment *) Block.bake_n (blocks_per_commitment-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* the next baker [id] will include a seed_nonce commitment *) Block.get_next_baker b >>=? fun (pkh,_,_) -> let id = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Main (B b) id >>=? fun bal_main -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit (B b) id >>=? fun bal_deposit -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards (B b) id >>=? fun bal_rewards -> Block.bake b >>=? fun b -> Context.get_level (B b) >>=? fun level_commitment -> Context.get_seed_nonce_hash (B b) >>=? fun committed_hash -> (* test that the bond was frozen and the reward allocated *) balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id bal_main bond >>=? fun () -> balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Deposit bal_deposit bond >>=? fun () -> balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Rewards bal_rewards reward >>=? fun () -> (* test that revealing too early produces an error *) Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get committed_hash) >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e -> let expected = function | Nonce_storage.Too_early_revelation -> true | _ -> false in Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e expected >>=? fun () -> (* finish the cycle excluding the committing baker *) let policy = Block.Excluding [pkh] in Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b >>=? fun b -> (* test that revealing at the right time but the wrong value produces an error *) let wrong_hash,_ = Nonce.generate () in Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get wrong_hash) >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function | Nonce_storage.Unexpected_nonce -> true | _ -> false end >>=? fun () -> (* reveals correctly *) Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get committed_hash) >>=? fun operation -> Block.get_next_baker ~policy b >>=? fun (baker_pkh,_,_) -> let baker = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract baker_pkh in Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Main (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_main -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_deposit -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards (B b) baker >>=? fun baker_bal_rewards -> (* bake the operation in a block *) Block.bake ~policy ~operation b >>=? fun b -> (* test that the baker gets the tip reward *) balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) baker ~kind:Main baker_bal_main bond >>=? fun () -> balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) baker ~kind:Deposit baker_bal_deposit bond >>=? fun () -> Lwt.return @@ Tez.(+?) reward tip >>=? fun expected_rewards -> balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) baker ~kind:Rewards baker_bal_rewards expected_rewards >>=? fun () -> (* test that revealing twice produces an error *) Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get wrong_hash) >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function | Nonce_storage.Previously_revealed_nonce -> true | _ -> false end >>=? fun () -> (* bake [preserved_cycles] cycles excluding [id] *) Error_monad.fold_left_s (fun b _ -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b) b (1 -- preserved_cycles) >>=? fun b -> (* test that [id] receives back the bond and the reward *) balance_was_credited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Main bal_main reward >>=? fun () -> balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Deposit Tez.zero >>=? fun () -> balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Rewards Tez.zero (** Tests that: - a committer at cycle 0, which doesn't reveal at cycle 1, at the end of the cycle 1 looses the bond and the reward - revealing too late produces an error *) let revelation_missing_and_late () = let open Context in let open Assert in Context.init 5 >>=? fun (b,_) -> get_constants (B b) >>=? fun csts -> let reward = csts.parametric.block_reward in let blocks_per_commitment = Int32.to_int csts.parametric.blocks_per_commitment in (* bake until commitment *) Block.bake_n (blocks_per_commitment-2) b >>=? fun b -> (* the next baker [id] will include a seed_nonce commitment *) Block.get_next_baker b >>=? fun (pkh,_,_) -> let id = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract pkh in Block.bake b >>=? fun b -> Context.get_level (B b) >>=? fun level_commitment -> Context.get_seed_nonce_hash (B b) >>=? fun committed_hash -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Main (B b) id >>=? fun bal_main -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Deposit (B b) id >>=? fun bal_deposit -> Context.Contract.balance ~kind:Rewards (B b) id >>=? fun bal_rewards -> (* finish cycle 0 excluding the committing baker [id] *) let policy = Block.Excluding [pkh] in Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b >>=? fun b -> (* finish cycle 1 excluding the committing baker [id] *) Block.bake_until_cycle_end ~policy b >>=? fun b -> (* test that baker [id], which didn't reveal at cycle 1 like it was supposed to, at the end of the cycle 1 looses the reward but not the bond *) balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Main bal_main >>=? fun () -> balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Deposit bal_deposit >>=? fun () -> balance_was_debited ~loc:__LOC__ (B b) id ~kind:Rewards bal_rewards reward >>=? fun () -> (* test that revealing too late (after cycle 1) produces an error *) Op.seed_nonce_revelation (B b) level_commitment (Nonce.get committed_hash) >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun e -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function | Nonce_storage.Too_late_revelation -> true | _ -> false end let tests = [ Test.tztest "no commitment" `Quick no_commitment ; Test.tztest "revelation_early_wrong_right_twice" `Quick revelation_early_wrong_right_twice ; Test.tztest "revelation_missing_and_late" `Quick revelation_missing_and_late ; ]