(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Lwt.Infix let base = 58 let zbase = Z.of_int base module Alphabet = struct type t = { encode: string ; decode: string } let make alphabet = if String.length alphabet <> base then invalid_arg "Base58: invalid alphabet (length)" ; let str = Bytes.make 256 '\255' in for i = 0 to String.length alphabet - 1 do let char = int_of_char alphabet.[i] in if Bytes.get str char <> '\255' then Format.kasprintf invalid_arg "Base58: invalid alphabet (dup '%c' %d %d)" (char_of_int char) (int_of_char @@ Bytes.get str char) i ; Bytes.set str char (char_of_int i) ; done ; { encode = alphabet ; decode = Bytes.to_string str } let bitcoin = make "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz" let ripple = make "rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz" let flickr = make "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ" let default = bitcoin let all_in_alphabet alphabet string = let ok = Array.make 256 false in String.iter (fun x -> ok.(Char.code x) <- true) alphabet.encode ; let res = ref true in for i = 0 to (String.length string) - 1 do res := !res && ok.(Char.code string.[i]) done; !res let pp ppf { encode ; _ } = Format.fprintf ppf "%s" encode end let count_trailing_char s c = let len = String.length s in let rec loop i = if i < 0 then len else if String.get s i <> c then (len-i-1) else loop (i-1) in loop (len-1) let count_leading_char s c = let len = String.length s in let rec loop i = if i = len then len else if String.get s i <> c then i else loop (i+1) in loop 0 let of_char ?(alphabet=Alphabet.default) x = let pos = String.get alphabet.decode (int_of_char x) in match pos with | '\255' -> None | _ -> Some (int_of_char pos) let to_char ?(alphabet=Alphabet.default) x = alphabet.encode.[x] let raw_encode ?(alphabet=Alphabet.default) s = let len = String.length s in let s = String.init len (fun i -> String.get s (len - i - 1)) in let zero = alphabet.encode.[0] in let zeros = count_trailing_char s '\000' in let res_len = (len * 8 + 4) / 5 in let res = Bytes.make res_len '\000' in let s = Z.of_bits s in let rec loop s = if s = Z.zero then 0 else let s, r = Z.div_rem s zbase in let i = loop s in Bytes.set res i (to_char ~alphabet (Z.to_int r)) ; i + 1 in let i = loop s in let res = Bytes.sub_string res 0 i in String.make zeros zero ^ res let raw_decode ?(alphabet=Alphabet.default) s = TzString.fold_left begin fun a c -> match a, of_char ~alphabet c with | Some a, Some i -> Some Z.(add (of_int i) (mul a zbase)) | _ -> None end (Some Z.zero) s |> Option.map ~f:begin fun res -> let res = Z.to_bits res in let res_tzeros = count_trailing_char res '\000' in let len = String.length res - res_tzeros in let zeros = count_leading_char s alphabet.encode.[0] in String.make zeros '\000' ^ String.init len (fun i -> String.get res (len - i - 1)) end let checksum s = let hash = Hacl.Hash.SHA256.(digest (digest (Bigstring.of_string s))) in let res = Bytes.make 4 '\000' in Bigstring.blit_to_bytes hash 0 res 0 4 ; Bytes.to_string res (* Append a 4-bytes cryptographic checksum before encoding string s *) let safe_encode ?alphabet s = raw_encode ?alphabet (s ^ checksum s) let safe_decode ?alphabet s = raw_decode ?alphabet s |> Option.apply ~f:begin fun s -> let len = String.length s in if len < 4 then None else (* only if the string is long enough to extract a checksum do we check it *) let msg = String.sub s 0 (len-4) in let msg_hash = String.sub s (len-4) 4 in if msg_hash <> checksum msg then None else Some msg end type data = .. type 'a encoding = { prefix: string ; length: int ; encoded_prefix: string ; encoded_length: int ; to_raw: 'a -> string ; of_raw: string -> 'a option ; wrap: 'a -> data ; } let prefix { prefix ; _ } = prefix let simple_decode ?alphabet { prefix ; of_raw ; _ } s = safe_decode ?alphabet s |> Option.apply ~f:(TzString.remove_prefix ~prefix) |> Option.apply ~f:of_raw let simple_encode ?alphabet { prefix ; to_raw ; _ } d = safe_encode ?alphabet (prefix ^ to_raw d) type registered_encoding = Encoding : 'a encoding -> registered_encoding module MakeEncodings(E: sig val encodings: registered_encoding list end) = struct let encodings = ref E.encodings let check_ambiguous_prefix prefix length encodings = List.iter (fun (Encoding { encoded_prefix = s ; length = l ; _ }) -> if length = l && (TzString.remove_prefix ~prefix:s prefix <> None || TzString.remove_prefix ~prefix s <> None) then Format.ksprintf invalid_arg "Base58.register_encoding: duplicate prefix: %S, %S." s prefix) encodings let make_encoded_prefix prefix len = let zeros = safe_encode (prefix ^ String.make len '\000') and ones = safe_encode (prefix ^ String.make len '\255') in let len = String.length zeros in if String.length ones <> len then Format.ksprintf invalid_arg "Base58.registered_encoding: variable length encoding." ; let rec loop i = if i = len then len else if zeros.