(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Rresult type t = { dir : Lmdb.t ; parent : (Lmdb.rw Lmdb.txn * Lmdb.db * Lmdb.rw Lmdb.cursor) Lwt.key ; } type key = string list type value = MBytes.t type error += Unknown of string list let () = Error_monad.register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"raw_store.unknown" ~title:"Missing key in store" ~description:"Missing key in store" ~pp:(fun ppf keys -> Format.fprintf ppf "Missing key in store: %s" (String.concat "/" keys)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "key" (list string))) (function Unknown keys -> Some keys | _ -> None) (fun keys -> Unknown keys) let concat = String.concat "/" let split = String.split_on_char '/' let lwt_fail_error err = Lwt.fail_with (Lmdb.string_of_error err) let of_result = function | Ok res -> Lwt.return res | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err let (>>=?) v f = match v with | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err | Ok v -> f v let init ?mapsize path = if not (Sys.file_exists path) then Unix.mkdir path 0o755 ; match Lmdb.opendir ?mapsize ~flags:[NoTLS] path 0o644 with | Ok dir -> return { dir ; parent = Lwt.new_key () } | Error err -> failwith "%a" Lmdb.pp_error err let close { dir } = Lmdb.closedir dir let known { dir ; parent } key = begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.mem txn db (concat key) | None -> Lmdb.with_ro_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.mem txn db (concat key) end end |> of_result let read_opt { dir ; parent } key = begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy | None -> Lmdb.with_ro_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy end end |> function | Ok v -> Lwt.return_some v | Error KeyNotFound -> Lwt.return_none | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err let read { dir ; parent } key = begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy | None -> Lmdb.with_ro_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy end end |> function | Ok v -> return v | Error _err -> fail (Unknown key) let read_exn { dir ; parent } key = begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy | None -> Lmdb.with_ro_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.get txn db (concat key) >>| MBytes.copy end end |> of_result let store { dir ; parent } k v = begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.put txn db (concat k) v | None -> Lmdb.with_rw_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.put txn db (concat k) v end end |> of_result let remove { dir ; parent } k = let remove txn db = match Lmdb.del txn db (concat k) with | Ok () -> Ok () | Error KeyNotFound -> Ok () | Error err -> Error err in begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> remove txn db | None -> Lmdb.with_rw_db dir ~f:remove end |> of_result let is_prefix s s' = String.(length s <= length s' && compare s (sub s' 0 (length s)) = 0) let known_dir { dir ; parent } k = let k = concat k in let cursor_fun cursor = Lmdb.cursor_at cursor k >>= fun () -> Lmdb.cursor_get cursor >>| fun (first_k, _v) -> (is_prefix k (MBytes.to_string first_k)) in begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.with_cursor txn db ~f:cursor_fun | None -> Lmdb.with_ro_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.with_cursor txn db ~f:cursor_fun end end |> of_result let remove_dir { dir ; parent } k = let k = concat k in let cursor_fun cursor = Lmdb.cursor_at cursor k >>= fun () -> Lmdb.cursor_iter cursor ~f:begin fun (kk, _v) -> let kk_string = MBytes.to_string kk in if is_prefix k kk_string then begin Lmdb.cursor_del cursor end else Error KeyNotFound end in begin match Lwt.get parent with | Some (txn, db, _cursor) -> Lmdb.with_cursor txn db ~f:cursor_fun | None -> Lmdb.with_rw_db dir ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.with_cursor txn db ~f:cursor_fun end end |> function | Error KeyNotFound | Ok () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err let list_equal l1 l2 len = if len < 0 || len > List.length l1 || len > List.length l2 then invalid_arg "list_compare: invalid len" ; let rec inner l1 l2 len = match len, l1, l2 with | 0, _, _ -> true | _, [], _ | _, _, [] -> false | _, h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 -> if h1 <> h2 then false else inner t1 t2 (pred len) in inner l1 l2 len let is_child ~parent ~child = let plen = List.length parent in let clen = List.length child in clen > plen && list_equal parent child plen let list_sub l pos len = if len < 0 || pos < 0 || pos + len > List.length l then invalid_arg "list_sub" ; let rec inner (acc, n) = function | [] -> List.rev acc | h :: t -> if n = 0 then List.rev acc else inner (h :: acc, pred n) t in inner ([], len) l let with_rw_cursor_lwt ?sync ?metasync ?flags ?name { dir ; parent } ~f = let local_parent = match Lwt.get parent with | None -> None | Some (txn, _db, _cursor) -> Some txn in Lmdb.create_rw_txn ?sync ?metasync ?parent:local_parent dir >>=? fun txn -> Lmdb.opendb ?flags ?name txn >>=? fun db -> Lmdb.opencursor txn db >>=? fun cursor -> Lwt.with_value parent (Some (txn, db, cursor)) begin fun () -> Lwt.try_bind (fun () -> f cursor) begin fun res -> Lmdb.cursor_close cursor ; Lmdb.commit_txn txn >>=? fun () -> Lwt.return res end begin fun exn -> Lmdb.cursor_close cursor ; Lmdb.abort_txn txn ; Lwt.fail exn end end let cursor_next_lwt cursor acc f = match Lmdb.cursor_next cursor with | Error KeyNotFound -> acc | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err | Ok () -> Lwt.bind acc f let fold t k ~init ~f = let base_len = List.length k in let rec inner ht cursor acc = Lmdb.cursor_get cursor >>=? fun (kk, _v) -> let kk = MBytes.to_string kk in let kk_split = split kk in match is_child ~child:kk_split ~parent:k with | false -> Lwt.return acc | true -> let cur_len = List.length kk_split in if cur_len = succ base_len then begin cursor_next_lwt cursor (f (`Key kk_split) acc) (inner ht cursor) end else begin let dir = list_sub kk_split 0 (succ base_len) in if Hashtbl.mem ht dir then cursor_next_lwt cursor (Lwt.return acc) (inner ht cursor) else begin Hashtbl.add ht dir () ; cursor_next_lwt cursor (f (`Dir dir) acc) (inner ht cursor) end end in with_rw_cursor_lwt t ~f:begin fun cursor -> match Lmdb.cursor_at cursor (concat k) with | Error KeyNotFound -> Lwt.return init | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err | Ok () -> let ht = Hashtbl.create 31 in inner ht cursor init end let fold_keys t k ~init ~f = with_rw_cursor_lwt t ~f:begin fun cursor -> match Lmdb.cursor_at cursor (concat k) with | Error KeyNotFound -> Lwt.return init | Error err -> lwt_fail_error err | Ok () -> let rec inner acc = Lmdb.cursor_get cursor >>=? fun (kk, _v) -> let kk = MBytes.to_string kk in let kk_split = split kk in match is_child ~child:kk_split ~parent:k with | false -> Lwt.return acc | true -> cursor_next_lwt cursor (f kk_split acc) inner in inner init end let keys t = fold_keys t ~init:[] ~f:(fun k acc -> Lwt.return (k :: acc))