(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type read_error = | Not_enough_data | Extra_bytes | No_case_matched | Unexpected_tag of int | Invalid_size of int | Invalid_int of { min : int ; v : int ; max : int } | Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float } | Trailing_zero | Size_limit_exceeded | List_too_long | Array_too_long let pp_read_error ppf = function | Not_enough_data -> Format.fprintf ppf "Not enough data" | Extra_bytes -> Format.fprintf ppf "Extra bytes" | No_case_matched -> Format.fprintf ppf "No case matched" | Unexpected_tag tag -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected tag %d" tag | Invalid_size sz -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid size %d" sz | Invalid_int { min ; v ; max} -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid int (%d <= %d <= %d) " min v max | Invalid_float { min ; v ; max} -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid float (%f <= %f <= %f) " min v max | Trailing_zero -> Format.fprintf ppf "Trailing zero in Z" | Size_limit_exceeded -> Format.fprintf ppf "Size limit exceeded" | List_too_long -> Format.fprintf ppf "List length limit exceeded" | Array_too_long -> Format.fprintf ppf "Array length limit exceeded" exception Read_error of read_error type write_error = | Size_limit_exceeded | No_case_matched | Invalid_int of { min : int ; v : int ; max : int } | Invalid_float of { min : float ; v : float ; max : float } | Invalid_bytes_length of { expected : int ; found : int } | Invalid_string_length of { expected : int ; found : int } | Invalid_natural | List_too_long | Array_too_long let pp_write_error ppf = function | Size_limit_exceeded -> Format.fprintf ppf "Size limit exceeded" | No_case_matched -> Format.fprintf ppf "No case matched" | Invalid_int { min ; v ; max} -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid int (%d <= %d <= %d) " min v max | Invalid_float { min ; v ; max} -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid float (%f <= %f <= %f) " min v max | Invalid_bytes_length { expected ; found } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid bytes length (expected: %d ; found %d)" expected found | Invalid_string_length { expected ; found } -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid string length (expected: %d ; found %d)" expected found | Invalid_natural -> Format.fprintf ppf "Negative natural" | List_too_long -> Format.fprintf ppf "List length limit exceeded" | Array_too_long -> Format.fprintf ppf "Array length limit exceeded" exception Write_error of write_error