(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_embedded_proto_alpha open Tezos_context module Helpers = Proto_alpha_helpers module Assert = Helpers.Assert let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; b3 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) = Helpers.Mining.mine blkid b1 [] >>=? fun blkh -> let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in let bar = Helpers.Account.create "bar" in (* Send from a sender with no balance (never seen). *) (* TODO: Is it OK to get Storage_error and not something more specific? *) Helpers.Account.transfer ~account:foo ~destination:b1.contract ~amount:1000_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Send 1000 tz to "foo". *) Helpers.Account.transfer ~account:b1 ~destination:foo.contract ~amount:1000_00L () >>=? fun (_oph, contracts) -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 1000_00L >>=? fun () -> (* Check that a basic transfer originates no contracts. *) Assert.equal_int ~msg:__LOC__ 0 (List.length contracts) ; (* Check sender/receiver balance post transaction *) Helpers.Account.transfer ~account:foo ~destination:bar.contract ~amount:50_00L () >>=? fun _contracts -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ foo 949_95L >>=? fun () -> Assert.balance_equal ~msg:__LOC__ bar 50_00L >>=? fun () -> (* Check balance too low. *) Helpers.Account.transfer ~account:bar ~destination:foo.contract ~amount:1000_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.balance_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Check non-spendability of a non-spendable contract *) (* TODO: Unspecified economic error: should be more specific. *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:foo ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:false ~balance:50_00L () >>=? fun (_oph, non_spendable) -> Format.printf "Created non-spendable contract %a@." Contract.pp non_spendable ; let account = { foo with contract = non_spendable } in Helpers.Account.transfer ~account ~destination:bar.contract ~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.non_spendable ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Check spendability of a spendable contract *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:foo ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:50_00L () >>=? fun (_oph, spendable) -> Format.printf "Created contract %a@." Contract.pp spendable ; let account = { foo with contract = spendable } in Helpers.Account.transfer ~account ~destination:foo.contract ~amount:10_00L () >>=? fun _contracts -> (* Try spending a default account with unmatching pk/sk pairs. *) let account = { b1 with sk = b2.sk } in Helpers.Account.transfer ~account ~destination:b2.contract ~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.generic_economic_error ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Try spending a default account with keys not matching the contract pkh. *) let account = { b1 with contract = b2.contract } in Helpers.Account.transfer ~account ~destination:b3.contract ~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Try spending an originated contract without the manager's key. *) let account = { b1 with contract = spendable } in Helpers.Account.transfer ~account ~destination:b2.contract ~amount:10_00L () >>= fun result -> Assert.inconsistent_pkh ~msg:__LOC__ result ; return blkh let main () = Helpers.init () >>=? fun (_node_pid, hash) -> run (`Hash hash) Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts >>=? fun _blkh -> return () let tests = [ "main", (fun _ -> main ()) ; ] let () = Test.run "transactions." tests