(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module Int_set = Set.Make (Compare.Int) type t = { context : Context.t; constants : Constants_repr.parametric; first_level : Raw_level_repr.t; level : Level_repr.t; predecessor_timestamp : Time.t; timestamp : Time.t; fitness : Int64.t; deposits : Tez_repr.t Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.t; included_endorsements : int; allowed_endorsements : (Signature.Public_key.t * int list * bool) Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.t; fees : Tez_repr.t; rewards : Tez_repr.t; block_gas : Z.t; operation_gas : Gas_limit_repr.t; internal_gas : Gas_limit_repr.internal_gas; storage_space_to_pay : Z.t option; allocated_contracts : int option; origination_nonce : Contract_repr.origination_nonce option; temporary_big_map : Z.t; internal_nonce : int; internal_nonces_used : Int_set.t; } type context = t type root_context = t let current_level ctxt = ctxt.level let predecessor_timestamp ctxt = ctxt.predecessor_timestamp let current_timestamp ctxt = ctxt.timestamp let current_fitness ctxt = ctxt.fitness let first_level ctxt = ctxt.first_level let constants ctxt = ctxt.constants let recover ctxt = ctxt.context let record_endorsement ctxt k = match Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.find_opt k ctxt.allowed_endorsements with | None -> assert false | Some (_, _, true) -> assert false (* right already used *) | Some (d, s, false) -> { ctxt with included_endorsements = ctxt.included_endorsements + List.length s; allowed_endorsements = Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.add k (d, s, true) ctxt.allowed_endorsements; } let init_endorsements ctxt allowed_endorsements = if Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.is_empty allowed_endorsements then assert false (* can't initialize to empty *) else if Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.is_empty ctxt.allowed_endorsements then {ctxt with allowed_endorsements} else assert false (* can't initialize twice *) let allowed_endorsements ctxt = ctxt.allowed_endorsements let included_endorsements ctxt = ctxt.included_endorsements type error += Too_many_internal_operations (* `Permanent *) let () = let open Data_encoding in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"too_many_internal_operations" ~title:"Too many internal operations" ~description: "A transaction exceeded the hard limit of internal operations it can emit" empty (function Too_many_internal_operations -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Too_many_internal_operations) let fresh_internal_nonce ctxt = if Compare.Int.(ctxt.internal_nonce >= 65_535) then error Too_many_internal_operations else ok ( {ctxt with internal_nonce = ctxt.internal_nonce + 1}, ctxt.internal_nonce ) let reset_internal_nonce ctxt = {ctxt with internal_nonces_used = Int_set.empty; internal_nonce = 0} let record_internal_nonce ctxt k = {ctxt with internal_nonces_used = Int_set.add k ctxt.internal_nonces_used} let internal_nonce_already_recorded ctxt k = Int_set.mem k ctxt.internal_nonces_used let set_current_fitness ctxt fitness = {ctxt with fitness} let add_fees ctxt fees = Lwt.return Tez_repr.(ctxt.fees +? fees) >>=? fun fees -> return {ctxt with fees} let add_rewards ctxt rewards = Lwt.return Tez_repr.(ctxt.rewards +? rewards) >>=? fun rewards -> return {ctxt with rewards} let add_deposit ctxt delegate deposit = let previous = match Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.find_opt delegate ctxt.deposits with | Some tz -> tz | None -> Tez_repr.zero in Lwt.return Tez_repr.(previous +? deposit) >>=? fun deposit -> let deposits = Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.add delegate deposit ctxt.deposits in return {ctxt with deposits} let get_deposits ctxt = ctxt.deposits let get_rewards ctxt = ctxt.rewards let get_fees ctxt = ctxt.fees type error += Undefined_operation_nonce (* `Permanent *) let () = let open Data_encoding in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"undefined_operation_nonce" ~title:"Ill timed access to the origination nonce" ~description: "An origination was attemped out of the scope of a manager operation" empty (function Undefined_operation_nonce -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Undefined_operation_nonce) let init_origination_nonce ctxt operation_hash = let origination_nonce = Some (Contract_repr.initial_origination_nonce operation_hash) in {ctxt with