(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module Ed25519 = Environment.Ed25519 module Public_key_hash = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t let encoding = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.of_b58check s) let to_source _ p = Lwt.return (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check p) let name = "public key hash" end) module Public_key = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.public_key let encoding = Ed25519.public_key_encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.to_public_key (Bytes.of_string B64.(decode ~alphabet:uri_safe_alphabet s))) let to_source _ p = Lwt.return B64.(encode ~alphabet:uri_safe_alphabet (Bytes.to_string (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.of_public_key p))) let name = "public key" end) module Secret_key = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.secret_key let encoding = Ed25519.secret_key_encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.to_secret_key (Bytes.of_string B64.(decode ~alphabet:uri_safe_alphabet s))) let to_source _ p = Lwt.return B64.(encode ~alphabet:uri_safe_alphabet (Bytes.to_string (Sodium.Sign.Bytes.of_secret_key p))) let name = "secret key" end) let gen_keys cctxt name = let secret_key, public_key = Sodium.Sign.random_keypair () in Secret_key.add cctxt name secret_key >>= fun () -> Public_key.add cctxt name public_key >>= fun () -> Public_key_hash.add cctxt name (Ed25519.hash public_key) >>= fun () -> cctxt.message "I generated a brand new pair of keys under the name '%s'." name let check_keys_consistency pk sk = let message = MBytes.of_string "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir ?" in let signature = Ed25519.sign sk message in Ed25519.check_signature pk signature message let get_key cctxt pkh = Public_key_hash.rev_find cctxt pkh >>= function | None -> cctxt.error "no keys for the source contract manager" | Some n -> Public_key.find cctxt n >>= fun pk -> Secret_key.find cctxt n >>= fun sk -> return (n, pk, sk) let group = { Cli_entries.name = "keys" ; title = "Commands for managing cryptographic keys" } let commands () = let open Cli_entries in [ command ~group ~desc: "generate a pair of keys" (prefixes [ "gen" ; "keys" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ stop) (fun name cctxt -> gen_keys cctxt name) ; command ~group ~desc: "add a secret key to the wallet" (prefixes [ "add" ; "secret" ; "key" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ Secret_key.source_param @@ stop) (fun name sk cctxt -> Lwt.catch (fun () -> Public_key.find cctxt name >>= fun pk -> if check_keys_consistency pk sk || Client_config.force#get then Secret_key.add cctxt name sk else cctxt.error "public and secret keys '%s' don't correspond, \ please don't use -force true" name) (function | Not_found -> cctxt.error "no public key named '%s', add it before adding the secret key" name | exn -> Lwt.fail exn)) ; command ~group ~desc: "add a public key to the wallet" (prefixes [ "add" ; "public" ; "key" ] @@ Public_key.fresh_alias_param @@ Public_key.source_param @@ stop) (fun name key cctxt -> Public_key_hash.add cctxt name (Ed25519.hash key) >>= fun () -> Public_key.add cctxt name key) ; command ~group ~desc: "add an ID a public key hash to the wallet" (prefixes [ "add" ; "identity" ] @@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param @@ Public_key_hash.source_param @@ stop) (fun name hash cctxt -> Public_key_hash.add cctxt name hash) ; command ~group ~desc: "list all public key hashes and associated keys" (fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "identities" ]) (fun cctxt -> Public_key_hash.load cctxt >>= fun l -> Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (name, pkh) -> Public_key.mem cctxt name >>= fun pkm -> Secret_key.mem cctxt name >>= fun pks -> Public_key_hash.to_source cctxt pkh >>= fun v -> cctxt.message "%s: %s%s%s" name v (if pkm then " (public key known)" else "") (if pks then " (secret key known)" else "")) l) ; command ~group ~desc: "forget all keys" (fixed [ "forget" ; "all" ; "keys" ]) (fun cctxt -> if not Client_config.force#get then cctxt.Client_commands.error "this can only used with option -force true" else Public_key.save cctxt [] >>= fun () -> Secret_key.save cctxt [] >>= fun () -> Public_key_hash.save cctxt []) ; ]