(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Kaputt.Abbreviations let keep_dir = try ignore (Sys.getenv "KEEPDIR") ; true with _ -> false let make_test ~title test = Test.add_simple_test ~title (fun () -> Lwt_main.run (test ())) let rec remove_dir dir = Array.iter (fun file -> let f = Filename.concat dir file in if Sys.is_directory f then remove_dir f else Sys.remove f) (Sys.readdir dir); Unix.rmdir dir let output name res = let open Kaputt in let open Test in let out = stderr in match res with | Passed -> Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... passed\n" name | Failed { Assertion.expected_value ; actual_value ; message = "" } -> if expected_value <> actual_value then Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... failed\n expected `%s` but received `%s`\n" name expected_value actual_value else Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... failed\n expected anything excluding `%s` \ but received `%s`\n" name expected_value actual_value | Failed { Assertion.expected_value ; actual_value ; message } -> if expected_value <> actual_value then Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... failed\n %s (expected `%s` but received `%s`)\n" name message expected_value actual_value else Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... failed\n %s (expected anything excluding `%s` \ but received `%s`)\n" name message expected_value actual_value | Uncaught (e, bt) -> Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... raised an exception\n %s\n%s\n" name (Printexc.to_string e) bt | Report (valid, total, uncaught, counterexamples, categories) -> Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... %d/%d case%s passed%s\n" name valid total (if valid > 1 then "s" else "") (match uncaught with | 0 -> "" | 1 -> " (1 uncaught exception)" | n -> " (" ^ (string_of_int n) ^ " uncaught exceptions)"); if counterexamples <> [] then Printf.fprintf out " counterexample%s: %s\n" (if (List.length counterexamples) > 1 then "s" else "") (String.concat ", " counterexamples); if (List.length categories) > 1 then begin Printf.fprintf out " categories:\n"; List.iter (fun (c, n) -> Printf.fprintf out " %s -> %d occurrence%s\n" c n (if n > 1 then "s" else "")) categories end | Exit_code c -> Printf.fprintf out "Test '%s' ... returned code %d\n" name c let run prefix tests = let tests = List.map (fun (title, f) -> let base_dir = Filename.temp_file "tezos_test_" "" in Unix.unlink base_dir ; Unix.mkdir base_dir 0o777 ; let title = prefix ^ title in title, Test.make_simple_test ~title (fun () -> let finalise () = if keep_dir then Format.eprintf "Data saved kept " else remove_dir base_dir in try Lwt_main.run (f base_dir) ; finalise () with exn -> finalise () ; raise exn)) tests in let passed = ref 0 in let failed = ref 0 in let uncaught = ref 0 in let total = ref 0 in List.iter (fun (title, test) -> let res = Test.exec_test test in begin match res with | Passed -> incr passed; incr total | Failed _ -> incr failed; incr total | Uncaught _ -> incr uncaught; incr total | Report (pass, tot, unc, _, _) -> passed := !passed + pass; failed := !failed + (tot - pass -unc); uncaught := !uncaught + unc; total := !total + tot | Exit_code c -> incr (if c = 0 then passed else failed); incr total end ; output title res ; flush stderr) tests ; Format.eprintf "SUMMARY: %d/%d passed (%.2f%%) -- %d failed, \ %d uncaught exceptions.@." !passed !total (float_of_int !passed *. 100. /. float_of_int !total) !failed !uncaught ; if !total <> !passed then exit 1