(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Nomadic Labs <contact@nomadic-labs.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (* open Protocol_client_context *) open Tezos_micheline open Micheline module IntMap = Map.Make (Compare.Int) type 'l node = ('l, string) Micheline.node type error += Unexpected_macro_annotation of string type error += Sequence_expected of string type error += Invalid_arity of string * int * int let rec check_letters str i j f = i > j || (f str.[i] && check_letters str (i + 1) j f) let expand_caddadr original = match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len > 3 && str.[0] = 'C' && str.[len - 1] = 'R' && check_letters str 1 (len - 2) (function | 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> let path_annot = List.filter (function "@%" | "@%%" -> true | _ -> false) annot in let rec parse i acc = if i = 0 then Seq (loc, acc) else let annot = if i = len - 2 then annot else path_annot in match str.[i] with | 'A' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "CAR", [], annot) :: acc) | 'D' -> parse (i - 1) (Prim (loc, "CDR", [], annot) :: acc) | _ -> assert false in ok (Some (parse (len - 2) [])) else ok None | _ -> ok None let extract_field_annots annot = List.partition (fun a -> match a.[0] with | '%' -> true | _ -> false | exception Invalid_argument _ -> false) annot let expand_set_caddadr original = match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len >= 7 && String.sub str 0 5 = "SET_C" && str.[len - 1] = 'R' && check_letters str 5 (len - 2) (function | 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> ( match extract_field_annots annot with | ([], annot) -> ok (None, annot) | ([f], annot) -> ok (Some f, annot) | (_, _) -> error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str) ) >>? fun (field_annot, annot) -> let rec parse i acc = if i = 4 then acc else let annot = if i = 5 then annot else [] in match str.[i] with | 'A' -> let acc = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim ( loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"]); acc])], [] ); Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], "%@" :: "%@" :: annot) ] ) in parse (i - 1) acc | 'D' -> let acc = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim ( loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); acc])], [] ); Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], "%@" :: "%@" :: annot) ] ) in parse (i - 1) acc | _ -> assert false in match str.[len - 2] with | 'A' -> let access_check = match field_annot with | None -> [] | Some f -> [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CAR", [], [f]); Prim (loc, "DROP", [], []) ] in let encoding = [Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], [])] in let pair = [ Prim ( loc, "PAIR", [], [Option.unopt field_annot ~default:"%"; "%@"] ) ] in let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ pair) in ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init)) | 'D' -> let access_check = match field_annot with | None -> [] | Some f -> [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CDR", [], [f]); Prim (loc, "DROP", [], []) ] in let encoding = [Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"])] in let pair = [ Prim ( loc, "PAIR", [], ["%@"; Option.unopt field_annot ~default:"%"] ) ] in let init = Seq (loc, access_check @ encoding @ pair) in ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init)) | _ -> assert false else ok None | _ -> ok None let expand_map_caddadr original = match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len >= 7 && String.sub str 0 5 = "MAP_C" && str.[len - 1] = 'R' && check_letters str 5 (len - 2) (function | 'A' | 'D' -> true | _ -> false) then ( match args with | [(Seq _ as code)] -> ok code | [_] -> error (Sequence_expected str) | [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 1)) ) >>? fun code -> ( match extract_field_annots annot with | ([], annot) -> ok (None, annot) | ([f], annot) -> ok (Some f, annot) | (_, _) -> error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str) ) >>? fun (field_annot, annot) -> let rec parse i acc = if i = 4 then acc else let annot = if i = 5 then annot else [] in match str.[i] with | 'A' -> let acc = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim ( loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"]); acc])], [] ); Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], "%@" :: "%@" :: annot) ] ) in parse (i - 1) acc | 'D' -> let acc = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim ( loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); acc])], [] ); Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], "%@" :: "%@" :: annot) ] ) in parse (i - 1) acc | _ -> assert false in let cr_annot = match field_annot with | None -> [] | Some f -> ["@" ^ String.sub f 1 (String.length f - 1)] in match str.