origination_nonce} let origination_nonce ctxt = match ctxt.origination_nonce with | None -> error Undefined_operation_nonce | Some origination_nonce -> ok origination_nonce let increment_origination_nonce ctxt = match ctxt.origination_nonce with | None -> error Undefined_operation_nonce | Some cur_origination_nonce -> let origination_nonce = Some (Contract_repr.incr_origination_nonce cur_origination_nonce) in ok ({ctxt with origination_nonce}, cur_origination_nonce) let unset_origination_nonce ctxt = {ctxt with origination_nonce = None} type error += Gas_limit_too_high (* `Permanent *) let () = let open Data_encoding in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"gas_limit_too_high" ~title:"Gas limit out of protocol hard bounds" ~description:"A transaction tried to exceed the hard limit on gas" empty (function Gas_limit_too_high -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Gas_limit_too_high) let check_gas_limit ctxt remaining = if Compare.Z.(remaining > ctxt.constants.hard_gas_limit_per_operation) || Compare.Z.(remaining < Z.zero) then error Gas_limit_too_high else ok () let set_gas_limit ctxt remaining = { ctxt with operation_gas = Limited {remaining}; internal_gas = Gas_limit_repr.internal_gas_zero; } let set_gas_unlimited ctxt = {ctxt with operation_gas = Unaccounted} let consume_gas ctxt cost = Gas_limit_repr.consume ctxt.block_gas ctxt.operation_gas ctxt.internal_gas cost >>? fun (block_gas, operation_gas, internal_gas) -> ok {ctxt with block_gas; operation_gas; internal_gas} let check_enough_gas ctxt cost = Gas_limit_repr.check_enough ctxt.block_gas ctxt.operation_gas ctxt.internal_gas cost let gas_level ctxt = ctxt.operation_gas let block_gas_level ctxt = ctxt.block_gas let gas_consumed ~since ~until = match (gas_level since, gas_level until) with | (Limited {remaining = before}, Limited {remaining = after}) -> Z.sub before after | (_, _) -> Z.zero let init_storage_space_to_pay ctxt = match ctxt.storage_space_to_pay with | Some _ -> assert false | None -> { ctxt with storage_space_to_pay = Some Z.zero; allocated_contracts = Some 0; } let update_storage_space_to_pay ctxt n = match ctxt.storage_space_to_pay with | None -> assert false | Some storage_space_to_pay -> {ctxt with storage_space_to_pay = Some (Z.add n storage_space_to_pay)} let update_allocated_contracts_count ctxt = match ctxt.allocated_contracts with | None -> assert false | Some allocated_contracts -> {ctxt with allocated_contracts = Some (succ allocated_contracts)} let clear_storage_space_to_pay ctxt = match (ctxt.storage_space_to_pay, ctxt.allocated_contracts) with | (None, _) | (_, None) -> assert false | (Some storage_space_to_pay, Some allocated_contracts) -> ( {ctxt with storage_space_to_pay = None; allocated_contracts = None}, storage_space_to_pay, allocated_contracts ) type storage_error = | Incompatible_protocol_version of string | Missing_key of string list * [`Get | `Set | `Del | `Copy] | Existing_key of string list | Corrupted_data of string list let storage_error_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Incompatible_protocol_version" (obj1 (req "incompatible_protocol_version" string)) (function Incompatible_protocol_version arg -> Some arg | _ -> None) (fun arg -> Incompatible_protocol_version arg); case (Tag 1) ~title:"Missing_key" (obj2 (req "missing_key" (list string)) (req "function" (string_enum [("get", `Get); ("set", `Set); ("del", `Del); ("copy", `Copy)]))) (function Missing_key (key, f) -> Some (key, f) | _ -> None) (fun (key, f) -> Missing_key (key, f)); case (Tag 2) ~title:"Existing_key" (obj1 (req "existing_key" (list string))) (function Existing_key key -> Some key | _ -> None) (fun key -> Existing_key key); case (Tag 3) ~title:"Corrupted_data" (obj1 (req "corrupted_data" (list string))) (function Corrupted_data key -> Some key | _ -> None) (fun key -> Corrupted_data key) ] let pp_storage_error ppf = function | Incompatible_protocol_version version -> Format.fprintf ppf "Found a context with an unexpected version '%s'." version | Missing_key (key, `Get) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Missing key '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) | Missing_key (key, `Set) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot set undefined key '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) | Missing_key (key, `Del) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot delete undefined key '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) | Missing_key (key, `Copy) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot copy undefined key '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) | Existing_key key -> Format.fprintf ppf "Cannot initialize defined key '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) | Corrupted_data key -> Format.fprintf ppf "Failed to parse the data at '%s'." (String.concat "/" key) type error += Storage_error of storage_error let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"context.storage_error" ~title:"Storage error (fatal internal error)" ~description: "An error that should never happen unless something has been deleted or \ corrupted in the database." ~pp:(fun ppf err -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>Storage error:@ %a@]" pp_storage_error err) storage_error_encoding (function Storage_error err -> Some err | _ -> None) (fun err -> Storage_error err) let storage_error err = fail (Storage_error err) (* Initialization *********************************************************) (* This key should always be populated for every version of the protocol. It's absence meaning that the context is empty. *) let version_key = ["version"] let version_value = "carthage_006" let version = "v1" let first_level_key = [version; "first_level"] let constants_key = [version; "constants"] let protocol_param_key = ["protocol_parameters"] let get_first_level ctxt = Context.get ctxt first_level_key >>= function | None -> storage_error (Missing_key (first_level_key, `Get)) | Some bytes -> ( match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Raw_level_repr.encoding bytes with | None -> storage_error (Corrupted_data first_level_key) | Some level -> return level ) let set_first_level ctxt level = let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Raw_level_repr.encoding level in Context.set ctxt first_level_key bytes >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt type error += Failed_to_parse_parameter of MBytes.t type error += Failed_to_decode_parameter of Data_encoding.json * string let () = register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"context.failed_to_parse_parameter" ~title:"Failed to parse parameter" ~description:"The protocol parameters are not valid JSON." ~pp:(fun ppf bytes -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>Cannot parse the protocol parameter:@ %s@]" (MBytes.to_string bytes)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "contents" bytes)) (function Failed_to_parse_parameter data -> Some data | _ -> None) (fun data -> Failed_to_parse_parameter data) ; register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"context.failed_to_decode_parameter" ~title:"Failed to decode parameter" ~description:"Unexpected JSON object." ~pp:(fun ppf (json, msg) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>Cannot decode the protocol parameter:@ %s@ %a@]" msg Data_encoding.Json.pp json) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "contents" json) (req "error" string)) (function | Failed_to_decode_parameter (json, msg) -> Some (json, msg) | _ -> None) (fun (json, msg) -> Failed_to_decode_parameter (json, msg)) let get_proto_param ctxt = Context.get ctxt protocol_param_key >>= function | None -> failwith "Missing protocol parameters." | Some bytes -> ( match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Data_encoding.json bytes with | None -> fail (Failed_to_parse_parameter bytes) | Some json -> ( Context.del ctxt protocol_param_key >>= fun ctxt -> match Data_encoding.Json.destruct Parameters_repr.encoding json with | exception (Data_encoding.Json.Cannot_destruct _ as exn) -> Format.kasprintf failwith "Invalid protocol_parameters: %a %a" (fun ppf -> Data_encoding.Json.print_error ppf) exn Data_encoding.Json.pp json | param -> return (param, ctxt) ) ) let set_constants ctxt constants = let bytes = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn Constants_repr.parametric_encoding constants in Context.set ctxt constants_key bytes let get_constants ctxt = Context.get ctxt constants_key >>= function | None -> failwith "Internal error: cannot read constants in context." | Some bytes -> ( match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Constants_repr.parametric_encoding bytes with | None -> failwith "Internal error: cannot parse constants in context." | Some constants -> return constants ) (* only for migration from 