(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Store_sigs type t = Raw_store.t type global_store = t (************************************************************************** * Net store under "net/" **************************************************************************) module Net = struct type store = global_store * Net_id.t let get s id = (s, id) module Indexed_store = Store_helpers.Make_indexed_substore (Store_helpers.Make_substore(Raw_store)(struct let name = ["net"] end)) (Net_id) let destroy = Indexed_store.remove_all let list t = Indexed_store.fold_indexes t ~init:[] ~f:(fun h acc -> Lwt.return (h :: acc)) module Genesis_hash = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["genesis" ; "hash"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Block_hash)) module Genesis_time = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["genesis" ; "time"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Time)) module Genesis_protocol = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["genesis" ; "protocol"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Protocol_hash)) module Genesis_test_protocol = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["genesis" ; "test_protocol"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Protocol_hash)) module Expiration = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["expiration"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Time)) module Forked_network_ttl = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["forked_network_ttl"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(struct type t = Int64.t let encoding = Data_encoding.int64 end)) end (************************************************************************** * Generic store for "tracked" data: discovery_time, invalidity, * incoming peers,... (for operations, block_headers, and protocols). **************************************************************************) module type DATA_STORE = sig type store type key type key_set type value val encoding: value Data_encoding.t val compare: value -> value -> int val equal: value -> value -> bool val hash: value -> key val hash_raw: MBytes.t -> key module Discovery_time : MAP_STORE with type t := store and type key := key and type value := Time.t module Contents : SINGLE_STORE with type t = store * key and type value := value module RawContents : SINGLE_STORE with type t = store * key and type value := MBytes.t module Validation_time : SINGLE_STORE with type t = store * key and type value := Time.t module Errors : MAP_STORE with type t := store and type key := key and type value = error list module Pending : BUFFERED_SET_STORE with type t = store and type elt := key and type Set.t = key_set end module Errors_value = Store_helpers.Make_value(struct type t = error list let encoding = (Data_encoding.list (Error_monad.error_encoding ())) end) module Raw_value = struct type t = MBytes.t let of_bytes b = ok b let to_bytes b = b end module Make_data_store (S : STORE) (I : INDEX) (V : VALUE) (Set : Set.S with type elt = I.t) = struct type key = I.t type value = V.t type key_set = Set.t let of_bytes = V.of_bytes let to_bytes = V.to_bytes module Indexed_store = Store_helpers.Make_indexed_substore (Store_helpers.Make_substore (S) (struct let name = ["data"] end)) (I) module Discovery_time = Indexed_store.Make_map (struct let name = ["discovery_time"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Time)) module Contents = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["contents"] end) (V) module RawContents = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["contents"] end) (Raw_value) module Errors = Store_helpers.Make_map (Store_helpers.Make_substore (S) (struct let name = ["invalids"] end)) (I) (Errors_value) module Pending = Store_helpers.Make_buffered_set (Store_helpers.Make_substore (S) (struct let name = ["pending"] end)) (I) (Set) module Validation_time = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["validation_time"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Time)) end (************************************************************************** * Operation store under "net//operations/" **************************************************************************) module Operation = struct type shell_header = { net_id: Net_id.t ; } let shell_header_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { net_id } -> net_id) (fun net_id -> { net_id }) (obj1 (req "net_id" Net_id.encoding)) module Encoding = struct type t = { shell: shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } let encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { shell ; proto } -> (shell, proto)) (fun (shell, proto) -> { shell ; proto }) (merge_objs shell_header_encoding (obj1 (req "data" Variable.bytes))) end module Value = Store_helpers.Make_value(Encoding) include Encoding let compare o1 o2 = let (>>) x y = if x = 0 then y () else x in Net_id.compare o1.shell.net_id o1.shell.net_id >> fun () -> MBytes.compare o1.proto o2.proto let equal b1 b2 = compare b1 b2 = 0 let hash op = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [Value.to_bytes op] let hash_raw bytes = Operation_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] type store = Net.store let get x = x include Make_data_store (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Net.