(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Alpha_context open Script open Script_tc_errors (* Helpers for encoding *) let type_map_enc = let open Data_encoding in let stack_enc = list (tup2 Script.expr_encoding (list string)) in list (conv (fun (loc, (bef, aft)) -> (loc, bef, aft)) (fun (loc, bef, aft) -> (loc, (bef, aft))) (obj3 (req "location" Script.location_encoding) (req "stack_before" stack_enc) (req "stack_after" stack_enc))) let stack_ty_enc = let open Data_encoding in list (obj2 (req "type" Script.expr_encoding) (dft "annots" (list string) [])) (* main registration *) let () = let open Data_encoding in let located enc = merge_objs (obj1 (req "location" Script.location_encoding)) enc in let arity_enc = int8 in let namespace_enc = def "primitiveNamespace" ~title:"Primitive namespace" ~description: "One of the three possible namespaces of primitive (data constructor, \ type name or instruction)." @@ string_enum [ ("type", Type_namespace); ("constant", Constant_namespace); ("instruction", Instr_namespace) ] in let kind_enc = def "expressionKind" ~title:"Expression kind" ~description: "One of the four possible kinds of expression (integer, string, \ primitive application or sequence)." @@ string_enum [ ("integer", Int_kind); ("string", String_kind); ("bytes", Bytes_kind); ("primitiveApplication", Prim_kind); ("sequence", Seq_kind) ] in (* -- Structure errors ---------------------- *) (* Invalid arity *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_arity" ~title:"Invalid arity" ~description: "In a script or data expression, a primitive was applied to an \ unsupported number of arguments." (located (obj3 (req "primitive_name" Script.prim_encoding) (req "expected_arity" arity_enc) (req "wrong_arity" arity_enc))) (function | Invalid_arity (loc, name, exp, got) -> Some (loc, (name, exp, got)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (name, exp, got)) -> Invalid_arity (loc, name, exp, got)) ; (* Missing field *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.missing_script_field" ~title:"Script is missing a field (parse error)" ~description:"When parsing script, a field was expected, but not provided" (obj1 (req "prim" prim_encoding)) (function Missing_field prim -> Some prim | _ -> None) (fun prim -> Missing_field prim) ; (* Invalid primitive *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_primitive" ~title:"Invalid primitive" ~description:"In a script or data expression, a primitive was unknown." (located (obj2 (dft "expected_primitive_names" (list prim_encoding) []) (req "wrong_primitive_name" prim_encoding))) (function | Invalid_primitive (loc, exp, got) -> Some (loc, (exp, got)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (exp, got)) -> Invalid_primitive (loc, exp, got)) ; (* Invalid kind *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_expression_kind" ~title:"Invalid expression kind" ~description: "In a script or data expression, an expression was of the wrong kind \ (for instance a string where only a primitive applications can appear)." (located (obj2 (req "expected_kinds" (list kind_enc)) (req "wrong_kind" kind_enc))) (function | Invalid_kind (loc, exp, got) -> Some (loc, (exp, got)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (exp, got)) -> Invalid_kind (loc, exp, got)) ; (* Invalid namespace *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_primitive_namespace" ~title:"Invalid primitive namespace" ~description: "In a script or data expression, a primitive was of the wrong namespace." (located (obj3 (req "primitive_name" prim_encoding) (req "expected_namespace" namespace_enc) (req "wrong_namespace" namespace_enc))) (function | Invalid_namespace (loc, name, exp, got) -> Some (loc, (name, exp, got)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (name, exp, got)) -> Invalid_namespace (loc, name, exp, got)) ; (* Duplicate field *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.duplicate_script_field" ~title:"Script has a duplicated field (parse error)" ~description:"When parsing script, a field was found more than once" (obj2 (req "loc" location_encoding) (req "prim" prim_encoding)) (function Duplicate_field (loc, prim) -> Some (loc, prim) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, prim) -> Duplicate_field (loc, prim)) ; (* Unexpected big_map *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unexpected_bigmap" ~title:"Big map in unauthorized position (type