(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Tezos_context open Misc type error += Invalid_fitness_gap of int64 * int64 (* `Permanent *) type error += Invalid_endorsement_slot of int * int (* `Permanent *) type error += Timestamp_too_early of Timestamp.t * Timestamp.t (* `Permanent *) type error += Wrong_delegate of public_key_hash * public_key_hash (* `Permanent *) type error += Cannot_pay_baking_bond (* `Permanent *) type error += Cannot_pay_endorsement_bond (* `Permanent *) val paying_priorities: context -> int list (** [minimal_time ctxt priority pred_block_time] returns the minimal time, given the predecessor block timestamp [pred_block_time], after which a baker with priority [priority] is allowed to mine. Fail with [Invalid_slot_durations_constant] if the minimal time cannot be computed. *) val minimal_time: context -> int -> Time.t -> Time.t tzresult Lwt.t (** [pay_baking_bond: cxt baker] Debit the baking bond (See !Constants.baking_bond_cost) from the default account of the [baker]. No bond is debited if the baking priority of this block is greater than the maximum number of paying baking in the network (meaning that n. bakers skipped their turn). Raise an error if the baker account does not have enough funds to claim baking rights. *) val pay_baking_bond: context -> Block_header.proto_header -> public_key_hash -> context tzresult Lwt.t (** [pay_endorsement_bond: cxt baker] Debit the endorsement bond (See !Constants.endorsement_bond_cost) from the default account of the [baker]. Raise an error if the baker account does not have enough funds to claim endorsement rights *) val pay_endorsement_bond: context -> public_key_hash -> (context * Tez.t) tzresult Lwt.t (** [check_baking_rights ctxt block pred_timestamp] verifies that: * the contract that owned the roll at cycle start has the block signer as delegate. * the timestamp is coherent with the announced slot. * the bond have been payed if the slot is below [Constants.first_free_baking_slot]. *) val check_baking_rights: context -> Block_header.proto_header -> Time.t -> public_key_hash tzresult Lwt.t (** [check_signing_rights c slot contract] verifies that: * the slot is valid; * [contract] owned, at cycle start, the roll that has the right to sign for the slot and the current level. *) val check_signing_rights: context -> int -> public_key_hash -> unit tzresult Lwt.t (** If this priority should have payed the bond it is the base baking reward and the bond, or just the base reward otherwise *) val base_baking_reward: context -> priority:int -> Tez.t (** Returns the endorsement reward calculated w.r.t a given priotiry. *) val endorsement_reward: block_priority:int -> Tez.t tzresult Lwt.t (** [baking_priorities ctxt level] is the lazy list of contract's public key hashes that are allowed to mine for [level]. *) val baking_priorities: context -> Level.t -> public_key_hash lazy_list (** [endorsement_priorities ctxt level] is the lazy list of contract's public key hashes that are allowed to endorse for [level]. *) val endorsement_priorities: context -> Level.t -> public_key_hash lazy_list (** [first_baking_priorities ctxt ?max_priority contract_hash level] is a list of priorities of max [?max_priority] elements, where the delegate of [contract_hash] is allowed to mine for [level]. If [?max_priority] is [None], a sensible number of priorities is returned. *) val first_baking_priorities: context -> ?max_priority:int -> public_key_hash -> Level.t -> int list tzresult Lwt.t val first_endorsement_slots: context -> ?max_priority:int -> public_key_hash -> Level.t -> int list tzresult Lwt.t (** [check_signature ctxt block id] check if the block is signed with the given key *) val check_signature: context -> Block_header.t -> public_key_hash -> unit tzresult Lwt.t val check_hash: Block_hash.t -> int64 -> bool (** verify if the proof of work stamp is valid *) val check_proof_of_work_stamp: context -> Block_header.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t (** check if the gap between the fitness of the current context and the given block is within the protocol parameters *) val check_fitness_gap: context -> Block_header.t -> unit tzresult Lwt.t val dawn_of_a_new_cycle: context -> Cycle.t option tzresult Lwt.t