(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) let tez_sym = "\xEA\x9C\xA9" let tez_of_string s = match Tez.of_string s with | None -> invalid_arg "tez_of_string" | Some t -> t let fee = ref (tez_of_string "0.05") let fee_arg = "-fee", Arg.String (fun s -> try fee := tez_of_string s with _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "invalid \xEA\x9C\xA9 notation in parameter -fee")), "The fee in \xEA\x9C\xA9 to pay to the miner.\n\ default: \'0.05\"\n\ text format: D,DDD,DDD.DD (centiles are optional, comas are optional)" let init = ref "Unit" let init_arg = "-init", Arg.Set_string init, "The initial value of the contract's storage.\n\ default: unit" let arg = ref None let arg_arg = "-arg", Arg.String (fun a -> arg := Some a), "The argument passed to the contract's script, if needed.\n\ default: no argument" let delegate = ref None let delegate_arg = "-delegate", Arg.String (fun s -> delegate := Some s), "Set the delegate of the contract.\n\ Must be a known identity." let source = ref None let source_arg = "-source", Arg.String (fun s -> source := Some s), "Set the source of the bonds to be paid.\n\ Must be a known identity." let spendable = ref true let spendable_args = [ "-spendable", Arg.Set spendable, "Set the created contract to be spendable (default)" ; "-non-spendable", Arg.Clear spendable, "Set the created contract to be non spendable" ] let force = ref false let force_arg = "-force", Arg.Set force, "Force the injection of branch-invalid operation or force \ \ the injection of bleck without a fitness greater than the \ \ current head." let delegatable = ref false let delegatable_args = [ "-delegatable", Arg.Set delegatable, "Set the created contract to be delegatable" ; "-non-delegatable", Arg.Clear delegatable, "Set the created contract to be non delegatable (default)" ] let tez_param ~name ~desc next = Cli_entries.param name (desc ^ " in \xEA\x9C\xA9\n\ text format: D,DDD,DDD.DD (centiles and comas are optional)") (fun _ s -> try return (tez_of_string s) with _ -> failwith "invalid \xEA\x9C\xA9 notation") next let max_priority = ref None let max_priority_arg = "-max-priority", Arg.String (fun s -> try max_priority := Some (int_of_string s) with _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "invalid priority in -max-priority")), "Set the max_priority used when looking for mining slot." let endorsement_delay = ref 15 let endorsement_delay_arg = "-endorsement-delay", Arg.String (fun s -> try endorsement_delay := int_of_string s with _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "invalid priority in -endorsement-delay")), "Set the delay used before to endorse the current block." module Daemon = struct let all = ref true let arg r = Arg.Unit (fun () -> all := false; r := true) let mining = ref false let mining_arg = "-mining", arg mining, "Run the mining daemon" let endorsement = ref false let endorsement_arg = "-endorsement", arg endorsement, "Run the endorsement daemon" let denunciation = ref false let denunciation_arg = "-denunciation", arg denunciation, "Run the denunciation daemon" end