open Cli_expect let contract basename = "../../test/contracts/" ^ basename let bad_contract basename = "../../test/contracts/negative/" ^ basename let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| 1700 bytes |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "multisig.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| 995 bytes |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "multisig-v2.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| 2512 bytes |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "measure-contract" ; contract "vote.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| 582 bytes |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "compile-parameter" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "Buy_single (record card_to_buy = 1n end)" ] ; [%expect {| (Left (Left 1)) |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "compile-storage" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "record cards = (map end : cards) ; card_patterns = (map end : card_patterns) ; next_id = 3n ; end" ] ; [%expect {| (Pair (Pair {} {}) 3) |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-storage" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "Buy_single (record card_to_buy = 1n end)" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: different kinds: {"a":"record[card_patterns -> (type_operator: Map (nat,record[coefficient -> mutez , quantity -> nat])) ,\n cards -> (type_operator: Map (nat,record[card_owner -> address , card_pattern -> nat])) ,\n next_id -> nat]","b":"sum[Buy_single -> record[card_to_buy -> nat] ,\n Sell_single -> record[card_to_sell -> nat] ,\n Transfer_single -> record[card_to_transfer -> nat ,\n destination -> address]]"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-parameter" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ; "record cards = (map end : cards) ; card_patterns = (map end : card_patterns) ; next_id = 3n ; end" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: different kinds: {"a":"sum[Buy_single -> record[card_to_buy -> nat] ,\n Sell_single -> record[card_to_sell -> nat] ,\n Transfer_single -> record[card_to_transfer -> nat ,\n destination -> address]]","b":"record[card_patterns -> (type_operator: Map (nat,record[coefficient -> mutez , quantity -> nat])) ,\n cards -> (type_operator: Map (nat,record[card_owner -> address , card_pattern -> nat])) ,\n next_id -> nat]"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; () let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-storage" ; contract "timestamp.ligo" ; "main" ; "now" ; "--predecessor-timestamp" ; "2042-01-01T00:00:00Z" ] ; [%expect {| "2042-01-01T00:00:01Z" |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "coase.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter (or (or (nat %buy_single) (nat %sell_single)) (pair %transfer_single (nat %card_to_transfer) (address %destination))) ; storage (pair (pair (map %card_patterns nat (pair (mutez %coefficient) (nat %quantity))) (map %cards nat (pair (address %card_owner) (nat %card_pattern)))) (nat %next_id)) ; code { DUP ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { DUP ; IF_LEFT { DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DUP ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "buy_single: No card pattern." ; FAILWITH } { DUP ; DIP { DROP } } ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; ADD ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; MUL ; AMOUNT ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; COMPARE ; GT ; IF { PUSH string "Not enough money" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CDR ; ADD ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 8 ; DUP ; DUG 9 ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; SENDER ; PAIR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DUP ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; ADD ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DUP ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 12 } } { DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "sell_single: No card." ; FAILWITH } { DUP ; DIP { DROP } } ; SENDER ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; COMPARE ; NEQ ; IF { PUSH string "This card doesn't belong to you" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "sell_single: No card pattern." ; FAILWITH } { DUP ; DIP { DROP } } ; DUP ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; SUB ; ABS ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; CDR ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; NONE (pair (address %card_owner) (nat %card_pattern)) ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; MUL ; SENDER ; CONTRACT unit ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "sell_single: No contract." ; FAILWITH } { DUP ; DIP { DROP } } ; DUP ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; UNIT ; TRANSFER_TOKENS ; NIL operation ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CONS ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 14 } } ; DIP { DROP } } { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DUP ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "transfer_single: No card." ; FAILWITH } { DUP ; DIP { DROP } } ; SENDER ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; COMPARE ; NEQ ; IF { PUSH string "This card doesn't belong to you" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; CDR ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; CAR ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 7 } } ; DIP { DROP 2 } } } |} ] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "multisig.