005 to 006 *) let get_005_constants ctxt = Context.get ctxt constants_key >>= function | None -> failwith "Internal error: cannot read 005 constants in context." | Some bytes -> ( match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Constants_repr.Proto_005.parametric_encoding bytes with | None -> failwith "Internal error: cannot parse 005 constants in context." | Some constants -> return constants ) let patch_constants ctxt f = let constants = f ctxt.constants in set_constants ctxt.context constants >>= fun context -> Lwt.return {ctxt with context; constants} let check_inited ctxt = Context.get ctxt version_key >>= function | None -> failwith "Internal error: un-initialized context." | Some bytes -> let s = MBytes.to_string bytes in if Compare.String.(s = version_value) then return_unit else storage_error (Incompatible_protocol_version s) let prepare ~level ~predecessor_timestamp ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt = Lwt.return (Raw_level_repr.of_int32 level) >>=? fun level -> Lwt.return (Fitness_repr.to_int64 fitness) >>=? fun fitness -> check_inited ctxt >>=? fun () -> get_constants ctxt >>=? fun constants -> get_first_level ctxt >>=? fun first_level -> let level = Level_repr.from_raw ~first_level ~blocks_per_cycle:constants.Constants_repr.blocks_per_cycle ~blocks_per_voting_period: constants.Constants_repr.blocks_per_voting_period ~blocks_per_commitment:constants.Constants_repr.blocks_per_commitment level in return { context = ctxt; constants; level; predecessor_timestamp; timestamp; fitness; first_level; allowed_endorsements = Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.empty; included_endorsements = 0; fees = Tez_repr.zero; rewards = Tez_repr.zero; deposits = Signature.Public_key_hash.Map.empty; operation_gas = Unaccounted; internal_gas = Gas_limit_repr.internal_gas_zero; storage_space_to_pay = None; allocated_contracts = None; block_gas = constants.Constants_repr.hard_gas_limit_per_block; origination_nonce = None; temporary_big_map = Z.sub Z.zero Z.one; internal_nonce = 0; internal_nonces_used = Int_set.empty; } type previous_protocol = Genesis of Parameters_repr.t | Babylon_005 let check_and_update_protocol_version ctxt = Context.get ctxt version_key >>= (function | None -> failwith "Internal error: un-initialized context in check_first_block." | Some bytes -> let s = MBytes.to_string bytes in if Compare.String.(s = version_value) then failwith "Internal error: previously initialized context." else if Compare.String.(s = "genesis") then get_proto_param ctxt >>=? fun (param, ctxt) -> return (Genesis param, ctxt) else if Compare.String.(s = "babylon_005") then return (Babylon_005, ctxt) else storage_error (Incompatible_protocol_version s)) >>=? fun (previous_proto, ctxt) -> Context.set ctxt version_key (MBytes.of_string version_value) >>= fun ctxt -> return (previous_proto, ctxt) let prepare_first_block ~level ~timestamp ~fitness ctxt = check_and_update_protocol_version ctxt >>=? fun (previous_proto, ctxt) -> ( match previous_proto with | Genesis param -> Lwt.return (Raw_level_repr.of_int32 level) >>=? fun first_level -> set_first_level ctxt first_level >>=? fun ctxt -> set_constants ctxt param.constants >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt | Babylon_005 -> get_005_constants ctxt >>=? fun c -> let constants = Constants_repr. { preserved_cycles = c.preserved_cycles; blocks_per_cycle = c.blocks_per_cycle; blocks_per_commitment = c.blocks_per_commitment; blocks_per_roll_snapshot = c.blocks_per_roll_snapshot; blocks_per_voting_period = c.blocks_per_voting_period; time_between_blocks = c.time_between_blocks; endorsers_per_block = c.endorsers_per_block; hard_gas_limit_per_operation = Z.of_int 1_040_000; hard_gas_limit_per_block = Z.of_int 10_400_000; proof_of_work_threshold = c.proof_of_work_threshold; tokens_per_roll = c.tokens_per_roll; michelson_maximum_type_size = c.michelson_maximum_type_size; seed_nonce_revelation_tip = c.seed_nonce_revelation_tip; origination_size = c.origination_size; block_security_deposit = c.block_security_deposit; endorsement_security_deposit = c.endorsement_security_deposit; baking_reward_per_endorsement = Tez_repr.[of_mutez_exn 1_250_000L; of_mutez_exn 187_500L]; endorsement_reward = Tez_repr.