(*                                                                        *)
(*    Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017.                                          *)
(*    Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com>                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*    All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided.   *)
(*                                                                        *)

(** Tezos Shell - High-level API for the Gossip network and local storage. *)

type t
type db = t

module Message = Distributed_db_message
module Metadata = Distributed_db_metadata

type p2p = (Message.t, Metadata.t) P2p.net

val create: State.t -> p2p -> t
val state: db -> State.t
val shutdown: t -> unit Lwt.t

(** {1 Network database} *)

(** An instance of the distributed DB for a given network (mainnet,
    current testnet, ...) *)
type net_db

(** Activate a given network. The node will notify its neighbours that
    it now handles the given network and that it expects notification
    for new head or new operations. *)
val activate: t -> State.Net.t -> net_db

(** Look for the database of an active network. *)
val get_net: t -> Net_id.t -> net_db option

(** Deactivate a given network. The node will notify its neighbours
    that it does not care anymore about this network. *)
val deactivate: net_db -> unit Lwt.t

type callback = {
  notify_branch: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_locator.t -> unit ;
  notify_head: P2p.Peer_id.t -> Block_header.t -> Mempool.t -> unit ;
  disconnection: P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit ;

(** Register all the possible callback from the distributed DB to the
    validator. *)
val set_callback: net_db -> callback -> unit

(** Kick a given peer. *)
val disconnect: net_db -> P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit Lwt.t

(** Various accessors. *)
val net_state: net_db -> State.Net.t
val db: net_db -> db

(** {1 Sending messages} *)

module Request : sig

  (** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
      network, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current branch
      ?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
  val current_branch: net_db -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit -> unit

  (** Send to a given peer, or to all known active peers for the
      given network, a friendly request "Hey, what's your current
      branch ?". The expected answer is a `Block_locator.t.`. *)
  val current_head: net_db -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t -> unit -> unit


module Advertise : sig

  (** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
      network, of a new head and possibly of new operations. *)
  val current_head:
    net_db -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t ->
    ?mempool:Mempool.t -> State.Block.t -> unit

  (** Notify a given peer, or all known active peers for the
      network, of a new head and its sparse history. *)
  val current_branch:
    net_db -> ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t ->
    State.Block.t -> unit Lwt.t


(** {1 Indexes} *)

(** Generic interface for a "distributed" index.

    By "distributed", it means that this interface abstract the p2p
    gossip layer and it is able to fetch missing data from known
    peers in a "synchronous" interface.

module type DISTRIBUTED_DB = sig

  type t

  type key
  (** The index key *)

  type value
  (** The indexed data *)

  (** Is the value known locally? *)
  val known: t -> key -> bool Lwt.t

  type error += Missing_data of key

  (** Return the value if it is known locally, otherwise fail with
      the error [Missing_data]. *)
  val read: t -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Return the value if it is known locally, otherwise fail with
      the value [None]. *)
  val read_opt: t -> key -> value option Lwt.t

  (** Return the value if it is known locally, otherwise fail with
      the exception [Not_found]. *)
  val read_exn: t -> key -> value Lwt.t

  type param (** An extra parameter for the network lookup, usually
                 used for prevalidating data. *)

  type error += Timeout of key

  (** Return the value if it is known locally, or block until the data
      is received from the network. By default, the data will be
      requested to all the active peers in the network; if the [peer]
      argument is provided, the data will only be requested to the
      provided peer. By default, the resulting promise will block
      forever if the data is never received. If [timeout] is provided
      the promise will be resolved with the error [Timeout] after the
      provided amount of seconds.

      A internal scheduler is able to re-send the request with an
      exponential back-off until the data is received. If the function
      is called multiple time with the same key but with disctinct
      peers, the internal scheduler randomly chooses the requested
      peer (at each retry). *)
  val fetch:
    t ->
    ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t ->
    ?timeout:float ->
    key -> param -> value tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Same as `fetch` but the call is non-blocking: the data will be
      stored in the local index when received. *)
  val prefetch:
    t ->
    ?peer:P2p.Peer_id.t ->
    ?timeout:float ->
    key -> param -> unit

  type error += Canceled of key

  (** Remove the data from the local index or cancel all pending
      request. Any pending [fetch] promises are resolved with the
      error [Canceled]. *)
  val clear_or_cancel: t -> key -> unit

  (** Monitor all the fetched data. A given data will appear only
      once. *)
  val watch: t -> (key * value) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper


(** {2 Block index} *)

(** Index of block headers. *)
module Block_header : sig
  type t = Block_header.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
  include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := net_db
                          and type key := Block_hash.t
                          and type value := Block_header.t
                          and type param := unit

(** Lookup for block header in any active networks *)
val read_block_header:
  db -> Block_hash.t -> (Net_id.t * Block_header.t) option Lwt.t

(** Index of all the operations of a given block (per validation pass). *)
module Operations :
  DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := net_db
                  and type key = Block_hash.t * int
                  and type value = Operation.t list
                  and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t

(** Index of all the hashes of operations of a given block (per
    validation pass). *)
module Operation_hashes :
  DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := net_db
                  and type key = Block_hash.t * int
                  and type value = Operation_hash.t list
                  and type param := Operation_list_list_hash.t

(** Store on disk all the data associated to a valid block. *)
val commit_block:
  net_db ->
  Block_hash.t ->
  Block_header.t -> Operation.t list list ->
  Updater.validation_result ->
  State.Block.t option tzresult Lwt.t

(** Store on disk all the data associated to an invalid block. *)
val commit_invalid_block:
  net_db ->
  Block_hash.t -> Block_header.t -> Error_monad.error list ->
  bool tzresult Lwt.t

(** Monitor all the fetched block headers (for all activate networks). *)
val watch_block_header:
  t -> (Block_hash.t * Block_header.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper

(** {2 Operations index} *)

(** Index of operations (for the mempool). *)
module Operation : sig
  type t = Operation.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
  include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := net_db
                          and type key := Operation_hash.t
                          and type value := Operation.t
                          and type param := unit

(** Inject a new operation in the local index (memory only). *)
val inject_operation:
  net_db -> Operation_hash.t -> Operation.t -> bool tzresult Lwt.t

(** Monitor all the fetched operations (for all activate networks). *)
val watch_operation:
  t -> (Operation_hash.t * Operation.t) Lwt_stream.t * Lwt_watcher.stopper

(** {2 Protocol index} *)

(** Index of protocol sources. *)
module Protocol : sig
  type t = Protocol.t (* avoid shadowing. *)
  include DISTRIBUTED_DB with type t := db
                          and type key := Protocol_hash.t
                          and type value := Protocol.t
                          and type param := unit

(** Store on disk protocol sources. *)
val commit_protocol:
  db -> Protocol_hash.t -> Protocol.t -> bool tzresult Lwt.t


module Raw : sig
  val encoding: Message.t P2p.Raw.t Data_encoding.t
  val supported_versions: P2p_types.Version.t list