[len - 2] with | 'A' -> let init = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CDR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim ( loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CAR", [], cr_annot); code])], [] ); Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []); Prim ( loc, "PAIR", [], [Option.unopt field_annot ~default:"%"; "%@"] ) ] ) in ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init)) | 'D' -> let init = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CDR", [], cr_annot); code; Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CAR", [], ["@%%"]); Prim ( loc, "PAIR", [], ["%@"; Option.unopt field_annot ~default:"%"] ) ] ) in ok (Some (parse (len - 3) init)) | _ -> assert false else ok None | _ -> ok None exception Not_a_roman let decimal_of_roman roman = (* http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Roman_numerals/Decode#OCaml *) let arabic = ref 0 in let lastval = ref 0 in for i = String.length roman - 1 downto 0 do let n = match roman.[i] with | 'M' -> 1000 | 'D' -> 500 | 'C' -> 100 | 'L' -> 50 | 'X' -> 10 | 'V' -> 5 | 'I' -> 1 | _ -> raise_notrace Not_a_roman in if Compare.Int.(n < !lastval) then arabic := !arabic - n else arabic := !arabic + n ; lastval := n done ; !arabic let dip ~loc ?(annot = []) depth instr = assert (depth >= 0) ; if depth = 1 then Prim (loc, "DIP", [instr], annot) else Prim (loc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.of_int depth); instr], annot) let expand_deprecated_dxiiivp original = (* transparently expands deprecated macro [DI...IP] to instruction [DIP n] *) match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len > 3 && str.[0] = 'D' && str.[len - 1] = 'P' then try let depth = decimal_of_roman (String.sub str 1 (len - 2)) in match args with | [(Seq (_, _) as arg)] -> ok @@ Some (dip ~loc ~annot depth arg) | [_] -> error (Sequence_expected str) | [] | _ :: _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 1)) with Not_a_roman -> ok None else ok None | _ -> ok None exception Not_a_pair type pair_item = A | I | P of int * pair_item * pair_item let parse_pair_substr str ~len start = let rec parse ?left i = if i = len - 1 then raise_notrace Not_a_pair else if str.[i] = 'P' then let (next_i, l) = parse ~left:true (i + 1) in let (next_i, r) = parse ~left:false next_i in (next_i, P (i, l, r)) else if str.[i] = 'A' && left = Some true then (i + 1, A) else if str.[i] = 'I' && left <> Some true then (i + 1, I) else raise_notrace Not_a_pair in let (last, ast) = parse start in if last <> len - 1 then raise_notrace Not_a_pair else ast let unparse_pair_item ast = let rec unparse ast acc = match ast with | P (_, l, r) -> unparse r (unparse l ("P" :: acc)) | A -> "A" :: acc | I -> "I" :: acc in List.rev ("R" :: unparse ast []) |> String.concat "" let pappaiir_annots_pos ast annot = let rec find_annots_pos p_pos ast annots acc = match (ast, annots) with | (_, []) -> (annots, acc) | (P (i, left, right), _) -> let (annots, acc) = find_annots_pos i left annots acc in find_annots_pos i right annots acc | (A, a :: annots) -> let pos = match IntMap.find_opt p_pos acc with | None -> ([a], []) | Some (_, cdr) -> ([a], cdr) in (annots, IntMap.add p_pos pos acc) | (I, a :: annots) -> let pos = match IntMap.find_opt p_pos acc with | None -> ([], [a]) | Some (car, _) -> (car, [a]) in (annots, IntMap.add p_pos pos acc) in snd (find_annots_pos 0 ast annot IntMap.empty) let expand_pappaiir original = match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len > 4 && str.[0] = 'P' && str.[len - 1] = 'R' && check_letters str 1 (len - 2) (function | 'P' | 'A' | 'I' -> true | _ -> false) then try let (field_annots, annot) = extract_field_annots annot in let ast = parse_pair_substr str ~len 0 in let field_annots_pos = pappaiir_annots_pos ast field_annots in let rec parse p (depth, acc) = match p with | P (i, left, right) -> let annot = match (i, IntMap.find_opt i field_annots_pos) with | (0, None) -> annot | (_, None) -> [] | (0, Some ([], cdr_annot)) -> ("%" :: cdr_annot) @ annot | (_, Some ([], cdr_annot)) -> "%" :: cdr_annot | (0, Some (car_annot, cdr_annot)) -> car_annot @ cdr_annot @ annot | (_, Some (car_annot, cdr_annot)) -> car_annot @ cdr_annot in let acc = if depth = 0 then Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], annot) :: acc else dip ~loc depth (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "PAIR", [], annot)])) :: acc in (depth, acc) |> parse left |> parse right | A | I -> (depth + 1, acc) in let (_, expanded) = parse ast (0, []) in ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> ok (Some (Seq (loc, expanded))) with Not_a_pair -> ok None else ok None | _ -> ok None let expand_unpappaiir original = match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len >= 6 && String.sub str 0 3 = "UNP" && str.