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter (pair (pair (nat %counter) (lambda %message unit (list operation))) (list %signatures (pair key_hash signature))) ; storage (pair (pair (list %auth key) (nat %counter)) (pair (string %id) (nat %threshold))) ; code { DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; CAR ; COMPARE ; NEQ ; IF { PUSH string "Counters does not match" ; FAILWITH } { CHAIN_ID ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; PAIR ; PAIR ; PACK ; PUSH nat 0 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CDR ; ITER { SWAP ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CAR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; PAIR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; IF_CONS { DUP ; HASH_KEY ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CAR ; COMPARE ; EQ ; IF { DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CDR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CHECK_SIGNATURE ; IF { PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; ADD ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { PUSH string "Invalid signature" ; FAILWITH } ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 } ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 3 } } { DUP } ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; CAR ; DIP { DROP 6 } } ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; COMPARE ; LT ; IF { PUSH string "Not enough signatures passed the check" ; FAILWITH } { DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CAR ; CDR ; ADD ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 4 } } ; DUP ; UNIT ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; SWAP ; EXEC ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 5 } } } |} ] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "multisig-v2.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter (or (or (unit %default) (lambda %send bytes (list operation))) (lambda %withdraw bytes (list operation))) ; storage (pair (pair (pair (set %authorized_addresses address) (nat %max_message_size)) (pair (nat %max_proposal) (map %message_store bytes (set address)))) (pair (pair (map %proposal_counters address nat) (bytes %state_hash)) (nat %threshold))) ; code { DUP ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { DUP ; IF_LEFT { DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } { DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CDR ; DUP ; CAR ; CAR ; CAR ; SENDER ; MEM ; NOT ; IF { PUSH string "Unauthorized address" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CAR ; DUP ; PACK ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SIZE ; COMPARE ; GT ; IF { PUSH string "Message size exceed maximum limit" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; EMPTY_SET address ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; GET ; IF_NONE { DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 9 ; DUP ; DUG 10 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; SENDER ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "MAP FIND" ; FAILWITH } {} ; ADD ; SOME ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; EMPTY_SET address ; PUSH bool True ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { DUP ; SENDER ; MEM ; IF { DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 } { DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; DIG 8 ; DUP ; DUG 9 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 10 ; DUP ; DUG 11 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; SENDER ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "MAP FIND" ; FAILWITH } {} ; ADD ; SOME ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 8 ; DUP ; DUG 9 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PUSH bool True ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 3 } } ; DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; SENDER ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "MAP FIND" ; FAILWITH } {} ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CDR ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; COMPARE ; GT ; IF { PUSH string "Maximum number of proposal reached" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH unit Unit } ; NIL operation ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; SIZE ; COMPARE ; GE ; IF { DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 12 ; DUP ; DUG 13 ; NONE (set address) ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DUP ; CDR ; CAR ; CDR ; DIG 13 ; DUP ; DUG 14 ; SWAP ; EXEC ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 13 ; DUP ; DUG 14 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CDR ; CAR ; CDR ; CONCAT ; SHA256 ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DUP ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; ITER { SWAP ; PAIR ; DUP ; CAR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; CAR ; DIG 11 ; DUP ; DUG 12 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; MEM ; IF { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CDR ; CDR ; SUB ; ABS ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 } ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; CAR ; DIP { DROP 4 } } ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; SWAP ; CDR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 4 } } { DUP ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 8 ; DUP ; DUG 9 ; DIG 14 ; DUP ; DUG 15 ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; CAR ; PAIR } ; DUP ; DIP { DROP 17 } } ; DIP { DROP } } { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; PACK ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; GET ; IF_NONE { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 } { DUP ; PUSH bool False ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DUP ; SIZE ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; SIZE ; COMPARE ; NEQ ; IF { DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 6 ; DUP ; DUG 7 ; CDR ; CAR ; CAR ; SENDER ; GET ; IF_NONE { PUSH string "MAP FIND" ; FAILWITH } {} ; SUB ; ABS ; SOME ; SENDER ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 } ; PUSH nat 0 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; SIZE ; COMPARE ; EQ ; IF { DUP ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; NONE (set address) ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } { DUP ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CAR ; CDR ; CDR ; DIG 4 ; DUP ; DUG 5 ; DIG 7 ; DUP ; DUG 8 ; SWAP ; SOME ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; DIP { DROP } ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 5 } } ; DUP ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 5 } } ; DIP { DROP 2 } } } |} ] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "vote.