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["operations"] end)) (Operation_hash) (Value) (Operation_hash.Set) let register s = Base58.register_resolver Operation_hash.b58check_encoding begin fun str -> let pstr = Operation_hash.prefix_path str in Net.Indexed_store.fold_indexes s ~init:[] ~f:begin fun net acc -> Indexed_store.resolve_index (s, net) pstr >>= fun l -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l acc) end end end (************************************************************************** * Block_header store under "net//blocks/" **************************************************************************) module Block_header = struct type shell_header = { net_id: Net_id.t ; predecessor: Block_hash.t ; timestamp: Time.t ; operations: Operation_list_list_hash.t ; fitness: MBytes.t list ; } let shell_header_encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { net_id ; predecessor ; timestamp ; operations ; fitness } -> (net_id, predecessor, timestamp, operations, fitness)) (fun (net_id, predecessor, timestamp, operations, fitness) -> { net_id ; predecessor ; timestamp ; operations ; fitness }) (obj5 (req "net_id" Net_id.encoding) (req "predecessor" Block_hash.encoding) (req "timestamp" Time.encoding) (req "operations" Operation_list_list_hash.encoding) (req "fitness" Fitness.encoding)) module Encoding = struct type t = { shell: shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } let encoding = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun { shell ; proto } -> (shell, proto)) (fun (shell, proto) -> { shell ; proto }) (merge_objs shell_header_encoding (obj1 (req "data" Variable.bytes))) end module Value = Store_helpers.Make_value(Encoding) include Encoding let compare b1 b2 = let (>>) x y = if x = 0 then y () else x in let rec list compare xs ys = match xs, ys with | [], [] -> 0 | _ :: _, [] -> -1 | [], _ :: _ -> 1 | x :: xs, y :: ys -> compare x y >> fun () -> list compare xs ys in Block_hash.compare b1.shell.predecessor b2.shell.predecessor >> fun () -> compare b1.proto b2.proto >> fun () -> Operation_list_list_hash.compare b1.shell.operations b2.shell.operations >> fun () -> Time.compare b1.shell.timestamp b2.shell.timestamp >> fun () -> list compare b1.shell.fitness b2.shell.fitness let equal b1 b2 = compare b1 b2 = 0 let hash block = Block_hash.hash_bytes [Value.to_bytes block] let hash_raw bytes = Block_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] type store = Net.store let get x = x include Make_data_store (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Net.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["blocks"] end)) (Block_hash) (Value) (Block_hash.Set) module Operation_list_count = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["operation_list_count"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(struct type t = int let encoding = Data_encoding.int8 end)) module Operations_index = Store_helpers.Make_indexed_substore (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["operations"] end)) (Store_helpers.Integer_index) module Operation_list = Operations_index.Make_map (struct let name = ["list"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(struct type t = Operation_hash.t list let encoding = Data_encoding.list Operation_hash.encoding end)) module Operation_list_path = Operations_index.Make_map (struct let name = ["path"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(struct type t = Operation_list_list_hash.path let encoding = Operation_list_list_hash.path_encoding end)) let register s = Base58.register_resolver Block_hash.b58check_encoding begin fun str -> let pstr = Block_hash.prefix_path str in Net.Indexed_store.fold_indexes s ~init:[] ~f:begin fun net acc -> Indexed_store.resolve_index (s, net) pstr >>= fun l -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l acc) end end end (************************************************************************** * Blockchain data **************************************************************************) module Chain = struct type store = Net.store let get s = s module Known_heads = Store_helpers.Make_buffered_set (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Net.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["known_heads"] end)) (Block_hash) (Block_hash.Set) module Current_head = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Net.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["current_head"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Block_hash)) module Valid_successors = Store_helpers.Make_buffered_set (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Block_header.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["known_successors" ; "valid" ] end)) (Block_hash) (Block_hash.Set) module Invalid_successors = Store_helpers.Make_buffered_set (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Block_header.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["known_successors" ; "invalid"] end)) (Block_hash) (Block_hash.Set) module Successor_in_chain = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Block_header.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["successor_in_chain"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Block_hash)) module In_chain_insertion_time = Store_helpers.Make_single_store (Block_header.Indexed_store.Store) (struct let name = ["in_chain_insertion_time"] end) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Time)) end (************************************************************************** * Protocol store under "protocols/" **************************************************************************) module Protocol = struct include Tezos_compiler.Protocol let hash_raw bytes = Protocol_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] type store = global_store let get x = x include Make_data_store (Store_helpers.Make_substore (Raw_store) (struct let name = ["protocols"] end)) (Protocol_hash) (Store_helpers.Make_value(Tezos_compiler.Protocol)) (Protocol_hash.Set) let register s = Base58.register_resolver Protocol_hash.b58check_encoding begin fun str -> let pstr = Protocol_hash.prefix_path str in Indexed_store.resolve_index s pstr end end let init dir = Raw_store.init dir >>=? fun s -> Block_header.register s ; Operation.register s ; Protocol.register s ; return s