[len - 1] = 'R' && check_letters str 3 (len - 2) (function | 'P' | 'A' | 'I' -> true | _ -> false) then try let unpair car_annot cdr_annot = Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DUP", [], []); Prim (loc, "CAR", [], car_annot); dip ~loc 1 (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "CDR", [], cdr_annot)])) ] ) in let ast = parse_pair_substr str ~len 2 in let annots_pos = pappaiir_annots_pos ast annot in let rec parse p (depth, acc) = match p with | P (i, left, right) -> let (car_annot, cdr_annot) = match IntMap.find_opt i annots_pos with | None -> ([], []) | Some (car_annot, cdr_annot) -> (car_annot, cdr_annot) in let acc = if depth = 0 then unpair car_annot cdr_annot :: acc else dip ~loc depth (Seq (loc, [unpair car_annot cdr_annot])) :: acc in (depth, acc) |> parse left |> parse right | A | I -> (depth + 1, acc) in let (_, rev_expanded) = parse ast (0, []) in let expanded = Seq (loc, List.rev rev_expanded) in ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> ok (Some expanded) with Not_a_pair -> ok None else ok None | _ -> ok None exception Not_a_dup let dupn loc nloc n annot = assert (n > 1) ; if n = 2 then (* keep the old expansion, shorter for [DUP 2] *) Seq ( loc, [ Prim (loc, "DIP", [Seq (loc, [Prim (nloc, "DUP", [], annot)])], []); Prim (loc, "SWAP", [], []) ] ) else Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( loc, "DIP", [ Int (loc, Z.of_int (n - 1)); Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "DUP", [], annot)]) ], [] ); Prim (loc, "DIG", [Int (nloc, Z.of_int n)], []) ] ) let expand_dupn original = match original with | Prim (loc, "DUP", [Int (nloc, n)], annot) -> ok (Some (dupn loc nloc (Z.to_int n) annot)) | _ -> ok None let expand_deprecated_duuuuup original = (* transparently expands deprecated macro [DU...UP] to [{ DIP n { DUP } ; DIG n }] *) match original with | Prim (loc, str, args, annot) -> let len = String.length str in if len > 3 && str.[0] = 'D' && str.[len - 1] = 'P' && check_letters str 1 (len - 2) (( = ) 'U') then ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> try let rec parse i = if i = 1 then dupn loc loc (len - 2) annot else if str.[i] = 'U' then parse (i - 1) else raise_notrace Not_a_dup in ok (Some (parse (len - 2))) with Not_a_dup -> ok None else ok None | _ -> ok None let expand_compare original = let cmp loc is annot = let is = match List.rev_map (fun i -> Prim (loc, i, [], [])) is with | Prim (loc, i, args, _) :: r -> List.rev (Prim (loc, i, args, annot) :: r) | is -> List.rev is in ok (Some (Seq (loc, is))) in let ifcmp loc is l r annot = let is = List.map (fun i -> Prim (loc, i, [], [])) is @ [Prim (loc, "IF", [l; r], annot)] in ok (Some (Seq (loc, is))) in match original with | Prim (loc, "CMPEQ", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "EQ"] annot | Prim (loc, "CMPNEQ", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "NEQ"] annot | Prim (loc, "CMPLT", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "LT"] annot | Prim (loc, "CMPGT", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "GT"] annot | Prim (loc, "CMPLE", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "LE"] annot | Prim (loc, "CMPGE", [], annot) -> cmp loc ["COMPARE"; "GE"] annot | Prim ( _, (("CMPEQ" | "CMPNEQ" | "CMPLT" | "CMPGT" | "CMPLE" | "CMPGE") as str), args, [] ) -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) | Prim (loc, "IFCMPEQ", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "EQ"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFCMPNEQ", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "NEQ"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFCMPLT", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "LT"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFCMPGT", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "GT"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFCMPLE", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "LE"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFCMPGE", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["COMPARE"; "GE"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFEQ", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["EQ"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFNEQ", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["NEQ"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFLT", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["LT"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFGT", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["GT"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFLE", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["LE"] l r annot | Prim (loc, "IFGE", [l; r], annot) -> ifcmp loc ["GE"] l r annot | Prim ( _, ( ( "IFCMPEQ" | "IFCMPNEQ" | "IFCMPLT" | "IFCMPGT" | "IFCMPLE" | "IFCMPGE" | "IFEQ" | "IFNEQ" | "IFLT" | "IFGT" | "IFLE" | "IFGE" ) as str ), args, [] ) -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 2)) | Prim ( _, ( ( "IFCMPEQ" | "IFCMPNEQ" | "IFCMPLT" | "IFCMPGT" | "IFCMPLE" | "IFCMPGE" | "IFEQ" | "IFNEQ" | "IFLT" | "IFGT" | "IFLE" | "IFGE" ) as str ), [], _ :: _ ) -> error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str) | _ -> ok None let expand_asserts original = let may_rename loc = function | [] -> Seq (loc, []) | annot -> Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "RENAME", [], annot)]) in let fail_false ?(annot = []) loc = [may_rename loc annot; Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], [])])] in let fail_true ?