(** Persistent implementation of the Union/Find algorithm with
    height-balanced forests and no path compression. *)

let equal compare i j = compare i j = 0

type height = int

(** Each equivalence class is implemented by a Catalan tree linked
    upwardly and otherwise is a link to another node. Those trees
    are height-balanced. The type [node] implements nodes in those
    trees. *)
type 'item node =
  Root of height
(** The value of [Root h] denotes the root of a tree, that is,
    the representative of the associated class.  The height [h]
    is that of the tree, so a tree reduced to its root alone has
    heigh 0. *)

| Link of 'item * height
(** If not a root, a node is a link to another node. Because the
    links are upward, that is, bottom-up, and we seek a purely
    functional implementation, we need to uncouple the nodes and
    the items here, so the first component of [Link] is an item,
    not a node. That is why the type [node] is not recursive,
    and called [node], not [tree]: to become a traversable tree,
    it needs to be complemented by the type [partition] below to
    associate items back to nodes. In order to follow a path
    upward in the tree until the root, we start from a link node
    giving us the next item, then find the node corresponding to
    the item thanks to [partition], and again until we arrive at
    the root.

    The height component is that of the source of the link, that
    is, [h] is the height of the node linking to the node [Link
    (j,h)], _not_ of [j], except when [equal i j]. *)

(* module ItemMap = Map.Make (Item) *)

type ('item, 'value) map = ('item, 'value) RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.t
let map_empty (compare : 'item -> 'item -> int) : ('item, 'value) map = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.create ~cmp:compare
let map_find : 'item 'value . 'item -> ('item, 'value) map -> 'value = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.find
let map_iter : 'item 'value . ('item -> 'value -> unit) -> ('item, 'value) map -> unit = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.iter
let map_add : 'item 'value . 'item -> 'value -> ('item, 'value) map -> ('item, 'value) map = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.add
let map_sorted_keys : 'item 'value . ('item, 'value) map -> 'item list = fun m -> List.map fst @@ RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.bindings m

(** The type [partition] implements a partition of classes of
    equivalent items by means of a map from items to nodes of type
    [node] in trees. *)
type 'item partition = {
    to_string : 'item -> string ;
    compare : 'item -> 'item -> int ;
    map : ('item, 'item node) map ;

type 'item t = 'item partition

let empty to_string compare = { to_string ; compare ; map = map_empty compare }

let root : 'item * height -> 'item t -> 'item t =
  fun (item, height) { to_string ; compare ; map } ->
  { to_string ; compare ; map = map_add item (Root height) map }

let link : 'item * height -> 'item -> 'item t -> 'item t
  = fun (src, height) dst { to_string ; compare ; map } ->
  { to_string ; compare ; map = map_add src (Link (dst, height)) map }

let rec seek (i: 'item) (p: 'item partition) : 'item * height =
  match map_find i p.map with
    Root hi -> i,hi
  | Link (j,_) -> seek j p

let repr i p = fst (seek i p)

let is_equiv (i: 'item) (j: 'item) (p: 'item partition) : bool =
  try equal p.compare (repr i p) (repr j p) with
    Not_found -> false

let get_or_set_h (i: 'item) (p: 'item partition) =
  try seek i p, p with
    Not_found -> let n = i,0 in (n, root n p)

let get_or_set (i: 'item) (p: 'item partition) =
  let (i, _h), p = get_or_set_h i p in (i, p)

let mem i p = try Some (repr i p) with Not_found -> None

let repr i p = try repr i p with Not_found -> i

let equiv (i: 'item) (j: 'item) (p: 'item partition) : 'item partition =
  let (ri,hi as ni), p = get_or_set_h i p in
  let (rj,hj as nj), p = get_or_set_h j p in
  if   equal p.compare ri rj
  then p
  else if   hi > hj
  then link nj ri p
  else link ni rj (if hi < hj then p else root (rj, hj+1) p)

(** The call [alias i j p] results in the same partition as [equiv
    i j p], except that [i] is not the representative of its class
    in [alias i j p] (whilst it may be in [equiv i j p]).

    This property is irrespective of the heights of the
    representatives of [i] and [j], that is, of the trees
    implementing their classes. If [i] is not a representative of
    its class before calling [alias], then the height criteria is
    applied (which, without the constraint above, would yield a
    height-balanced new tree). *)
let alias (i: 'item) (j: 'item) (p: 'item partition) : 'item partition =
  let (ri,hi as ni), p = get_or_set_h i p in
  let (rj,hj as nj), p = get_or_set_h j p in
  if   equal p.compare ri rj
  then p
  else if   hi = hj || equal p.compare ri i
  then link ni rj @@ root (rj, max hj (hi+1)) p
  else if hi < hj then link ni rj p
  else link nj ri p

(** {1 iteration over the elements} *)

let elements : 'item . 'item partition -> 'item list =
  fun { to_string=_; compare=_; map } ->
  map_sorted_keys map

let partitions : 'item . 'item partition -> 'item list list =
  let compare_lists_by_first cmp la lb =
    match la,lb with
      | [],[] -> 0
      | [],_ -> -1
      | _,[] -> 1
      | a::_, b::_ -> cmp a b in
  fun ({ to_string=_; compare; map } as p) ->
  let aux acc elt =
      (repr elt p)
      (function None -> Some [elt] | Some l -> Some (elt::l))
      acc in
  let grouped = List.fold_left
    (RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.create ~cmp:compare)
    (map_sorted_keys map) in
  let partitions = RedBlackTrees.PolyMap.bindings grouped in
  (* Sort the elements within partitions and partitions by their smallest element *)
  let partitions = List.map snd partitions in
  let partitions = List.map (List.sort compare) partitions in
  let partitions = List.sort (compare_lists_by_first compare) partitions in

let get_compare p = p.compare

(** {1 Printing} *)

let print ppf (p: 'item partition) =
  let print i node =
    let hi, hj, j =
      match node with
        Root hi -> hi,hi,i
      | Link (j,hi) ->
         match map_find j p.map with
           Root hj | Link (_,hj) -> hi,hj,j in
    let () =
      Format.fprintf ppf "%s,%d -> %s,%d\n"
        (p.to_string i) hi (p.to_string j) hj
    in ()
  in map_iter print p.map