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter (or (pair %reset (pair (timestamp %finish_time) (timestamp %start_time)) (string %title)) (or %vote (unit %nay) (unit %yea))) ; storage (pair (pair (pair (timestamp %finish_time) (nat %nay)) (pair (timestamp %start_time) (string %title))) (pair (set %voters address) (nat %yea))) ; code { DUP ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { PUSH nat 0 ; EMPTY_SET address ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CAR ; CDR ; PAIR ; PUSH nat 0 ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; CAR ; PAIR ; PAIR ; PAIR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } { DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; PAIR ; DUP ; CDR ; NOW ; SENDER ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; CAR ; IF_LEFT { DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CAR ; CAR ; CDR ; ADD ; DIP { DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; DUP ; CDR ; SWAP ; CAR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; PAIR ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } { DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; PUSH nat 1 ; DIG 5 ; DUP ; DUG 6 ; CDR ; CDR ; ADD ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CAR } ; SWAP ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } ; DUP ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; CAR ; DIG 3 ; DUP ; DUG 4 ; PUSH bool True ; SWAP ; UPDATE ; DIP { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; CDR } ; PAIR ; SWAP ; PAIR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 6 } } ; DIP { DROP } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "implicit.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter key_hash ; storage unit ; code { DUP ; CAR ; IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT ; UNIT ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "amount_lambda.mligo" ; "main" ] ; (* AMOUNT should occur inside the second lambda, but not the first lambda *) [%expect {| { parameter bool ; storage (lambda unit mutez) ; code { DUP ; CAR ; IF { AMOUNT ; DUP ; LAMBDA (pair mutez unit) mutez { DUP ; CAR ; SWAP ; CDR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; DIP { DROP 2 } } ; SWAP ; APPLY ; DIP { DROP } } { LAMBDA unit mutez { DROP ; AMOUNT } } ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "print-ast-typed" ; contract "sequence.mligo" ; ]; [%expect {| const y = lambda (_) return let x = +1 in let _ = let x = +2 in UNIT() in let _ = let x = +23 in UNIT() in let _ = let x = +42 in UNIT() in x |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; contract "bad_type_operator.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: bad type operator (TO_Map (unit,unit)): If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; contract "bad_address_format.religo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "bad_address_format.religo", line 2, characters 26-48. Badly formatted literal: @"KT1badaddr" {"location":"in file \"bad_address_format.religo\", line 2, characters 26-48"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; contract "bad_timestamp.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "bad_timestamp.ligo", line 7, characters 30-44. Badly formatted timestamp "badtimestamp": {"location":"in file \"bad_timestamp.ligo\", line 7, characters 30-44"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "dry-run" ; contract "redeclaration.ligo" ; "main" ; "unit" ; "0" ] ; [%expect {|( LIST_EMPTY() , 0 ) |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "dry-run" ; contract "double_main.ligo" ; "main" ; "unit" ; "0" ] ; [%expect {|( LIST_EMPTY() , 2 ) |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "subtle_nontail_fail.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter unit ; storage unit ; code { PUSH bool True ; IF { PUSH string "This contract always fails" ; FAILWITH } { PUSH string "This contract still always fails" ; FAILWITH } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = (* TODO should not be bad? *) run_ligo_good [ "dry-run" ; contract "subtle_nontail_fail.mligo" ; "main" ; "()" ; "()" ] ; [%expect {| failwith("This contract always fails") |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "self_in_lambda.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: Wrong SELF_ADDRESS location: SELF_ADDRESS is only allowed at top-level If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-storage" ; contract "big_map.ligo" ; "main" ; "(big_map1,unit)" ] ; [%expect {| (Pair { Elt 23 0 ; Elt 42 0 } Unit) |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "key_hash_comparable.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter int ; storage (pair (map %one key_hash nat) (big_map %two key_hash bool)) ; code { DUP ; CDR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "long_sum_type_names.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: Too long constructor 'Incrementttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt': names length is limited to 32 (tezos limitation) If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "dry-run" ; contract "super-counter.mligo" ; "main" ; "test_param" ; "test_storage" ] ; [%expect {| ( LIST_EMPTY() , 3 ) |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "redundant_constructors.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: redundant constructor: {"constructor":"Add","environment":"- E[]\tT[union_a -> sum[Add -> int , Remove -> int]]\n- E[]\tT[bool -> sum[false -> unit , true -> unit]]]"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "create_contract_toplevel.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "create_contract_toplevel.mligo", line 4, character 35 to line 8, character 8. No free variable allowed in this lambda: variable 'store' {"expression":"CREATE_CONTRACT(lambda (#P:Some(( nat * string ))) : None return\n let rhs#2 = #P in\n let p = rhs#2.0 in\n let s = rhs#2.1 in\n ( LIST_EMPTY() : (type_operator: list(operation)) , store ) ,\n NONE() : (type_operator: option(key_hash)) ,\n 300000000mutez ,\n \"un\")","location":"in file \"create_contract_toplevel.mligo\", line 4, character 35 to line 8, character 8"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "create_contract_var.