[of_mutez_exn 1_250_000L; of_mutez_exn 833_333L]; cost_per_byte = c.cost_per_byte; hard_storage_limit_per_operation = c.hard_storage_limit_per_operation; test_chain_duration = c.test_chain_duration; quorum_min = c.quorum_min; quorum_max = c.quorum_max; min_proposal_quorum = c.min_proposal_quorum; initial_endorsers = c.initial_endorsers; delay_per_missing_endorsement = c.delay_per_missing_endorsement; } in set_constants ctxt constants >>= fun ctxt -> return ctxt ) >>=? fun ctxt -> prepare ctxt ~level ~predecessor_timestamp:timestamp ~timestamp ~fitness >>=? fun ctxt -> return (previous_proto, ctxt) let activate ({context = c; _} as s) h = Updater.activate c h >>= fun c -> Lwt.return {s with context = c} let fork_test_chain ({context = c; _} as s) protocol expiration = Updater.fork_test_chain c ~protocol ~expiration >>= fun c -> Lwt.return {s with context = c} (* Generic context ********************************************************) type key = string list type value = MBytes.t module type T = sig type t type context = t val mem : context -> key -> bool Lwt.t val dir_mem : context -> key -> bool Lwt.t val get : context -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t val get_option : context -> key -> value option Lwt.t val init : context -> key -> value -> context tzresult Lwt.t val set : context -> key -> value -> context tzresult Lwt.t val init_set : context -> key -> value -> context Lwt.t val set_option : context -> key -> value option -> context Lwt.t val delete : context -> key -> context tzresult Lwt.t val remove : context -> key -> context Lwt.t val remove_rec : context -> key -> context Lwt.t val copy : context -> from:key -> to_:key -> context tzresult Lwt.t val fold : context -> key -> init:'a -> f:([`Key of key | `Dir of key] -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t val keys : context -> key -> key list Lwt.t val fold_keys : context -> key -> init:'a -> f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t val project : context -> root_context val absolute_key : context -> key -> key val consume_gas : context -> Gas_limit_repr.cost -> context tzresult val check_enough_gas : context -> Gas_limit_repr.cost -> unit tzresult val description : context Storage_description.t end let mem ctxt k = Context.mem ctxt.context k let dir_mem ctxt k = Context.dir_mem ctxt.context k let get ctxt k = Context.get ctxt.context k >>= function | None -> storage_error (Missing_key (k, `Get)) | Some v -> return v let get_option ctxt k = Context.get ctxt.context k (* Verify that the k is present before modifying *) let set ctxt k v = Context.mem ctxt.context k >>= function | false -> storage_error (Missing_key (k, `Set)) | true -> Context.set ctxt.context k v >>= fun context -> return {ctxt with context} (* Verify that the k is not present before inserting *) let init ctxt k v = Context.mem ctxt.context k >>= function | true -> storage_error (Existing_key k) | false -> Context.set ctxt.context k v >>= fun context -> return {ctxt with context} (* Does not verify that the key is present or not *) let init_set ctxt k v = Context.set ctxt.context k v >>= fun context -> Lwt.return {ctxt with context} (* Verify that the key is present before deleting *) let delete ctxt k = Context.mem ctxt.context k >>= function | false -> storage_error (Missing_key (k, `Del)) | true -> Context.del ctxt.context k >>= fun context -> return {ctxt with context} (* Do not verify before deleting *) let remove ctxt k = Context.del ctxt.context k >>= fun context -> Lwt.return {ctxt with context} let set_option ctxt k = function | None -> remove ctxt k | Some v -> init_set ctxt k v let remove_rec ctxt k = Context.remove_rec ctxt.context k >>= fun context -> Lwt.return {ctxt with context} let copy ctxt ~from ~to_ = Context.copy ctxt.context ~from ~to_ >>= function | None -> storage_error (Missing_key (from, `Copy)) | Some context -> return {ctxt with context} let fold ctxt k ~init ~f = Context.fold ctxt.context k ~init ~f let keys ctxt k = Context.keys ctxt.context k let fold_keys ctxt k ~init ~f = Context.fold_keys ctxt.context k ~init ~f let project x = x let absolute_key _ k = k let description = Storage_description.create () let fresh_temporary_big_map ctxt = ( {ctxt with temporary_big_map = Z.sub ctxt.temporary_big_map Z.one}, ctxt.temporary_big_map ) let reset_temporary_big_map ctxt = {ctxt with temporary_big_map = Z.sub Z.zero Z.one} let temporary_big_maps ctxt f acc = let rec iter acc id = if Z.equal id ctxt.temporary_big_map then Lwt.return acc else f acc id >>= fun acc -> iter acc (Z.sub id Z.one) in iter acc (Z.sub Z.zero Z.one)