error)" ~description: "When parsing script, a big_map type was found in a position where it \ could end up stored inside a big_map, which is forbidden for now." (obj1 (req "loc" location_encoding)) (function Unexpected_big_map loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unexpected_big_map loc) ; (* Unexpected operation *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unexpected_operation" ~title:"Operation in unauthorized position (type error)" ~description: "When parsing script, an operation type was found in the storage or \ parameter field." (obj1 (req "loc" location_encoding)) (function Unexpected_operation loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unexpected_operation loc) ; (* No such entrypoint *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.no_such_entrypoint" ~title:"No such entrypoint (type error)" ~description:"An entrypoint was not found when calling a contract." (obj1 (req "entrypoint" string)) (function No_such_entrypoint entrypoint -> Some entrypoint | _ -> None) (fun entrypoint -> No_such_entrypoint entrypoint) ; (* Unreachable entrypoint *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unreachable_entrypoint" ~title:"Unreachable entrypoint (type error)" ~description:"An entrypoint in the contract is not reachable." (obj1 (req "path" (list prim_encoding))) (function Unreachable_entrypoint path -> Some path | _ -> None) (fun path -> Unreachable_entrypoint path) ; (* Duplicate entrypoint *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.duplicate_entrypoint" ~title:"Duplicate entrypoint (type error)" ~description:"Two entrypoints have the same name." (obj1 (req "path" string)) (function Duplicate_entrypoint entrypoint -> Some entrypoint | _ -> None) (fun entrypoint -> Duplicate_entrypoint entrypoint) ; (* Entrypoint name too long *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.entrypoint_name_too_long" ~title:"Entrypoint name too long (type error)" ~description: "An entrypoint name exceeds the maximum length of 31 characters." (obj1 (req "name" string)) (function | Entrypoint_name_too_long entrypoint -> Some entrypoint | _ -> None) (fun entrypoint -> Entrypoint_name_too_long entrypoint) ; (* Unexpected contract *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unexpected_contract" ~title:"Contract in unauthorized position (type error)" ~description: "When parsing script, a contract type was found in the storage or \ parameter field." (obj1 (req "loc" location_encoding)) (function Unexpected_contract loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Unexpected_contract loc) ; (* -- Value typing errors ---------------------- *) (* Unordered map keys *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unordered_map_literal" ~title:"Invalid map key order" ~description:"Map keys must be in strictly increasing order" (obj2 (req "location" Script.location_encoding) (req "item" Script.expr_encoding)) (function Unordered_map_keys (loc, expr) -> Some (loc, expr) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, expr) -> Unordered_map_keys (loc, expr)) ; (* Duplicate map keys *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.duplicate_map_keys" ~title:"Duplicate map keys" ~description:"Map literals cannot contain duplicated keys" (obj2 (req "location" Script.location_encoding) (req "item" Script.expr_encoding)) (function Duplicate_map_keys (loc, expr) -> Some (loc, expr) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, expr) -> Duplicate_map_keys (loc, expr)) ; (* Unordered set values *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unordered_set_literal" ~title:"Invalid set value order" ~description:"Set values must be in strictly increasing order" (obj2 (req "location" Script.location_encoding) (req "value" Script.expr_encoding)) (function | Unordered_set_values (loc, expr) -> Some (loc, expr) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, expr) -> Unordered_set_values (loc, expr)) ; (* Duplicate set values *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.duplicate_set_values_in_literal" ~title:"Sets literals cannot contain duplicate elements" ~description: "Set literals cannot contain duplicate elements, but a duplicae was \ found while parsing." (obj2 (req "location" Script.location_encoding) (req "value" Script.expr_encoding)) (function | Duplicate_set_values (loc, expr) -> Some (loc, expr) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, expr) -> Duplicate_set_values (loc, expr)) ; (* -- Instruction typing errors ------------- *) (* Fail not in tail position *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.fail_not_in_tail_position" ~title:"FAIL not in tail position" ~description:"There is non trivial garbage code after a FAIL instruction." (located empty) (function Fail_not_in_tail_position loc -> Some (loc, ()) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ()) -> Fail_not_in_tail_position loc) ; (* Undefined binary operation *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.undefined_binop" ~title:"Undefined binop" ~description: "A binary operation is called on operands of types over which it is not \ defined." (located (obj3 (req "operator_name" prim_encoding) (req "wrong_left_operand_type" Script.expr_encoding) (req "wrong_right_operand_type" Script.expr_encoding))) (function | Undefined_binop (loc, n, tyl, tyr) -> Some (loc, (n, tyl, tyr)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (n, tyl, tyr)) -> Undefined_binop (loc, n, tyl, tyr)) ; (* Undefined unary operation *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.undefined_unop" ~title:"Undefined unop" ~description: "A unary operation is called on an operand of type over which it is not \ defined." (located (obj2 (req "operator_name" prim_encoding) (req "wrong_operand_type" Script.expr_encoding))) (function Undefined_unop (loc, n, ty) -> Some (loc, (n, ty)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (n, ty)) -> Undefined_unop (loc, n, ty)) ; (* Bad return *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.bad_return" ~title:"Bad return" ~description:"Unexpected stack at the end of a lambda or script." (located (obj2 (req "expected_return_type" Script.expr_encoding) (req "wrong_stack_type" stack_ty_enc))) (function Bad_return (loc, sty, ty) -> Some (loc, (ty, sty)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (ty, sty)) -> Bad_return (loc, sty, ty)) ; (* Bad stack *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.bad_stack" ~title:"Bad stack" ~description:"The stack has an unexpected length or contents." (located (obj3 (req "primitive_name" prim_encoding) (req "relevant_stack_portion" int16) (req "wrong_stack_type" stack_ty_enc))) (function | Bad_stack (loc, name, s, sty) -> Some (loc, (name, s, sty)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (name, s, sty)) -> Bad_stack (loc, name, s, sty)) ; (* Inconsistent annotations *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.inconsistent_annotations" ~title:"Annotations inconsistent between branches" ~description:"The annotations on two types could not be merged" (obj2 (req "annot1" string) (req "annot2" string)) (function | Inconsistent_annotations (annot1, annot2) -> Some (annot1, annot2) | _ -> None) (fun (annot1, annot2) -> Inconsistent_annotations (annot1, annot2)) ; (* Inconsistent field annotations *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.inconsistent_field_annotations" ~title:"Annotations for field accesses is inconsistent" ~description: "The specified field does not match the field annotation in the type" (obj2 (req "annot1" string) (req "annot2" string)) (function | Inconsistent_field_annotations (annot1, annot2) -> Some (annot1, annot2) | _ -> None) (fun (annot1, annot2) -> Inconsistent_field_annotations (annot1, annot2)) ; (* Inconsistent type annotations *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.inconsistent_type_annotations" ~title:"Types contain inconsistent annotations" ~description:"The two types contain annotations that do not match" (located (obj2 (req "type1" Script.expr_encoding) (req "type2" Script.expr_encoding))) (function | Inconsistent_type_annotations (loc, ty1, ty2) -> Some (loc, (ty1, ty2)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (ty1, ty2)) -> Inconsistent_type_annotations (loc, ty1, ty2)) ; (* Unexpected annotation *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unexpected_annotation" ~title:"An annotation was encountered where no annotation is expected" ~description:"A node in the syntax tree was impropperly annotated" (located empty) (function Unexpected_annotation loc -> Some (loc, ()) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ()) -> Unexpected_annotation loc) ; (* Ungrouped annotations *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.ungrouped_annotations" ~title:"Annotations of the same kind were found spread apart" ~description:"Annotations of the same