[i] = ones.[i] then loop (i+1) else i in let len = loop 0 in if len = 0 then invalid_arg "Base58.register_encoding: not a unique prefix." ; String.sub zeros 0 len, String.length zeros let register_encoding ~prefix ~length ~to_raw ~of_raw ~wrap = let to_raw x = let s = to_raw x in assert (String.length s = length) ; s in let of_raw s = assert (String.length s = length) ; of_raw s in let encoded_prefix, encoded_length = make_encoded_prefix prefix length in check_ambiguous_prefix encoded_prefix encoded_length !encodings ; let encoding = { prefix ; length ; encoded_prefix ; encoded_length ; to_raw ; of_raw ; wrap } in encodings := Encoding encoding :: !encodings ; encoding let check_encoded_prefix enc p l = if enc.encoded_prefix <> p then Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected prefix %s (expected %s)" p enc.encoded_prefix ; if enc.encoded_length <> l then Format.kasprintf Pervasives.failwith "Unexpected encoded length %d for %s (expected %d)" l p enc.encoded_length let decode ?alphabet s = let rec find s = function | [] -> None | Encoding { prefix ; of_raw ; wrap ; _ } :: encodings -> match TzString.remove_prefix ~prefix s with | None -> find s encodings | Some msg -> of_raw msg |> Option.map ~f:wrap in safe_decode ?alphabet s |> Option.apply ~f:(fun s -> find s !encodings) end type 'a resolver = Resolver : { encoding: 'h encoding ; resolver: 'a -> string -> 'h list Lwt.t ; } -> 'a resolver module MakeResolvers(R: sig type context end) = struct let resolvers = ref [] let register_resolver (type a) (encoding : a encoding) (resolver : R.context -> string -> a list Lwt.t) = resolvers := Resolver { encoding ; resolver } :: !resolvers let partial_decode ?(alphabet=Alphabet.default) request len = let zero = alphabet.encode.[0] in let last = alphabet.encode.[base-1] in let n = String.length request in let min = raw_decode ~alphabet (request ^ String.make (len - n) zero) in let max = raw_decode ~alphabet (request ^ String.make (len - n) last) in match min, max with | Some min, Some max -> let prefix_len = TzString.common_prefix min max in Some (String.sub min 0 prefix_len) | _ -> None let complete ?alphabet context request = let rec find s = function | [] -> Lwt.return_nil | Resolver { encoding ; resolver } :: resolvers -> if not (TzString.has_prefix ~prefix:encoding.encoded_prefix s) then find s resolvers else match partial_decode ?alphabet request encoding.encoded_length with | None -> find s resolvers | Some prefix -> let len = String.length prefix in let ignored = String.length encoding.prefix in let msg = if len <= ignored then "" else begin assert (String.sub prefix 0 ignored = encoding.prefix) ; String.sub prefix ignored (len - ignored) end in resolver context msg >|= fun msgs -> TzList.filter_map (fun msg -> let res = simple_encode encoding ?alphabet msg in TzString.remove_prefix ~prefix:request res |> Option.map ~f:(fun _ -> res)) msgs in find request !resolvers end include MakeEncodings(struct let encodings = [] end) include MakeResolvers(struct type context = unit end) let register_resolver enc f = register_resolver enc (fun () s -> f s) let complete ?alphabet s = complete ?alphabet () s module Make(C: sig type context end) = struct include MakeEncodings(struct let encodings = !encodings end) include MakeResolvers(struct type context = C.context end) end module Prefix = struct (* 32 *) let block_hash = "\001\052" (* B(51) *) let operation_hash = "\005\116" (* o(51) *) let operation_list_hash = "\133\233" (* Lo(52) *) let operation_list_list_hash = "\029\159\109" (* LLo(53) *) let protocol_hash = "\002\170" (* P(51) *) let context_hash = "\079\199" (* Co(52) *) (* 20 *) let ed25519_public_key_hash = "\006\161\159" (* tz1(36) *) let secp256k1_public_key_hash = "\006\161\161" (* tz2(36) *) let p256_public_key_hash = "\006\161\164" (* tz3(36) *) (* 16 *) let cryptobox_public_key_hash = "\153\103" (* id(30) *) (* 32 *) let ed25519_seed = "\013\015\058\007" (* edsk(54) *) let ed25519_public_key = "\013\015\037\217" (* edpk(54) *) let secp256k1_secret_key = "\017\162\224\201" (* spsk(54) *) let p256_secret_key = "\016\081\238\189" (* p2sk(54) *) (* 33 *) let secp256k1_public_key = "\003\254\226\086" (* sppk(55) *) let p256_public_key = "\003\178\139\127" (* p2pk(55) *) (* 64 *) let ed25519_secret_key = "\043\246\078\007" (* edsk(98) *) let ed25519_signature = "\009\245\205\134\018" (* edsig(99) *) let secp256k1_signature = "\013\115\101\019\063" (* spsig1(99) *) let p256_signature = "\054\240\044\052" (* p2sig(98) *) let generic_signature = "\004\130\043" (* sig(96) *) (* 4 *) let chain_id = "\087\082\000" (* Net(15) *) end