(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Logging.Db type t = { root : string } let init root = IO.check_dir root >>=? fun () -> return { root } type key = string list type value = MBytes.t let file_of_key { root } key = String.concat Filename.dir_sep (root :: key) let dir_of_key { root } key = let dir = List.rev @@ List.tl (List.rev key) in String.concat Filename.dir_sep (root :: dir) let known s k = let file = file_of_key s k in Lwt.return (Sys.file_exists file && not (Sys.is_directory file)) let known_dir s k = let file = file_of_key s k in Lwt.return (Sys.file_exists file && Sys.is_directory file) let read_opt s k = let file = file_of_key s k in if Sys.file_exists file && not (Sys.is_directory file) then Lwt.catch (fun () -> IO.with_file_in file (fun ba -> Lwt.return (Some ba))) (fun e -> warn "warn: can't read %s: %s" file (Printexc.to_string e); Lwt.return_none) else Lwt.return_none type error += Unknown of string list let () = Error_monad.register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"store.unkown_key" ~title:"Unknown key in store" ~description: "" ~pp:(fun ppf key -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[Unknown key %s@]" (String.concat "/" key)) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "key" (list string))) (function Unknown key -> Some key | _ -> None) (fun key -> Unknown key) let read t key = read_opt t key >>= function | None -> fail (Unknown key) | Some v -> return v let read_exn t key = read_opt t key >>= function | None -> Lwt.fail Not_found | Some v -> Lwt.return v let remove s k = IO.remove_file ~cleanup:true (file_of_key s k) let store s k v = let file = file_of_key s k in IO.remove_file ~cleanup:false file >>= fun () -> IO.with_file_out file v let fold s k ~init ~f = let dir = file_of_key s k in IO.fold dir ~init ~f:(fun file acc -> if IO.is_directory (Filename.concat dir file) then f (`Dir (k @ [file])) acc else f (`Key (k @ [file])) acc) let fold_keys s k ~init ~f = let rec loop k acc = fold s k ~init:acc ~f:(fun file acc -> match file with | `Key k -> f k acc | `Dir k -> loop k acc) in loop k init let keys t = fold_keys t ~init:[] ~f:(fun k acc -> Lwt.return (k :: acc)) let remove_dir s k = let rec loop k = fold s k ~init:() ~f:(fun file () -> match file with | `Key k -> remove s k | `Dir k -> loop k) in loop k