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "create_contract_var.mligo", line 6, character 35 to line 10, character 5. No free variable allowed in this lambda: variable 'a' {"expression":"CREATE_CONTRACT(lambda (#P:Some(( nat * int ))) : None return\n let rhs#2 = #P in\n let p = rhs#2.0 in\n let s = rhs#2.1 in\n ( LIST_EMPTY() : (type_operator: list(operation)) , a ) ,\n NONE() : (type_operator: option(key_hash)) ,\n 300000000mutez ,\n 1)","location":"in file \"create_contract_var.mligo\", line 6, character 35 to line 10, character 5"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "create_contract_no_inline.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "create_contract_no_inline.mligo", line 3, characters 40-46. unbound type variable: {"variable":"return","location":"in file \"create_contract_no_inline.mligo\", line 3, characters 40-46","in":"- E[foo -> int]\tT[] - E[]\tT[bool -> sum[false -> unit , true -> unit]]]","did_you_mean":"no suggestion"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "create_contract.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter string ; storage string ; code { PUSH string "un" ; PUSH mutez 300000000 ; NONE key_hash ; CREATE_CONTRACT { parameter nat ; storage string ; code { PUSH string "one" ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } } ; PAIR ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; NIL operation ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CAR ; CONS ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}]; run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "tuples_no_annotation.religo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter int ; storage (pair (pair int string) (pair nat bool)) ; code { PUSH bool False ; PUSH nat 2 ; PAIR ; PUSH string "2" ; PUSH int 2 ; PAIR ; PAIR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "self_type_annotation.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "self_type_annotation.ligo", line 8, characters 41-64. bad self type: expected (type_operator: Contract (int)) but got (type_operator: Contract (nat)) {"location":"in file \"self_type_annotation.ligo\", line 8, characters 41-64"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "self_type_annotation.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter nat ; storage int ; code { SELF %default ; DIG 1 ; DUP ; DUG 2 ; CDR ; NIL operation ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 2 } } } |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_contract.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 0-0. badly typed contract: unexpected entrypoint type {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 0-0","entrypoint":"main","entrypoint_type":"( nat * int ) -> int"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_contract2.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 0-0. bad return type: expected (type_operator: list(operation)), got string {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 0-0","entrypoint":"main"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "bad_contract3.mligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "", line 0, characters 0-0. badly typed contract: expected {int} and {string} to be the same in the entrypoint type {"location":"in file \"\", line 0, characters 0-0","entrypoint":"main","entrypoint_type":"( nat * int ) -> ( (type_operator: list(operation)) * string )"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}] let%expect_test _ = run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "self_with_entrypoint.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter (or (unit %default) (int %toto)) ; storage nat ; code { SELF %toto ; DUP ; PUSH mutez 300000000 ; PUSH int 2 ; TRANSFER_TOKENS ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; NIL operation ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CONS ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 3 } } } |}] ; run_ligo_good [ "compile-contract" ; contract "self_without_entrypoint.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| { parameter int ; storage nat ; code { SELF %default ; DUP ; PUSH mutez 300000000 ; PUSH int 2 ; TRANSFER_TOKENS ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CDR ; NIL operation ; DIG 2 ; DUP ; DUG 3 ; CONS ; PAIR ; DIP { DROP 3 } } } |}] ; run_ligo_bad [ "compile-contract" ; bad_contract "self_bad_entrypoint_format.ligo" ; "main" ] ; [%expect {| ligo: in file "self_bad_entrypoint_format.ligo", line 8, characters 52-58. bad entrypoint format: entrypoint "Toto" is badly formatted. We expect "%bar" for entrypoint Bar and "%default" when no entrypoint used {"location":"in file \"self_bad_entrypoint_format.ligo\", line 8, characters 52-58"} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]; run_ligo_bad ["compile-contract"; bad_contract "nested_bigmap_1.religo"; "main"]; [%expect {| ligo: It looks like you have nested a big map inside another big map. This is not supported. : {} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]; run_ligo_bad ["compile-contract"; bad_contract "nested_bigmap_2.religo"; "main"]; [%expect {| ligo: It looks like you have nested a big map inside another big map. This is not supported. : {} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]; run_ligo_bad ["compile-contract"; bad_contract "nested_bigmap_3.religo"; "main"]; [%expect {| ligo: It looks like you have nested a big map inside another big map. This is not supported. : {} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]; run_ligo_bad ["compile-contract"; bad_contract "nested_bigmap_4.religo"; "main"]; [%expect {| ligo: It looks like you have nested a big map inside another big map. This is not supported. : {} If you're not sure how to fix this error, you can do one of the following: * Visit our documentation: * Ask a question on our Discord: * Open a gitlab issue: * Check the changelog by running 'ligo changelog' |}]