(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (***************** Prevalidation errors ***********************************) type error += Parse_error type error += Too_many_operations type error += Oversized_operation of { size: int ; max: int } type error += Future_block_header of Block_hash.t let () = (* Parse error *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.prevalidation.parse_error" ~title:"Parsing error in prevalidation" ~description:"Raised when an operation has not been parsed correctly during prevalidation." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Operation parsing error in prevalidation.") Data_encoding.empty (function Parse_error -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Parse_error) ; (* Too many operations *) register_error_kind `Temporary ~id:"node.prevalidation.too_many_operations" ~title:"Too many pending operations in prevalidation" ~description:"The prevalidation context is full." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Too many operations in prevalidation context.") Data_encoding.empty (function Too_many_operations -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Too_many_operations) ; (* Oversized operation *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.prevalidation.oversized_operation" ~title:"Oversized operation" ~description:"The operation size is bigger than allowed." ~pp:(fun ppf (size, max) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Oversized operation (size: %d, max: %d)" size max) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "size" int31) (req "max_size" int31)) (function Oversized_operation { size ; max } -> Some (size, max) | _ -> None) (fun (size, max) -> Oversized_operation { size ; max }) (************************* State errors ***********************************) type error += Unknown_chain of Chain_id.t type error += Bad_data_dir type error += Block_not_invalid of Block_hash.t let () = (* Unknown network *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.state.unknown_chain" ~title:"Unknown chain" ~description:"The chain identifier could not be found in \ the chain identifiers table." ~pp:(fun ppf id -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unknown chain %a" Chain_id.pp id) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "chain" Chain_id.encoding)) (function Unknown_chain x -> Some x | _ -> None) (fun x -> Unknown_chain x) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.state.bad_data_dir" ~title:"Bad data directory" ~description:"The data directory could not be read. \ This could be because it was generated with an \ old version of the tezos-node program. \ Deleting and regenerating this directory \ may fix the problem." ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Bad data directory.") Data_encoding.empty (function Bad_data_dir -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Bad_data_dir) ; (* Block not invalid *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.state.block_not_invalid" ~title:"Block not invalid" ~description:"The invalid block to be unmarked was not actually invalid." ~pp:(fun ppf block -> Format.fprintf ppf "Block %a was expected to be invalid, but was not actually invalid." Block_hash.pp block) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "block" Block_hash.encoding)) (function Block_not_invalid block -> Some block | _ -> None) (fun block -> Block_not_invalid block) (* Block database error *) type error += Inconsistent_hash of Context_hash.t * Context_hash.t let () = (* Inconsistent hash *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.state.block.inconsistent_context_hash" ~title:"Inconsistent commit hash" ~description: "When commiting the context of a block, the announced context \ hash was not the one computed at commit time." ~pp: (fun ppf (got, exp) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[Inconsistant hash:@ got: %a@ expected: %a" Context_hash.pp got Context_hash.pp exp) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "wrong_context_hash" Context_hash.encoding) (req "expected_context_hash" Context_hash.encoding)) (function Inconsistent_hash (got, exp) -> Some (got, exp) | _ -> None) (fun (got, exp) -> Inconsistent_hash (got, exp)) (******************* Bootstrap pipeline errors ****************************) type error += Invalid_locator of P2p_peer.Id.t * Block_locator.t let () = (* Invalid locator *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.bootstrap_pipeline.invalid_locator" ~title:"Invalid block locator" ~description:"Block locator is invalid." ~pp: (fun ppf (id, locator) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Invalid block locator on peer %a:\n%a" P2p_peer.Id.pp id Block_locator.pp locator) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "id" P2p_peer.Id.encoding) (req "locator" Block_locator.encoding)) (function | Invalid_locator (id, loc) -> Some (id, loc) | _ -> None) (fun (id, loc) -> Invalid_locator (id, loc)) (******************* Protocol validator errors ****************************) type protocol_error = | Compilation_failed | Dynlinking_failed type error += Invalid_protocol of { hash: Protocol_hash.t ; error: protocol_error } let protocol_error_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union [ case (Tag 0) ~title:"Compilation failed" (obj1 (req "error" (constant "compilation_failed"))) (function Compilation_failed -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Compilation_failed) ; case (Tag 1) ~title:"Dynlinking failed" (obj1 (req "error" (constant "dynlinking_failed"))) (function Dynlinking_failed -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Dynlinking_failed) ; ] let pp_protocol_error ppf = function | Compilation_failed -> Format.fprintf ppf "compilation error" | Dynlinking_failed -> Format.fprintf ppf "dynlinking error" let () = (* Invalid protocol *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"node.protocol_validator.invalid_protocol" ~title:"Invalid protocol" ~description:"Invalid protocol." ~pp:begin fun ppf (protocol, error) -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[Invalid protocol %a@ %a@]" Protocol_hash.pp_short protocol pp_protocol_error error end Data_encoding.(merge_objs (obj1 (req "invalid_protocol" Protocol_hash.encoding)) protocol_error_encoding) (function Invalid_protocol { hash ; error } -> Some (hash, error) | _ -> None) (fun (hash, error) -> Invalid_protocol { hash ; error }) (********************* Peer validator errors ******************************) type error += | Unknown_ancestor | Known_invalid let () = (* Unknown ancestor *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "node.peer_validator.unknown_ancestor" ~title: "Unknown ancestor" ~description: "Unknown ancestor block found in the peer's chain" ~pp: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unknown ancestor") Data_encoding.empty (function Unknown_ancestor -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Unknown_ancestor) ; (* Known invalid *) register_error_kind `Permanent ~id: "node.peer_validator.known_invalid" ~title: "Known invalid" ~description: "Known invalid block found in the peer's chain" ~pp: (fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "Known invalid") Data_encoding.empty (function Known_invalid -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Known_invalid) (************************ Validator errors ********************************) type error += Inactive_chain of Chain_id.t type error += Checkpoint_error of Block_hash.t * P2p_peer.Id.t option let () = (* Inactive network *) register_error_kind `Branch ~id: "node.validator.inactive_chain" ~title: "Inactive chain" ~description: "Attempted validation of a block from an inactive chain." ~pp: (fun ppf chain -> Format.fprintf ppf "Tried to validate a block from chain %a, \ that is not currently considered active." Chain_id.pp chain) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "inactive_chain" Chain_id.encoding)) (function Inactive_chain chain -> Some chain | _ -> None) (fun chain -> Inactive_chain chain) ; register_error_kind `Branch ~id:"node.validator.checkpoint_error" ~title: "Block incompatble with the current checkpoint." ~description: "The block belongs to a branch that is not compatible \ with the current checkpoint." ~pp: (fun ppf (block, peer) -> match peer with | None -> Format.fprintf ppf "The block %a is incompatible with the current checkpoint." Block_hash.pp_short block | Some peer -> Format.fprintf ppf "The peer %a send us a block which is a sibling \ of the configured checkpoint (%a)." P2p_peer.Id.pp peer Block_hash.pp_short block) Data_encoding.(obj2 (req "block" Block_hash.encoding) (opt "peer" P2p_peer.Id.encoding)) (function Checkpoint_error (block, peer) -> Some (block, peer) | _ -> None) (fun (block, peer) -> Checkpoint_error (block, peer))