kind must be grouped" (located empty) (function Ungrouped_annotations loc -> Some (loc, ()) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ()) -> Ungrouped_annotations loc) ; (* Unmatched branches *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.unmatched_branches" ~title:"Unmatched branches" ~description: "At the join point at the end of two code branches the stacks have \ inconsistent lengths or contents." (located (obj2 (req "first_stack_type" stack_ty_enc) (req "other_stack_type" stack_ty_enc))) (function | Unmatched_branches (loc, stya, styb) -> Some (loc, (stya, styb)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (stya, styb)) -> Unmatched_branches (loc, stya, styb)) ; (* Bad stack item *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.bad_stack_item" ~title:"Bad stack item" ~description: "The type of a stack item is unexpected (this error is always \ accompanied by a more precise one)." (obj1 (req "item_level" int16)) (function Bad_stack_item n -> Some n | _ -> None) (fun n -> Bad_stack_item n) ; (* SELF in lambda *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.self_in_lambda" ~title:"SELF instruction in lambda" ~description:"A SELF instruction was encountered in a lambda expression." (located empty) (function Self_in_lambda loc -> Some (loc, ()) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ()) -> Self_in_lambda loc) ; (* Bad stack length *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.inconsistent_stack_lengths" ~title:"Inconsistent stack lengths" ~description: "A stack was of an unexpected length (this error is always in the \ context of a located error)." empty (function Bad_stack_length -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Bad_stack_length) ; (* -- Value typing errors ------------------- *) (* Invalid constant *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_constant" ~title:"Invalid constant" ~description:"A data expression was invalid for its expected type." (located (obj2 (req "expected_type" Script.expr_encoding) (req "wrong_expression" Script.expr_encoding))) (function | Invalid_constant (loc, expr, ty) -> Some (loc, (ty, expr)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (ty, expr)) -> Invalid_constant (loc, expr, ty)) ; (* Invalid syntactic constant *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"invalidSyntacticConstantError" ~title:"Invalid constant (parse error)" ~description:"A compile-time constant was invalid for its expected form." (located (obj2 (req "expectedForm" Script.expr_encoding) (req "wrongExpression" Script.expr_encoding))) (function | Invalid_constant (loc, expr, ty) -> Some (loc, (ty, expr)) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, (ty, expr)) -> Invalid_constant (loc, expr, ty)) ; (* Invalid contract *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_contract" ~title:"Invalid contract" ~description: "A script or data expression references a contract that does not exist \ or assumes a wrong type for an existing contract." (located (obj1 (req "contract" Contract.encoding))) (function Invalid_contract (loc, c) -> Some (loc, c) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, c) -> Invalid_contract (loc, c)) ; (* Invalid big_map *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_big_map" ~title:"Invalid big_map" ~description: "A script or data expression references a big_map that does not exist \ or assumes a wrong type for an existing big_map." (located (obj1 (req "big_map" z))) (function Invalid_big_map (loc, c) -> Some (loc, c) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, c) -> Invalid_big_map (loc, c)) ; (* Comparable type expected *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.comparable_type_expected" ~title:"Comparable type expected" ~description: "A non comparable type was used in a place where only comparable types \ are accepted." (located (obj1 (req "wrong_type" Script.expr_encoding))) (function | Comparable_type_expected (loc, ty) -> Some (loc, ty) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ty) -> Comparable_type_expected (loc, ty)) ; (* Inconsistent types *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.inconsistent_types" ~title:"Inconsistent types" ~description: "This is the basic type clash error, that appears in several places \ where the equality of two types have to be proven, it is always \ accompanied with another error that provides more context." (obj2 (req "first_type" Script.expr_encoding) (req "other_type" Script.expr_encoding)) (function Inconsistent_types (tya, tyb) -> Some (tya, tyb) | _ -> None) (fun (tya, tyb) -> Inconsistent_types (tya, tyb)) ; (* -- Instruction typing errors ------------------- *) (* Invalid map body *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_map_body" ~title:"Invalid map body" ~description:"The body of a map block did not match the expected type" (obj2 (req "loc" Script.location_encoding) (req "body_type" stack_ty_enc)) (function Invalid_map_body (loc, stack) -> Some (loc, stack) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, stack) -> Invalid_map_body (loc, stack)) ; (* Invalid map block FAIL *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_map_block_fail" ~title:"FAIL instruction occurred as body of map block" ~description: "FAIL cannot be the only instruction in the body. The propper type of \ the return list cannot be inferred." (obj1 (req "loc" Script.location_encoding)) (function Invalid_map_block_fail loc -> Some loc | _ -> None) (fun loc -> Invalid_map_block_fail loc) ; (* Invalid ITER body *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.invalid_iter_body" ~title:"ITER body returned wrong stack type" ~description: "The body of an ITER instruction must result in the same stack type as \ before the ITER." (obj3 (req "loc" Script.location_encoding) (req "bef_stack" stack_ty_enc) (req "aft_stack" stack_ty_enc)) (function | Invalid_iter_body (loc, bef, aft) -> Some (loc, bef, aft) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, bef, aft) -> Invalid_iter_body (loc, bef, aft)) ; (* Type too large *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.type_too_large" ~title:"Stack item type too large" ~description:"An instruction generated a type larger than the limit." (obj3 (req "loc" Script.location_encoding) (req "type_size" uint16) (req "maximum_type_size" uint16)) (function | Type_too_large (loc, ts, maxts) -> Some (loc, ts, maxts) | _ -> None) (fun (loc, ts, maxts) -> Type_too_large (loc, ts, maxts)) ; (* -- Toplevel errors ------------------- *) (* Ill typed data *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.ill_typed_data" ~title:"Ill typed data" ~description: "The toplevel error thrown when trying to typecheck a data expression \ against a given type (always followed by more precise errors)." (obj3 (opt "identifier" string) (req "expected_type" Script.expr_encoding) (req "ill_typed_expression" Script.expr_encoding)) (function | Ill_typed_data (name, expr, ty) -> Some (name, ty, expr) | _ -> None) (fun (name, ty, expr) -> Ill_typed_data (name, expr, ty)) ; (* Ill formed type *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.ill_formed_type" ~title:"Ill formed type" ~description: "The toplevel error thrown when trying to parse a type expression \ (always followed by more precise errors)." (obj3 (opt "identifier" string) (req "ill_formed_expression" Script.expr_encoding) (req "location" Script.location_encoding)) (function | Ill_formed_type (name, expr, loc) -> Some (name, expr, loc) | _ -> None) (fun (name, expr, loc) -> Ill_formed_type (name, expr, loc)) ; (* Ill typed contract *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.ill_typed_contract" ~title:"Ill typed contract" ~description: "The toplevel error thrown when trying to typecheck a contract code \ against given input, output and storage types (always followed by more \ precise errors)." (obj2 (req "ill_typed_code" Script.expr_encoding) (req "type_map" type_map_enc)) (function | Ill_typed_contract (expr, type_map) -> Some (expr, type_map) | _ -> None) (fun (expr, type_map) -> Ill_typed_contract (expr, type_map)) ; (* Cannot serialize error *) register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"michelson_v1.cannot_serialize_error" ~title:"Not enough gas to serialize error" ~description:"The error was too big to be serialized with the provided gas" Data_encoding.empty (function Cannot_serialize_error -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Cannot_serialize_error) ; (* Deprecated instruction *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson_v1.deprecated_instruction" ~title:"Script is using a deprecated instruction" ~description: "A deprecated instruction usage is disallowed in newly created contracts" (obj1 (req "prim" prim_encoding)) (function Deprecated_instruction prim -> Some prim | _ -> None) (fun prim -> Deprecated_instruction prim)