INTERNAL DOCUMENTATION OF THE PARSER OF PASCALIGO (Pascal-like LIGO) This document describes the source code in the directory ligo/src/parser/pascaligo and some maintenance workflows. The directory contains the following: Doc The directory containing this documentation. Tests The directory containing tests. dune The Dune file for building the Pascaligo parser. A source needed for building the parser with Dune. A shell initially made to distinguish a git worktree from the working directory (currently broken). Stubs A directory containing, which is ignored by Dune, but linked from the parent directory ligo/src/parser/pascaligo when building with the Christian's Makefile for OCaml projects. (See Ignore them. .LexerMain.tag .ParserMain.tag .Parser.mly.tag .links As ligo/src/parser/pascaligo/Stubs/, these files are only used by Christian's build system. Ignore them. Source for two entry points enabling Christian's build system to build only a standalone lexer or a standalone parser. Do not change, unless you change EvalOpt and use Christian's build system. ParserLog.mli Source for printing the AST. Used by, and the translator from this AST to the one needed by the type-checker (see directory ligo/src/simplify). Utils.mli Some utility types and functions. AST.mli The abstract syntax tree of Pascaligo. LexToken.mli LexToken.mll The second-level lexer of Pascaligo, scanning the (lexical) tokens, and used to instantiate the first-level lexer (Lexer.mll). If you write a new flavour of LIGO, this lexer is likely to be modified, also if you plan to add new lexemes (beware that if you add a new token constructor to the type [LexToken.t], you may have to change the signature [Lexer.S] so you an instantiate the first-level lexer. Parser.mly The Menhir specification of the grammar of Pascaligo and the semantic actions building the AST. The syntax is actually a mix of two sub-flavours: one in which compound structures, like blocks, records, lists etc., are opened by a keyword denoting the kind of structure, like "block", "record", "list" etc., and are closed by the key word "end", and one in which those structures are opened by a keyword followed by a symbol, like "{", "[" etc. and closed by a symbol, lik "}", "]" etc. For instance, "record x : t; y : u end" versus "record {x : t; y : u}". In the future, these two styles should be separated and, in the meantime, it is advise to keep to one style per LIGO contract, for readability's sake. A first maintenance task would be to separate this file in two, so each parses only one style, and share the common parts of the grammar. However you change this file, the grammar must remain without LR conflicts, without resorting %prec or %assoc annotations. PASCALIGO Generalities Pascaligo is an imperative language for writing smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain. As such, it is compiled to Michelson, the native language of the Tezos blockchain. Its design is inspired by Pascal, OCaml and Michelson. An imperative language is a language in which the value bound to a variable can change over time, as opposed to a constant. That change, called _side-effect_, is often leveraged through loops, enabling data to be modified and accumulated repeatedly. For example, here is how the integer value associated to the variable "x" is incremented by an instruction, called _assignment_: x := x + 1; A loop computing the sum of all integers from 1 to 10 would be written as follows: y := 0; for x := 1 to 10 begin y := y + x end (Note that this is useless in practice, as a closed-form formula exists for that computation.) In Pascaligo, expressions and instructions are distinguished. Expressions are evaluated and yield values, whilst instructions are evaluated but do not yield values. Instructions are meant to perform side-effects, like changing the value of a variable, whereas expressions are purely computational, like calculating a an arithmetic means. Instructions and expressions can be compounded, and instructions can evaluate expressions as a means to perform side-effects. Pascaligo is strongly and statically typed, which means that the composition of data and functions is contrained so the compiler can check that no such composition can fail at run-time, e.g., because of a meaningless expression. Pascaligo requires that variables are declared together with their type and an initial value. Declarations of values come in two kinds: either constants or variables. The former are assigned only once at their declaration, and the latter can be reassigned. The syntax is slightly different for both. For example, the variables "x" and "y" above could have been declared as follows: var x : nat := 0; var y : nat := 0; It is possible to specify that the value of a variable will not change (the name "variable" is misleading in that context), that is, they remain constant: const ten : nat = 10; const eleven : nat = ten + 1; Similarly, function declarations have their parameters and return value annotated with their types. For instance, function sum (const n : nat; const m : nat) : nat is begin end with n + m; declarares the function "sum" that takes as argument two constant natural numbers and return their sum. The expression