(* module I = AST (\* In *\) *)

(* module SMap = Map.Make(String) *)

(* type te = type_expr list SMap.t *)
(* type ve = type_expr list SMap.t *)
(* type tve = te * ve *)

module I = AST (* In *)

module SMap = Map.Make(String)

module O = struct
  open AST (* TODO: for now, should disappear *)

  type t = ast

   and type_expr =
     Prod     of cartesian
   | Sum      of (variant, vbar) Utils.nsepseq
   | Record   of record_type
   | TypeApp  of (type_name * type_tuple)
   | ParType  of type_expr par
   | TAlias   of variable
   | Function of (type_expr list) * type_expr
   | Mutable  of type_expr
   | Unit
   | TODO     of string

   and te = type_expr list SMap.t

   and ve = type_expr list SMap.t

   and vte = ve * te

   and ast = {
       lambdas : lambda_decl list;
       block   : block

   and lambda_decl =
     FunDecl of fun_decl
   | ProcDecl of proc_decl

   and fun_decl = {
       kwd_function : kwd_function;
       var          : variable;
       param        : parameters;
       colon        : colon;
       ret_type     : type_expr;
       kwd_is       : kwd_is;
       body         : block;
       kwd_with     : kwd_with;
       return       : checked_expr

   and proc_decl = {
       kwd_procedure : kwd_procedure;
       var           : variable;
       param         : parameters;
       kwd_is        : kwd_is;
       body          : block

   and block = {
       decls   : value_decls;
       opening : kwd_begin;
       instr   : instructions;
       close   : kwd_end

   and value_decls = var_decl list

   and var_decl = {
       kind   : var_kind;
       var    : variable;
       colon  : colon;
       vtype  : type_expr;
       setter : Region.t;  (* "=" or ":=" *)
       init   : checked_expr

   and checked_expr = {ty:type_expr;expr:expr}
end [@warning "-30"]

open O
open AST
open Region

let mk_checked_expr ~ty ~expr = {ty;expr}
let mk_proc_decl ~kwd_procedure ~var ~param ~kwd_is ~body =
  O.{kwd_procedure; var; param; kwd_is; body}
let mk_ast ~lambdas ~block = {lambdas;block}
let mk_fun_decl ~kwd_function ~var ~param ~colon ~ret_type ~kwd_is ~body ~kwd_with ~return =
  O.{kwd_function; var; param; colon; ret_type; kwd_is; body; kwd_with; return}

let unreg : 'a reg -> 'a = fun {value; _} -> value
let unpar : 'a par -> 'a = (fun (_left_par, x, _right_par) -> x) @. unreg
let nsepseq_to_list : ('a,'sep) Utils.nsepseq -> 'a list =
  fun (first, rest) -> first :: (map snd rest)
let sepseq_to_list : ('a,'sep) Utils.sepseq -> 'a list =
    None         -> []
  | Some nsepseq -> nsepseq_to_list nsepseq

let rec xty : I.type_expr -> O.type_expr =
    I.Prod x                         -> O.Prod x
  | I.Sum x                          -> O.Sum (unreg x)
  | I.Record x                       -> O.Record x
  | I.TypeApp x                      -> O.TypeApp (unreg x)
  | I.ParType {region;value=(l,x,r)} -> O.ParType {region;value=(l, xty x, r)}
  | I.TAlias x                       -> O.TAlias x

let shadow (name : string) (typ : O.type_expr) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
    : O.type_expr list SMap.t =
  SMap.update name (function None -> Some [typ] | Some tl -> Some (typ :: tl)) env

let shadow_list  (name_typ_list : (string * O.type_expr) list) (env : O.type_expr list SMap.t)
    : O.type_expr list SMap.t =
  List.fold_left (fun  acc (name, typ) -> shadow name typ acc) env name_typ_list

let type_decls_to_tenv (td : I.type_decl list) (te : te) : O.te =
  |> List.map unreg
  |> List.map (fun (_, name, _, type_expr) -> (unreg name, xty type_expr))
  |> fun up -> shadow_list up te

let var_kind_to_ty : var_kind -> I.type_expr -> O.type_expr =
  fun var_kind ty ->
  match var_kind with
    Mutable _ -> O.Mutable (xty ty)
  | Const   _ -> xty ty

