open Tezos_utils.Error_monad let dummy_environment = force_lwt ~msg:"getting dummy env" @@ Misc.init_environment () let tc = dummy_environment.tezos_context module Proto_alpha = Tezos_utils.Memory_proto_alpha open Proto_alpha open Alpha_context open Alpha_environment let pack ty v = fst @@ force_lwt_alpha ~msg:"packing" @@ Script_ir_translator.pack_data tc ty v let unpack_opt (type a) : a Script_typed_ir.ty -> MBytes.t -> a option = fun ty bytes -> force_lwt ~msg:"unpacking : parse" ( if Compare.Int.(MBytes.length bytes >= 1) && Compare.Int.(MBytes.get_uint8 bytes 0 = 0x05) then let bytes = MBytes.sub bytes 1 (MBytes.length bytes - 1) in match Data_encoding.Binary.of_bytes Script.expr_encoding bytes with | None -> return None | Some expr -> Script_ir_translator.parse_data tc ty (Micheline.root expr) >>=?? fun x -> return (Some (fst x)) else return None ) let unpack ty a = match unpack_opt ty a with | None -> raise @@ Failure "unpacking : of_bytes" | Some x -> x let blake2b b = Alpha_environment.Raw_hashes.blake2b b