(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context type t = { predecessor: Block.t ; state: M.validation_state ; rev_operations: Operation.t list ; header: Block_header.t ; delegate: Account.t ; } type incremental = t let predecessor { predecessor ; _ } = predecessor let level st = st.header.shell.level let rpc_context st = let result = Alpha_context.finalize st.state.ctxt in { Alpha_environment.Updater.block_hash = Block_hash.zero ; block_header = { st.header.shell with fitness = result.fitness } ; context = result.context ; } let rpc_ctxt = new Alpha_environment.proto_rpc_context_of_directory rpc_context Proto_alpha.rpc_services let begin_construction ?(priority=0) ?timestamp (predecessor : Block.t) = Block.get_next_baker ~policy:(Block.By_priority priority) predecessor >>=? fun (delegate, priority, real_timestamp) -> Account.find delegate >>=? fun delegate -> let timestamp = Option.unopt ~default:real_timestamp timestamp in let contents = Block.Forge.contents ~priority () in let protocol_data = { Block_header.contents ; signature = Signature.zero ; } in let header = { Block_header.shell = { predecessor = predecessor.hash ; proto_level = predecessor.header.shell.proto_level ; validation_passes = predecessor.header.shell.validation_passes ; fitness = predecessor.header.shell.fitness ; timestamp ; (* TODO : CHECK THAT OUT -- incoherent level *) level = predecessor.header.shell.level ; context = Context_hash.zero ; operations_hash = Operation_list_list_hash.zero ; } ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature = Signature.zero ; } ; } in M.begin_construction ~predecessor_context: predecessor.context ~predecessor_timestamp: predecessor.header.shell.timestamp ~predecessor_fitness: predecessor.header.shell.fitness ~predecessor_level: predecessor.header.shell.level ~predecessor:predecessor.hash ~timestamp ~protocol_data () >>=? fun state -> return { predecessor ; state ; rev_operations = [] ; header ; delegate ; } let add_operation st op = M.apply_operation st.state op >>=? fun (state, _result) -> return { st with state ; rev_operations = op :: st.rev_operations } let finalize_block st = M.finalize_block st.state >>=? fun (result, _) -> let operations = List.rev st.rev_operations in let operations_hash = Operation_list_list_hash.compute [ Operation_list_hash.compute (List.map Operation.hash operations) ] in let header = { st.header with shell = { st.header.shell with operations_hash ; fitness = result.fitness ; } } in let hash = Block_header.hash header in return { Block.hash ; header ; operations ; context = result.context ; }