(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Double baking evidence operation may happen when a baker baked two different blocks on the same level. *) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context (****************************************************************) (* Utility functions *) (****************************************************************) let get_first_different_baker baker bakers = return @@ List.find (fun baker' -> Signature.Public_key_hash.(<>) baker baker') bakers let get_first_different_bakers ctxt = Context.get_bakers ctxt >>=? fun bakers -> let baker_1 = List.hd bakers in get_first_different_baker baker_1 (List.tl bakers) >>=? fun baker_2 -> return (baker_1, baker_2) let get_first_different_endorsers ctxt = Context.get_endorsers ctxt >>=? fun endorsers -> let endorser_1 = (List.hd endorsers).delegate in let endorser_2 = (List.hd (List.tl endorsers)).delegate in return (endorser_1, endorser_2) (** Bake two block at the same level using the same policy (i.e. same baker) *) let block_fork ?policy contracts b = let (contract_a, contract_b) = List.hd contracts, List.hd (List.tl contracts) in Op.transaction (B b) contract_a contract_b Alpha_context.Tez.one_cent >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ?policy ~operation b >>=? fun blk_a -> Block.bake ?policy b >>=? fun blk_b -> return (blk_a, blk_b) (****************************************************************) (* Tests *) (****************************************************************) (** Simple scenario where two blocks are baked by a same baker and exposed by a double baking evidence operation *) let valid_double_baking_evidence () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, contracts) -> Context.get_bakers (B b) >>=? fun bakers -> let priority_0_baker = List.hd bakers in block_fork ~policy:(By_priority 0) contracts b >>=? fun (blk_a, blk_b) -> Op.double_baking (B blk_a) blk_a.header blk_b.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~policy:(Excluding [ priority_0_baker ]) ~operation blk_a >>=? fun blk -> (* Check that the frozen deposit, the fees and rewards are removed *) iter_s (fun kind -> let contract = Alpha_context.Contract.implicit_contract priority_0_baker in Assert.balance_is ~loc:__LOC__ (B blk) contract ~kind Tez.zero) [ Deposit ; Fees ; Rewards ] (* TODO : check also that the baker receive half of the bad baker's frozen balance *) (****************************************************************) (* The following test scenarios are supposed to raise errors. *) (****************************************************************) (** Check that a double baking operation fails if it exposes the same two blocks *) let same_blocks () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, _contracts) -> Block.bake b >>=? fun ba -> Op.double_baking (B ba) ba.header ba.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation ba >>=? fun _ -> (* TODO: should fail *) return () (** Check that a double baking operation exposing two blocks with different levels fails *) let different_levels () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, contracts) -> block_fork ~policy:(By_priority 0) contracts b >>=? fun (blk_a, blk_b) -> Block.bake blk_b >>=? fun blk_b_2 -> Op.double_baking (B blk_a) blk_a.header blk_b_2.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation blk_a >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Invalid_double_baking_evidence _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Check that a double baking operation exposing two yet to be baked blocks fails *) let too_early_double_baking_evidence () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, contracts) -> block_fork ~policy:(By_priority 0) contracts b >>=? fun (blk_a, blk_b) -> Op.double_baking (B b) blk_a.header blk_b.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation b >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Too_early_double_baking_evidence _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Check that after [preserved_cycles + 1], it is not possible to create a double baking operation anymore *) let too_late_double_baking_evidence () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, contracts) -> Context.get_constants (B b) >>=? fun Constants.{ parametric = { preserved_cycles ; _ } ; _ } -> block_fork ~policy:(By_priority 0) contracts b >>=? fun (blk_a, blk_b) -> fold_left_s (fun blk _ -> Block.bake_until_cycle_end blk) blk_a (1 -- (preserved_cycles + 1)) >>=? fun blk -> Op.double_baking (B blk) blk_a.header blk_b.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation blk >>= fun res -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ res begin function | Apply.Outdated_double_baking_evidence _ -> true | _ -> false end (** Check that an invalid double baking evidence that exposes two block baking with same level made by different bakers fails *) let different_delegates () = Context.init 2 >>=? fun (b, _) -> get_first_different_bakers (B b) >>=? fun (baker_1, baker_2) -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account baker_1) b >>=? fun blk_a -> Block.bake ~policy:(By_account baker_2) b >>=? fun blk_b -> Op.double_baking (B blk_a) blk_a.header blk_b.header >>=? fun operation -> Block.bake ~operation blk_a >>= fun e -> Assert.proto_error ~loc:__LOC__ e begin function | Apply.Inconsistent_double_baking_evidence _ -> true | _ -> false end let wrong_delegate () = (* TODO: change bake and forge_header "policy" so that it can force a baker **and** a priority *) return () let tests = [ Test.tztest "valid double baking evidence" `Quick valid_double_baking_evidence ; (* Should fail*) (* Test.tztest "same blocks" `Quick same_blocks ; *) Test.tztest "different levels" `Quick different_levels ; Test.tztest "too early double baking evidence" `Quick too_early_double_baking_evidence ; Test.tztest "too late double baking evidence" `Quick too_late_double_baking_evidence ; Test.tztest "different delegates" `Quick different_delegates ; ]