(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Tezos_micheline open Micheline open Micheline_printer let anon = { comment = None } let print_expr ppf expr = expr |> Michelson_v1_primitives.strings_of_prims |> Micheline.inject_locations (fun _ -> anon) |> print_expr ppf let print_expr_unwrapped ppf expr = expr |> Michelson_v1_primitives.strings_of_prims |> Micheline.inject_locations (fun _ -> anon) |> print_expr_unwrapped ppf let print_stack ppf = function | [] -> Format.fprintf ppf "[]" | more -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[[ %a ]@]" (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ : ") print_expr_unwrapped) more let inject_types type_map parsed = let rec inject_expr = function | Seq (loc, items) -> Seq (inject_loc `before loc, List.map inject_expr items) | Prim (loc, name, items, annot) -> Prim (inject_loc `after loc, name, List.map inject_expr items, annot) | Int (loc, value) -> Int (inject_loc `after loc, value) | String (loc, value) -> String (inject_loc `after loc, value) and inject_loc which loc = try let stack = let locs = List.assoc loc parsed.Michelson_v1_parser.expansion_table |> snd |> List.sort compare in let (bef, aft) = List.assoc (List.hd locs) type_map in match which with | `before -> bef | `after -> aft in { comment = Some (Format.asprintf "%a" print_stack stack) } with Not_found -> { comment = None } in inject_expr (root parsed.unexpanded) let unparse ?type_map parse expanded = let source = match type_map with | Some type_map -> let unexpanded, unexpansion_table = expanded |> Michelson_v1_primitives.strings_of_prims |> root |> Michelson_v1_macros.unexpand_rec |> Micheline.extract_locations in let rec inject_expr = function | Seq (loc, items) -> Seq (inject_loc `before loc, List.map inject_expr items) | Prim (loc, name, items, annot) -> Prim (inject_loc `after loc, name, List.map inject_expr items, annot) | Int (loc, value) -> Int (inject_loc `after loc, value) | String (loc, value) -> String (inject_loc `after loc, value) and inject_loc which loc = try let stack = let (bef, aft) = List.assoc (List.assoc loc unexpansion_table) type_map in match which with | `before -> bef | `after -> aft in { comment = Some (Format.asprintf "%a" print_stack stack) } with Not_found -> { comment = None } in unexpanded |> root |> inject_expr |> Format.asprintf "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr | None -> expanded |> Michelson_v1_primitives.strings_of_prims |> root |> Michelson_v1_macros.unexpand_rec |> Micheline.strip_locations |> Micheline_printer.printable (fun n -> n) |> Format.asprintf "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr in match parse source with | res, [] -> res | _, _ :: _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Michelson_v1_printer.unparse" let unparse_toplevel ?type_map = unparse ?type_map Michelson_v1_parser.parse_toplevel let unparse_expression = unparse Michelson_v1_parser.parse_expression let unparse_invalid expanded = let source = expanded |> root |> Michelson_v1_macros.unexpand_rec |> Micheline.strip_locations |> Micheline_printer.printable (fun n -> n) |> Format.asprintf "%a" Micheline_printer.print_expr_unwrapped in fst (Michelson_v1_parser.parse_toplevel source)