;; Building the preprocessor as a library

  (name Preprocessor)
  (public_name Preprocessor)
  (wrapped true)
  (modules EvalOpt E_Parser E_Lexer E_AST Preproc)
    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional)))

;; Building the lexers of the preprocessor

   E_Lexer Preproc)

;; Building the parser of the preprocessor (for boolean expressions)

  (modules E_Parser))

;; Building PreprocMain.exe for a standalone preprocessor

  (name PreprocMain)
  (modules PreprocMain)
  (libraries Preprocessor)
    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional)))

;; Building E_LexerMain.exe for a standalone lexer of boolean
;; expressions

  (name E_LexerMain)
  (modules E_LexerMain)
  (libraries Preproc)
    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional)))

;; Building E_ParserMain.exe for a standalone parser of boolean
;; expressions

  (name E_ParserMain)
  (modules E_ParserMain)
  (libraries Preproc)
    (pps bisect_ppx --conditional)))