.. _support: Technical Support ================= If you need help understanding how the Tezos protocol works or if you have technical question about the software, here are a few resources to find answers. - `This documentation! `_ Make sure to go through this technical documentation before asking elsewhere, there is also a searchbox on the top left corner. - There is a sub-reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/tezos/ that is the main meeting point for the Tezos community, for technical, economical and just random questions. They also have a nicely curated list of resources. - Tezos soon-to-be `Stack Exchange `_ help out to make it pass the trial stage. - For anything baking related `Obsidian Systems `_ is running a dedicated Slack channel, contact them to get access. - There is a *#tezos* IRC channel on *freenode* that is reserved for technical discussions and is always very active. - There is a matrix channel *Tezos* that you can join `here `_.