let params_to_xty params ret_type =
  unpar params
  |> nsepseq_to_list
  |> map (fun {value=(var_kind, _variable, _colon, type_expr);_} -> var_kind_to_ty var_kind type_expr)
  |> fun param_types -> O.Function (param_types, ret_type)

let type_equal t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
  | O.Prod _x, O.Prod _y -> true (* TODO *)
  | O.Sum  _x, O.Sum  _y -> true (* TODO *)
  | _                    -> false

exception TypeError of string

let check_type expr expected_type =
  if type_equal expr.ty expected_type then expr
  else raise (TypeError "oops")

let tc_expr (_te,_ve) expr = mk_checked_expr ~ty:(TODO "all expressions") ~expr (* TODO *)

let tc_var_decl : vte -> I.var_decl -> vte * O.var_decl =
  fun (ve,te) var_decl ->
  let vtype = (xty var_decl.vtype) in
  let init = check_type (tc_expr (te,ve) var_decl.init) vtype in
  let ve = shadow (unreg var_decl.var) vtype ve in
  (ve,te), {
      kind   = var_decl.kind;
      var    = var_decl.var;
      colon  = var_decl.colon;
      setter = var_decl.setter;

let tc_var_decls (ve,te) var_decls = fold_map tc_var_decl (ve,te) var_decls

let tc_block (te, ve : vte) (block : I.block) : vte * O.block =
  let decls,opening,instr,close = block.decls, block.opening, block.instr, block.close in
  let (ve,te), decls = tc_var_decls (ve,te) (decls |> unreg |> sepseq_to_list |> map unreg) in
  (ve,te), O.{decls;opening;instr;close} (* TODO *)

let tc_proc_decl : vte -> I.proc_decl -> O.proc_decl =
  fun vte proc_decl ->
  let _vte', block'    = tc_block vte (unreg proc_decl.body)
  in mk_proc_decl
  ~kwd_procedure: proc_decl.kwd_procedure
  ~kwd_is:        proc_decl.kwd_is
  ~var:           proc_decl.var
  ~param:         proc_decl.param
  ~body:          block'

let tc_fun_decl : vte -> I.fun_decl -> O.fun_decl =
  fun vte fun_decl ->
  let vte', block'    = tc_block vte (unreg fun_decl.body) in
  let return'         = tc_expr vte' fun_decl.return in
  let checked_return' = check_type return' (xty fun_decl.ret_type)
  in mk_fun_decl
  ~kwd_function: fun_decl.kwd_function
  ~colon:    fun_decl.colon
  ~kwd_is:   fun_decl.kwd_is
  ~kwd_with: fun_decl.kwd_with
  ~var:      fun_decl.var
  ~param:    fun_decl.param
  ~ret_type: (xty fun_decl.ret_type)
  ~body:     block'
  ~return:   checked_return'

let ve_lambda_decl : vte -> I.lambda_decl -> ve =
  fun (ve,_te) ->
    FunDecl {value;_} -> shadow value.var.value (params_to_xty value.param (xty value.ret_type)) ve
  | ProcDecl {value;_} -> shadow value.var.value (params_to_xty value.param Unit) ve

let tc_lambda_decl (ve, te : vte) (whole : I.lambda_decl) : vte * O.lambda_decl =
  match whole with
    FunDecl  {value;_} -> ((ve_lambda_decl (ve, te) whole), te), O.FunDecl  (tc_fun_decl  (ve, te) value)
  | ProcDecl {value;_} -> ((ve_lambda_decl (ve, te) whole), te), O.ProcDecl (tc_proc_decl (ve, te) value)

let tc_ast (ast : I.ast) : O.ast =
  (* te is the type environment, ve is the variable environment *)
  let te =
    |> type_decls_to_tenv ast.types in
  let ve =
    |> (match ast.parameter.value with (_,name,_,ty) -> shadow (unreg name) @@ xty ty)
    |> shadow "storage"    @@ xty (snd ast.storage.value)
    |> shadow "operations" @@ xty (snd ast.operations.value)
  let (ve',te'), lambdas = fold_map tc_lambda_decl (ve, te) ast.lambdas in
  let (ve'', te''), block = tc_block (ve', te') (unreg ast.block) in
  let _ve'' = ve'' in (* not needed anymore *)
  let _te'' = te'' in (* not needed anymore *)
  mk_ast ~lambdas ~block