.ONESHELL: all: test # Use install-deps instead of 'install' because usually 'make install' adds a # binary to the system path and we don't want to confuse users install-deps: # Install ligo/tezos specific system-level dependencies sudo scripts/install_native_dependencies.sh scripts/install_build_environment.sh # TODO: or scripts/install_opam.sh ? build-deps: export PATH="/usr/local/bin$${PATH:+:}$${PATH:-}" # Create opam dev switch locally for use with Ligo, add merlin/etc if [ -n "`opam switch show | grep -P ".+/ligo"`" ]; then :; else scripts/setup_switch.sh; fi scripts/setup_repos.sh eval $$(opam config env) # Install OCaml build dependencies for Ligo scripts/install_vendors_deps.sh build: build-deps export PATH="/usr/local/bin$${PATH:+:}$${PATH:-}" eval $$(opam config env) # Build Ligo for local dev use scripts/build_ligo_local.sh test: build export PATH="/usr/local/bin$${PATH:+:}$${PATH:-}" eval $$(opam config env) scripts/test_ligo.sh clean: dune clean rm -fr _coverage_all _coverage_cli _coverage_ligo coverage: clean BISECT_ENABLE=yes dune runtest --force bisect-ppx-report html -o ./_coverage_all --title="LIGO overall test coverage" bisect-ppx-report summary --per-file coverage-ligo: clean BISECT_ENABLE=yes dune runtest src/test --force bisect-ppx-report html -o ./_coverage_ligo --title="LIGO test coverage" bisect-ppx-report summary --per-file coverage-cli: clean BISECT_ENABLE=yes dune runtest src/bin/expect_tests bisect-ppx-report html -o ./_coverage_cli --title="CLI test coverage" bisect-ppx-report summary --per-file # PRE="CLI coverage: " # bisect-ppx-report summary --per-file | grep 'src/bin/cli.ml\|src/bin/cli_helpers.ml' | awk -v ORS=" " '{print $1}' | awk -v PRE=${PRE} -v POST="%" '{print PRE ($1 + $2 / NF) POST}'