(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) module PeerRing = Ring.MakeTable(struct include P2p_peer.Id end) module PatriciaTree(V:HashPtree.Value) = struct module Size = struct let size = 128 end module Bits = HashPtree.Bits(Size) module M = HashPtree.Make_BE_sized(V)(Size) type t = M.t let empty = M.empty (* take into consideration the fact that the int64 * returned by Ipaddr.V6.to_int64 is signed *) let z_of_bytes i = let i = Z.of_int64 i in Z.(if i < zero then i + of_int 2 ** 64 else i) let z_of_ipv6 ip = let hi_x, lo_x = Ipaddr.V6.to_int64 ip in let hi = z_of_bytes hi_x in let lo = z_of_bytes lo_x in Z.((hi lsl 64) + lo) let key_of_ipv6 ip = Bits.of_z (z_of_ipv6 ip) let z_mask_of_ipv6_prefix p = let ip = Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.network p in let len = Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.bits p in z_of_ipv6 ip, Z.(lsl) Z.one (128 - len) let key_mask_of_ipv6_prefix p = let z, m = z_mask_of_ipv6_prefix p in Bits.of_z z, Bits.of_z m let z_to_ipv6 z = (* assumes z is a 128 bit value *) let hi_z = Z.(z asr 64) in let hi = if Z.(hi_z >= of_int 2 ** 63) then (* If overflows int64, then returns the bit equivalent representation (which is negative) *) Int64.add 0x8000000000000000L ((Z.(to_int64 (hi_z - (of_int 2 ** 63))))) else Z.(to_int64 hi_z) in let lo = Z.(to_int64 (z mod (pow ~$2 64))) in Ipaddr.V6.of_int64 (hi, lo) let remove key t = M.remove (key_of_ipv6 key) t let remove_prefix prefix t = let key, mask = key_mask_of_ipv6_prefix prefix in M.remove_prefix key mask t let add_prefix prefix value t = let key, mask = key_mask_of_ipv6_prefix prefix in M.add (fun _ v -> v) ~key ~value ~mask t let add key value t = let key = key_of_ipv6 key in M.add (fun _ v -> v) ~key ~value t let mem key t = M.mem (key_of_ipv6 key) t let key_mask_to_prefix key mask = let len = if Bits.(equal mask zero) then 0 else 128 - (Z.trailing_zeros (Bits.to_z mask)) in Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.make len (z_to_ipv6 (Bits.to_z key)) let fold f t acc = let f key mask value acc = let prefix = key_mask_to_prefix key mask in f prefix value acc in M.fold f t acc let pp ppf t = let lst = fold (fun p _ l -> p :: l) t [] in Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>[%a]@]" Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ";@ ") Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.pp) lst end (* patricia trees using IpV6 addresses as keys *) module IpSet = struct include PatriciaTree(Time) let remove_old t ~older_than = let module MI = struct type result = Time.t let default = Time.max_value let map _t _key value = value let reduce _t left right = Time.(min left right) end in let module MR = M.Map_Reduce(MI) in MR.filter (fun addtime -> Time.(older_than <= addtime) ) t end module IpTable = Hashtbl.Make(struct type t = Ipaddr.V6.t let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal x y = Ipaddr.V6.compare x y = 0 end) type t = { mutable greylist_ips : IpSet.t ; greylist_peers : PeerRing.t ; banned_ips : unit IpTable.t ; banned_peers : unit P2p_peer.Table.t ; } let create size = { greylist_ips = IpSet.empty; greylist_peers = PeerRing.create size; banned_ips = IpTable.create 53; banned_peers = P2p_peer.Table.create 53; } (* check if an ip is banned. priority is for static blacklist, then in the greylist *) let banned_addr acl addr = IpTable.mem acl.banned_ips addr || IpSet.mem addr acl.greylist_ips (* Check is the peer_id is in the banned ring. It might be possible that a peer ID that is not banned, but its ip address is. *) let banned_peer acl peer_id = P2p_peer.Table.mem acl.banned_peers peer_id || PeerRing.mem acl.greylist_peers peer_id let clear acl = acl.greylist_ips <- IpSet.empty; P2p_peer.Table.clear acl.banned_peers; IpTable.clear acl.banned_ips; PeerRing.clear acl.greylist_peers module IPGreylist = struct let add acl addr time = acl.greylist_ips <- IpSet.add addr time acl.greylist_ips let mem acl addr = IpSet.mem addr !acl.greylist_ips (* The GC operation works only on the address set. Peers are removed from the ring in a round-robin fashion. If a address is removed by the GC from the acl.greylist set, it could potentially persist in the acl.peers set until more peers are banned. *) let remove_old acl ~older_than = acl.greylist_ips <- IpSet.remove_old acl.greylist_ips ~older_than let encoding = Data_encoding.(list P2p_addr.encoding) end module IPBlacklist = struct let add acl addr = IpTable.add acl.banned_ips addr () let remove acl addr = IpTable.remove acl.banned_ips addr let mem acl addr = IpTable.mem acl.banned_ips addr end module PeerBlacklist = struct let add acl addr = P2p_peer.Table.add acl.banned_peers addr () let remove acl addr = P2p_peer.Table.remove acl.banned_peers addr let mem acl addr = P2p_peer.Table.mem acl.banned_peers addr end module PeerGreylist = struct let add acl peer_id = PeerRing.add acl.greylist_peers peer_id let mem acl peer_id = (PeerRing.mem acl.greylist_peers peer_id) end