(annot = []) loc = [Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], [])]); may_rename loc annot] in match original with | Prim (loc, "ASSERT", [], []) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, [])])) | Prim (loc, "ASSERT_NONE", [], []) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", fail_false loc, [])])) | Prim (loc, "ASSERT_SOME", [], annot) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", fail_true ~annot loc, [])])) | Prim (loc, "ASSERT_LEFT", [], annot) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", fail_false ~annot loc, [])])) | Prim (loc, "ASSERT_RIGHT", [], annot) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", fail_true ~annot loc, [])])) | Prim ( _, ( ( "ASSERT" | "ASSERT_NONE" | "ASSERT_SOME" | "ASSERT_LEFT" | "ASSERT_RIGHT" ) as str ), args, [] ) -> error (Invalid_arity (str, List.length args, 0)) | Prim (_, (("ASSERT" | "ASSERT_NONE") as str), [], _ :: _) -> error (Unexpected_macro_annotation str) | Prim (loc, s, args, annot) when String.(length s > 7 && equal (sub s 0 7) "ASSERT_") -> ( ( match args with | [] -> ok () | _ :: _ -> error (Invalid_arity (s, List.length args, 0)) ) >>? fun () -> ( match annot with | _ :: _ -> error (Unexpected_macro_annotation s) | [] -> ok () ) >>? fun () -> let remaining = String.(sub s 7 (length s - 7)) in let remaining_prim = Prim (loc, remaining, [], []) in match remaining with | "EQ" | "NEQ" | "LT" | "LE" | "GE" | "GT" -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [remaining_prim; Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, [])])) | _ -> ( expand_compare remaining_prim >|? function | None -> None | Some seq -> Some (Seq (loc, [seq; Prim (loc, "IF", fail_false loc, [])])) ) ) | _ -> ok None let expand_if_some = function | Prim (loc, "IF_SOME", [right; left], annot) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_NONE", [left; right], annot)])) | Prim (_, "IF_SOME", args, _annot) -> error (Invalid_arity ("IF_SOME", List.length args, 2)) | _ -> ok @@ None let expand_if_right = function | Prim (loc, "IF_RIGHT", [right; left], annot) -> ok @@ Some (Seq (loc, [Prim (loc, "IF_LEFT", [left; right], annot)])) | Prim (_, "IF_RIGHT", args, _annot) -> error (Invalid_arity ("IF_RIGHT", List.length args, 2)) | _ -> ok @@ None let expand_fail = function | Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], []) -> ok @@ Some (Seq ( loc, [Prim (loc, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (loc, "FAILWITH", [], [])] )) | _ -> ok @@ None let expand original = let rec try_expansions = function | [] -> ok @@ original | expander :: expanders -> ( expander original >>? function | None -> try_expansions expanders | Some rewritten -> ok rewritten ) in try_expansions [ expand_caddadr; expand_set_caddadr; expand_map_caddadr; expand_deprecated_dxiiivp; (* expand_paaiair ; *) expand_pappaiir; (* expand_unpaaiair ; *) expand_unpappaiir; expand_deprecated_duuuuup; expand_dupn; expand_compare; expand_asserts; expand_if_some; expand_if_right; expand_fail ] let expand_rec expr = let rec error_map (expanded, errors) f = function | [] -> (List.rev expanded, List.rev errors) | hd :: tl -> let (new_expanded, new_errors) = f hd in error_map (new_expanded :: expanded, List.rev_append new_errors errors) f tl in let error_map = error_map ([], []) in let rec expand_rec expr = match expand expr with | Ok expanded -> ( match expanded with | Seq (loc, items) -> let (items, errors) = error_map expand_rec items in (Seq (loc, items), errors) | Prim (loc, name, args, annot) -> let (args, errors) = error_map expand_rec args in (Prim (loc, name, args, annot), errors) | (Int _ | String _ | Bytes _) as atom -> (atom, []) ) | Error errors -> (expr, errors) in expand_rec expr let unexpand_caddadr expanded = let rec rsteps acc = function | [] -> Some acc | Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) :: rest -> rsteps ("A" :: acc) rest | Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) :: rest -> rsteps ("D" :: acc) rest | _ -> None in match expanded with | Seq (loc, (Prim (_, "CAR", [], []) :: _ as nodes)) | Seq (loc, (Prim (_, "CDR", [], []) :: _ as nodes)) -> ( match rsteps [] nodes with | Some steps -> let name = String.concat "" ("C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in Some (Prim (loc, name, [], [])) | None -> None ) | _ -> None let unexpand_set_caddadr expanded = let rec steps acc annots = function | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "A" :: acc, annots) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], [field_annot]); Prim (_, "DROP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "A" :: acc, field_annot :: annots) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _)]) -> Some (loc, "D" :: acc, annots) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], [field_annot]); Prim (_, "DROP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "D" :: acc, field_annot :: annots) | Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); sub])], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], pair_annots) ] ) -> let (_, pair_annots) = extract_field_annots pair_annots in steps ("A" :: acc) (List.rev_append pair_annots annots) sub | Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); sub])], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], pair_annots) ] ) -> let (_, pair_annots) = extract_field_annots pair_annots in steps ("D" :: acc) (List.rev_append pair_annots annots) sub | _ -> None in match steps [] [] expanded with | Some (loc, steps, annots) -> let name = String.concat "" ("SET_C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in Some (Prim (loc, name, [], List.rev annots)) | None -> None let unexpand_map_caddadr expanded = let rec steps acc annots = function | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CAR", [], []); code])], []); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "A" :: acc, annots, code) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim ( _, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CAR", [], [field_annot]); code])], [] ); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "A" :: acc, field_annot :: annots, code) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], []); code; Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "D" :: acc, annots, code) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], [field_annot]); code; Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], _) ] ) -> Some (loc, "D" :: acc, field_annot :: annots, code) | Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CAR", [], _); sub])], []); Prim (_, "CDR", [], _); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], []); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], pair_annots) ] ) -> let (_, pair_annots) = extract_field_annots pair_annots in steps ("A" :: acc) (List.rev_append pair_annots annots) sub | Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CDR", [], []); sub])], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], []); Prim (_, "PAIR", [], pair_annots) ] ) -> let (_, pair_annots) = extract_field_annots pair_annots in steps ("D" :: acc) (List.rev_append pair_annots annots) sub | _ -> None in match steps [] [] expanded with | Some (loc, steps, annots, code) -> let name = String.concat "" ("MAP_C" :: List.rev ("R" :: steps)) in Some (Prim (loc, name, [code], List.rev annots)) | None -> None let unexpand_deprecated_dxiiivp expanded = (* transparently turn the old expansion of deprecated [DI...IP] to [DIP n] *) match expanded with | Seq ( loc, [Prim (_, "DIP", [(Seq (_, [Prim (_, "DIP", [_], [])]) as sub)], [])] ) -> let rec count acc = function | Seq (_, [Prim (_, "DIP", [sub], [])]) -> count (acc + 1) sub | sub -> (acc, sub) in let (depth, sub) = count 1 sub in Some (Prim (loc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.of_int depth); sub], [])) | _ -> None let unexpand_dupn expanded = match expanded with | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "DIP", [Int (_, np); Seq (_, [Prim (_, "DUP", [], annot)])], []); Prim (_, "DIG", [Int (nloc, ng)], []) ] ) when Z.equal np (Z.pred ng) -> Some (Prim (loc, "DUP", [Int (nloc, ng)], annot)) | _ -> None let unexpand_deprecated_duuuuup expanded = (* transparently turn the old expansion of deprecated [DU...UP] to [DUP n] *) let rec expand n = function | Seq (loc, [Prim (nloc, "DUP", [], annot)]) -> if n = 1 then None else Some (Prim (loc, "DUP", [Int (nloc, Z.of_int n)], annot)) | Seq (_, [Prim (_, "DIP", [expanded'], []); Prim (_, "SWAP", [], [])]) -> expand (n + 1) expanded' | _ -> None in expand 1 expanded let rec normalize_pair_item ?(right = false) = function | P (i, a, b) -> P (i, normalize_pair_item a, normalize_pair_item ~right:true b) | A when right -> I | A -> A | I -> I let unexpand_pappaiir expanded = match expanded with | Seq (_, [Prim (_, "PAIR", [], [])]) -> Some expanded | Seq (loc, (_ :: _ as nodes)) -> ( let rec exec stack nodes = match (nodes, stack) with | ([], _) -> stack (* support new expansion using [DIP n] *) | ( Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack ) when Z.to_int n > 1 -> exec ( a :: exec rstack [ Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.pred n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) ] ) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Int (_, n); Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack) when Z.to_int n = 1 -> exec (a :: exec rstack sub) rest | (Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) :: rest, []) when Z.to_int n > 1 -> exec ( A :: exec [] [ Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.pred n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) ] ) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Int (_, n); Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, []) when Z.to_int n = 1 -> exec (A :: exec [] sub) rest (* support old expansion using [DIP] *) | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack) -> exec (a :: exec rstack sub) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, []) -> exec (A :: exec [] sub) rest | (Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) :: rest, a :: b :: rstack) -> exec (P (0, a, b) :: rstack) rest | (Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) :: rest, [a]) -> exec [P (0, a, I)] rest | (Prim (_, "PAIR", [], []) :: rest, []) -> exec [P (0, A, I)] rest | _ -> raise_notrace Not_a_pair in match exec [] nodes with | [] -> None | res :: _ -> let res = normalize_pair_item res in let name = unparse_pair_item res in Some (Prim (loc, name, [], [])) | exception Not_a_pair -> None ) | _ -> None let unexpand_unpappaiir expanded = match expanded with | Seq (loc, (_ :: _ as nodes)) -> ( let rec exec stack nodes = match (nodes, stack) with | ([], _) -> stack (* support new expansion using [DIP n] *) | ( Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack ) when Z.to_int n > 1 -> exec ( a :: exec rstack [ Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.pred n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) ] ) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Int (_, n); Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack) when Z.to_int n = 1 -> exec (a :: exec rstack sub) rest | (Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) :: rest, []) when Z.to_int n > 1 -> exec ( A :: exec [] [ Prim (ploc, "DIP", [Int (loc, Z.pred n); Seq (sloc, sub)], []) ] ) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Int (_, n); Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, []) when Z.to_int n = 1 -> exec (A :: exec [] sub) rest (* support old expansion using [DIP] *) | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, a :: rstack) -> exec (a :: exec rstack sub) rest | (Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, sub)], []) :: rest, []) -> exec (A :: exec [] sub) rest | ( Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CDR", [], [])])], []) ] ) :: rest, a :: b :: rstack ) -> exec (P (0, a, b) :: rstack) rest | ( Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CDR", [], [])])], []) ] ) :: rest, [a] ) -> exec [P (0, a, I)] rest | ( Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "DUP", [], []); Prim (_, "CAR", [], []); Prim (_, "DIP", [Seq (_, [Prim (_, "CDR", [], [])])], []) ] ) :: rest, [] ) -> exec [P (0, A, I)] rest | _ -> raise_notrace Not_a_pair in match exec [] (List.rev nodes) with | [] -> None | res :: _ -> let res = normalize_pair_item res in let name = "UN" ^ unparse_pair_item res in Some (Prim (loc, name, [], [])) | exception Not_a_pair -> None ) | _ -> None let unexpand_compare expanded = match expanded with | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "EQ", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPEQ", [], annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "NEQ", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPNEQ", [], annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "LT", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPLT", [], annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "GT", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPGT", [], annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "LE", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPLE", [], annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "GE", [], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "CMPGE", [], annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "EQ", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPEQ", args, annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "NEQ", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPNEQ", args, annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "LT", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPLT", args, annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "GT", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPGT", args, annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "LE", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPLE", args, annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], _); Prim (_, "GE", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFCMPGE", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "EQ", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFEQ", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "NEQ", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFNEQ", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "LT", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFLT", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "GT", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFGT", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "LE", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFLE", args, annot)) | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "GE", [], _); Prim (_, "IF", args, annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IFGE", args, annot)) | _ -> None let unexpand_asserts expanded = match expanded with | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF", [ Seq (_, []); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT", [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Seq (_, [Prim (_, "COMPARE", [], []); Prim (_, comparison, [], [])]); Prim ( _, "IF", [ Seq (_, []); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_CMP" ^ comparison, [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim (_, comparison, [], []); Prim ( _, "IF", [ Seq (_, []); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_" ^ comparison, [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_NONE", [ Seq (_, [Prim (_, "RENAME", [], annot)]); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_NONE", [], annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_NONE", [ Seq (_, []); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_NONE", [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_NONE", [ Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ); Seq (_, []) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_SOME", [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_NONE", [ Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ); Seq (_, [Prim (_, "RENAME", [], annot)]) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_SOME", [], annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq (_, []); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_LEFT", [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq (_, [Prim (_, "RENAME", [], annot)]); Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_LEFT", [], annot)) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ); Seq (_, []) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_RIGHT", [], [])) | Seq ( loc, [ Prim ( _, "IF_LEFT", [ Seq ( _, [ Seq ( _, [ Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], []) ] ) ] ); Seq (_, [Prim (_, "RENAME", [], annot)]) ], [] ) ] ) -> Some (Prim (loc, "ASSERT_RIGHT", [], annot)) | _ -> None let unexpand_if_some = function | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "IF_NONE", [left; right], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IF_SOME", [right; left], annot)) | _ -> None let unexpand_if_right = function | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "IF_LEFT", [left; right], annot)]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "IF_RIGHT", [right; left], annot)) | _ -> None let unexpand_fail = function | Seq (loc, [Prim (_, "UNIT", [], []); Prim (_, "FAILWITH", [], [])]) -> Some (Prim (loc, "FAIL", [], [])) | _ -> None let unexpand original = let try_unexpansions unexpanders = match List.fold_left (fun acc f -> match acc with | None -> f original | Some rewritten -> Some rewritten) None unexpanders with | None -> original | Some rewritten -> rewritten in try_unexpansions [ unexpand_asserts; unexpand_caddadr; unexpand_set_caddadr; unexpand_map_caddadr; unexpand_deprecated_dxiiivp; unexpand_pappaiir; unexpand_unpappaiir; unexpand_deprecated_duuuuup; unexpand_dupn; unexpand_compare; unexpand_if_some; unexpand_if_right; unexpand_fail ] (* If an argument of Prim is a sequence, we do not want to unexpand its root in case the source already contains an expanded macro. In which case unexpansion would remove surrounding braces and generate ill-formed code. For example, DIIP { DIP { DUP }; SWAP } is not unexpandable but DIIP {{ DIP { DUP }; SWAP }} (note the double braces) is unexpanded to DIIP { DUUP }. unexpand_rec_but_root is the same as unexpand_rec but does not try to unexpand at root *) let rec unexpand_rec expr = unexpand_rec_but_root (unexpand expr) and unexpand_rec_but_root = function | Seq (loc, items) -> Seq (loc, List.map unexpand_rec items) | Prim (loc, name, args, annot) -> Prim (loc, name, List.map unexpand_rec_but_root args, annot) | (Int _ | String _ | Bytes _) as atom -> atom let () = let open Data_encoding in register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson.macros.unexpected_annotation" ~title:"Unexpected annotation" ~description: "A macro had an annotation, but no annotation was permitted on this \ macro." ~pp:(fun ppf -> Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected annotation on macro %s.") (obj1 (req "macro_name" string)) (function Unexpected_macro_annotation str -> Some str | _ -> None) (fun s -> Unexpected_macro_annotation s) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson.macros.sequence_expected" ~title:"Macro expects a sequence" ~description:"An macro expects a sequence, but a sequence was not provided" ~pp:(fun ppf name -> Format.fprintf ppf "Macro %s expects a sequence, but did not receive one." name) (obj1 (req "macro_name" string)) (function Sequence_expected name -> Some name | _ -> None) (fun name -> Sequence_expected name) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"michelson.macros.bas_arity" ~title:"Wrong number of arguments to macro" ~description:"A wrong number of arguments was provided to a macro" ~pp:(fun ppf (name, got, exp) -> Format.fprintf ppf "Macro %s expects %d arguments, was given %d." name exp got) (obj3 (req "macro_name" string) (req "given_number_of_arguments" uint16) (req "expected_number_of_arguments" uint16)) (function | Invalid_arity (name, got, exp) -> Some (name, got, exp) | _ -> None) (fun (name, got, exp) -> Invalid_arity (name, got, exp))