whose value is the result of calling the function is given after the keyword "with". A another example would be function factorial (const n : nat) : nat is var m : nat := 0; var f : nat := 1; begin if n <= 0 then f := 1 else for m := 1 to n begin f := f * m end end with f Like Pascal, Pascaligo offers procedures, as well as functions. The difference follows the divide between expressions and instructions: function calls are expressions, procedure calls are instructions. A special case of functions are entry points, which are functions that can be called when interacting with the contract after it has been originated on the chain. The only difference with function is that they are introduced by a keyword "entrypoint", instead of "function", and they (currently) must have a special parameter for the storage, and the return type must be a pair made of a new storage and a list of operations. For example, entrypoint contribute (storage store : store; ...) : store * list (operation) is var operations : list (operation) := nil begin ... end with (store, operations) where "storage" is a keyword. Pascaligo features predefined types, like integers, natural numbers, mutez, strings, maps, lists etc. and constructs to combine those into structured types. Amongst those constructs are the records, which group and map names (_fields_) to values of potentially different types. For instance, type point is record x : int; y : int end defines a record type "store" with three fields, each made of a name and a type. Values of record types are made by assigning a value to each field (in any order). Like so: const origin : point = record x = 0; y = 0 end At this point it is perhaps useful to remark that there are actually two flavours of Pascaligo recognised by the same parser: they should be separated in the future, and, for now, it is best to not mix both styles. Those style differ in the manner compound constructs are delimited For example, the type "point" above could have been alternatively defined as follows: type point is record [ x : int; y : int ] and the value as const origin : point = record [x = 0; y = 0]; When updating the contents of a record, Pascaligo offers some syntactic support. Instead of writing all the assignments, most of which are left unchanged, there is the record patch, which corresponds to a functional update in OCaml. For example, var p : point := origin; patch p with record y = 10 end; will update only the field "y" of "p". Of course, this example is not impressive, but imagine that one has to update a small number of fields in a large record. An alternative syntax is patch p with record [y = 10]; Another way to combine types are disjunctive types, which are a generalisation of enumerated types found in OCaml. They can be interpreted as being a disjoint partition of value sets, each being disinguished by a unique tag, or _data constructor_. For example, type u = unit type t = A | B of u | C of int * string See OCaml. As in OCaml, their values can be matched against patterns: match v with A -> "A" | B Unit -> "B" | C (_, s) -> s Of course, we also find type aliases, which simply rename a type. More importantly, Pascaligo has predefined types that cannot be defined by the contract programmer. Indeed, user-defined types are monomorphic and non-recursive, in other words, they are not parameterised and cannot be defined in terms of themselves. This limitation precludes defining lists of values, as a list is an inductive data type: a list is either empty or a pair made of an item (the first item) and another list (the remaining items). That is why Pascaligo features a native polymorphic list type, with the condition that all list values must instantiate the type of the items it contains. Another useful data abstraction, native to Pascaligo, is the map, which relates values of a given type to values of another given type. The last type predefined by Pascaligo is the set. Pascaligo is inspired by Pascal and OCaml. Semi-colons are separators, but they can be used as terminators as well. For example type store is record goal : nat; deadline : timestamp; backers : map (address, nat); funded : bool; end can alternatively be written type store is record goal : nat; deadline : timestamp; backers : map (address, nat); funded : bool end Only non-recursive types are user-definable in LIGO. A predefined recursive and polymorphic type is the list (or stack). The syntax is the same as in OCaml, with some extra syntax for convenience. For example, the empty list can be written in three different ways (only one is recommended by contract): list end list [] nil A non-empty list starts with the keyword "list" and comes in two flavours (only one is recommended by contract): list 1; 2; 3 end list [1; 2; 3] To push (cons) and element in a list, the infix operator is "::", as in OCaml: 1::2::l All user-definable values in Pascaligo are monomorphic and must be annotated with a their types, except in arithmetic or boolean expressions, or at their declaration (since their type is given in the left-hand side). In particular, empty lists need to be annotated, like so 1 :: (nil : list (int)) But var l : list (int) := list []; works, as the type is available.