(*_* name: CameLIGO Contract language: cameligo compile: entrypoint: main dryRun: entrypoint: main parameters: Increment 1 storage: 0 deploy: entrypoint: main storage: 0 evaluateValue: entrypoint: "" evaluateFunction: entrypoint: add parameters: 5, 6 generateDeployScript: entrypoint: main storage: 0 *_*) type storage = int (* variant defining pseudo multi-entrypoint actions *) type action = | Increment of int | Decrement of int let add (a,b: int * int) : int = a + b let sub (a,b: int * int) : int = a - b (* real entrypoint that re-routes the flow based on the action provided *) let main (p,s: action * storage) = let storage = match p with | Increment n -> add (s, n) | Decrement n -> sub (s, n) in ([] : operation list), storage