
Tezos is a distributed consensus platform with meta-consensus
capability. Tezos not only comes to consensus about the state of its ledger,
like Bitcoin or Ethereum. It also attempts to come to consensus about how the
protocol and the nodes should adapt and upgrade.

 - Developer documentation is available online at http://doc.tzalpha.net
 - The page https://www.tezos.com/ contains more information about the
   project, even though it is frozen in time due to external reasons
 - All development now happens on Gitlab at https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos

The Tezos Alpha (test) network has been live and open since February 2017.

 - More information on joining the Alphanet at http://doc.tzalpha.net/introduction/alphanet.html
 - Several community built block explorers are available:
   - https://ostez.com
   - https://tzscan.io
   - https://tezos.id
   - https://tezoschain.io
 - A few community run websites collect useful Tezos links:
   - https://tezos.help
   - https://tezos.rocks
 - There is a matrix channel *Tezos* that you can join via https://riot.im/app/#/room/#tezos:matrix.org
 - There is a *#tezos* channel on *freenode* that is reserved for technical discussions
 - There is also a community FAQ at https://github.com/tezoscommunity/faq

The source code of Tezos is currently under exclusive copyright of
Dynamic Ledger Solutions, and will be open sourced under the MIT
license when the main network lunches.