opam-version : "2.0" version : "1.0" synopsis : "A Some implementations in OCaml of the Union/Find algorithm" description : "All modules implementing Union/Find can be coerced by the same signature [Partition.S]. Note the function [alias] which is equivalent to [equiv], but not symmetric: [alias x y] means that [x] is an alias of y, which translates in the present context as [x] not being the representative of the equivalence class containing the equivalence between [x] and [y]. The function [alias] is useful when managing aliases during the static analyses of programming languages, so the representatives of the classes are always the original object." maintainer : "Christian Rinderknecht <rinderknecht@free.fr>" authors : "Christian Rinderknecht" homepage : "https://github.com/rinderknecht/UnionFind" bug-reports : "https://github.com/rinderknecht/UnionFind/issues" dev-repo : "git+https://github.com/rinderknecht/UnionFind.git" license : "MIT" depends : [ "dune" "RedBlackTrees" ] build : [ [ "sh" "-c" "printf 'let version = \"%s\"' \"$(git describe --always --dirty --abbrev=0)\" > Version.ml" ] [ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs ] ] url { src: "https://gitlab.com/rinderknecht/UnionFind/-/archive/master/UnionFind.tar.gz" }