(* * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. *) module Option = struct let of_result = function | Ok v -> Some v | _ -> None let value_map ~default ~f = function | None -> default | Some v -> f v end module Result = struct let map ~f = function | Ok v -> Ok (f v) | Error err -> Error err end let cstruct_of_ba_copy ba = let cs = Cstruct.of_bigarray ba in let len = Cstruct.len cs in let cs_copy = Cstruct.create_unsafe len in Cstruct.blit cs 0 cs_copy 0 len ; cs_copy open Lwt.Infix type t = { db: Lmdb.t ; root: string ; } let of_result = function | Ok v -> Lwt.return v | Error err -> Lwt.fail_with (Lmdb.string_of_error err) let src = Logs.Src.create "irmin.lmdb" ~doc:"Irmin in a Lmdb store" module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG) let int64_of_string s = try Ok (Int64.of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "%s is not the representation of an int64" s)) let bool_of_string s = try Ok (bool_of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "%s is not the representation of a boolean" s)) let int64_converter = int64_of_string, Fmt.uint64 let bool_converter = bool_of_string, Fmt.bool module Conf = struct let root = Irmin.Private.Conf.root let mapsize = Irmin.Private.Conf.key "mapsize" int64_converter 40_960_000_000L let readonly = Irmin.Private.Conf.key "readonly" bool_converter false end let config ?(config=Irmin.Private.Conf.empty) ?mapsize ?(readonly=false) file = let module C = Irmin.Private.Conf in let config = C.add config Conf.root (Some file) in let config = C.add config Conf.readonly readonly in Option.value_map mapsize ~default:config ~f:(C.add config Conf.mapsize) let mem db k = Lmdb.with_ro_db db ~f:(fun txn db -> Lmdb.mem txn db k) |> of_result let find_bind db k ~f = match Lmdb.with_ro_db db ~f:(fun txn db -> Result.map ~f (Lmdb.get txn db k)) with | Error KeyNotFound -> Lwt.return_none | Error err -> Lwt.fail_with (Lmdb.string_of_error err) | Ok v -> Lwt.return v let add db k v = Lmdb.with_rw_db db ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.put_string txn db k v ; end |> of_result let add_cstruct db k v = Lmdb.with_rw_db db ~f:begin fun txn db -> Lmdb.put txn db k (Cstruct.to_bigarray v) ; end |> of_result module Irmin_value_store (M: Irmin.Metadata.S) (H: Irmin.Hash.S) (C: Irmin.Contents.S) (P: Irmin.Path.S) = struct module XContents = struct type nonrec t = t type key = H.t type value = C.t let lmdb_of_key h = "contents/" ^ Cstruct.to_string (H.to_raw h) let mem { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in mem db key let find { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in find_bind db key ~f:begin fun v -> Option.of_result (C.of_string Cstruct.(to_string (of_bigarray v))) end let to_string = Fmt.to_to_string C.pp let add { db ; _ } v = let k = H.digest C.t v in let k_lmdb = lmdb_of_key k in let v = to_string v in add db k_lmdb v >|= fun () -> k module Val = C module Key = H end module Contents = Irmin.Contents.Store(XContents) module XNode = struct module Key = H module Path = P module Val = struct module Metadata = M type kind = [ `Node | `Contents of M.t ] type metadata = M.t type entry = { kind : kind; name : string; node : H.t; } type t = entry list type contents = Contents.key type node = Key.t type step = Path.step type value = [`Node of node | `Contents of contents * metadata ] let metadata_t = M.t let contents_t = Contents.Key.t let node_t = Key.t let step_t = Path.step_t let entry_t = let open Irmin.Type in record "Tree.entry" (fun kind name node -> let kind = match kind with | None -> `Node | Some m -> `Contents m in { kind ; name ; node } ) |+ field "kind" (option M.t) (function | { kind = `Node ; _ } -> None | { kind = `Contents m ; _ } -> Some m) |+ field "name" string (fun { name ; _ } -> name) |+ field "node" H.t (fun { node ; _ } -> node) |> sealr let value_t = let open Irmin.Type in variant "Tree.value" (fun node contents -> function | `Node n -> node n | `Contents (c, m) -> contents (c, m)) |~ case1 "node" node_t (fun n -> `Node n) |~ case1 "contents" (pair contents_t M.t) (fun (c, m) -> `Contents (c, m)) |> sealv let of_step = Fmt.to_to_string P.pp_step let to_step str = match P.step_of_string str with | Ok x -> x | Error (`Msg e) -> failwith e let to_entry kind (name, node) = { kind; name = of_step name; node } let list t = List.fold_left (fun acc { kind; name; node } -> let name = to_step name in match kind with | `Node -> (name, `Node node) :: acc | `Contents m -> (name, `Contents (node, m)) :: acc ) [] t |> List.rev let find t s = let s = of_step s in let rec aux = function | [] -> None | x::xs when x.name <> s -> aux xs | { kind; node; _ } :: _ -> match kind with | `Node -> Some (`Node node) | `Contents m -> Some (`Contents (node, m)) in aux t type compare_result = LT | EQ | GT module Sort_key: sig type t val of_entry: entry -> t val of_contents: string -> t val of_node: string -> t val order: t -> t -> compare_result val compare: t -> t -> int end = struct type t = | Contents: string -> t | Node : string -> t exception Result of int let str = function Contents s | Node s -> s let compare x y = match x, y with | Contents x, Contents y -> String.compare x y | _ -> let xs = str x and ys = str y in let lenx = String.length xs in let leny = String.length ys in let i = ref 0 in try while !i < lenx && !i < leny do match Char.compare (String.unsafe_get xs !i) (String.unsafe_get ys !i) with | 0 -> incr i | i -> raise (Result i) done; let get len s i = if i < len then String.unsafe_get (str s) i else if i = len then match s with | Node _ -> '/' | Contents _ -> '\000' else '\000' in match Char.compare (get lenx x !i) (get leny y !i) with | 0 -> Char.compare (get lenx x (!i + 1)) (get leny y (!i + 1)) | i -> i with Result i -> i let order a b = match compare a b with | 0 -> EQ | x when x > 0 -> GT | _ -> LT let of_contents c = Contents c let of_node n = Node n let of_entry = function | {name = n; kind = `Node; _} -> of_node n | {name = n; kind = `Contents _; _} -> of_contents n end let compare_entries a b = Sort_key.(compare (of_entry a) (of_entry b)) (* the order is always: [ ...; foo (content key); ...; foo/ (node key); ... ] So always scan until the 'node' key. *) let remove t step = let step = of_step step in let node_key = Sort_key.of_node step in let contents_key = Sort_key.of_contents step in let return ~acc rest = List.rev_append acc rest in let rec aux acc = function | [] -> t | h :: l -> let entry_key = Sort_key.of_entry h in if Sort_key.order contents_key entry_key = EQ then return ~acc l else match Sort_key.order node_key entry_key with | GT -> aux (h :: acc) l | EQ -> return ~acc l | LT -> t in aux [] t let hash_of_v = function | `Contents (x, _) | `Node x -> x let update t step v = let step = of_step step in let node_key = Sort_key.of_node step in let contents_key = Sort_key.of_contents step in let return ~acc rest = let kind, node = match v with | `Node n -> `Node, n | `Contents (c, m) -> `Contents m, c in let e = { kind; name = step; node} in List.rev_append acc (e :: rest) in let rec aux acc = function | [] -> return ~acc [] | { node; _ } as h :: l -> let entry_key = Sort_key.of_entry h in (* Remove any contents entry with the same name. This will always come before the new succ entry. *) if Sort_key.order contents_key entry_key = EQ then aux acc l else match Sort_key.order node_key entry_key with | GT -> aux (h :: acc) l | LT -> return ~acc (h::l) | EQ when Cstruct.equal (H.to_raw (hash_of_v v)) (H.to_raw node) -> t | EQ -> return ~acc l in aux [] t let empty = [] let is_empty = function | [] -> true | _ -> false let v alist = let alist = List.map (fun (l, x) -> let v k = l, k in match x with | `Node n -> to_entry `Node (v n) | `Contents (c, m) -> to_entry (`Contents m) (v c) ) alist in List.fast_sort compare_entries alist let alist t = let mk_n k = `Node k in let mk_c k m= `Contents (k, m) in List.map (function | { kind = `Node; name; node } -> (to_step name, mk_n node) | { kind = `Contents m; name; node; _ } -> (to_step name, mk_c node m) ) t module N = Irmin.Private.Node.Make (H)(H)(P)(M) let to_n t = N.v (alist t) let of_n n = v (N.list n) let t = Irmin.Type.like N.t of_n to_n end module AO = struct type nonrec t = t type key = H.t type value = Val.t let lmdb_of_key h = "node/" ^ Cstruct.to_string (H.to_raw h) let mem { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in mem db key let of_cstruct v = Irmin.Type.decode_cstruct (Irmin.Type.list Val.entry_t) v |> Option.of_result let find { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in find_bind db key ~f:(fun v -> of_cstruct (cstruct_of_ba_copy v)) let add { db ; _ } v = let v = Irmin.Type.encode_cstruct (Irmin.Type.list Val.entry_t) v in let k = H.digest Irmin.Type.cstruct v in let k_lmdb = lmdb_of_key k in add_cstruct db k_lmdb v >|= fun () -> k end include AO end module Node = Irmin.Private.Node.Store(Contents)(P)(M)(XNode) module XCommit = struct module Val = struct type t = { node: H.t ; parents: H.t list ; info: Irmin.Info.t ; } type commit = H.t type node = H.t let commit_t = H.t let node_t = H.t let v ~info ~node ~parents = { info ; node ; parents } let xnode { node; _ } = node let node t = xnode t let parents { parents; _ } = parents let info { info; _ } = info module C = Irmin.Private.Commit.Make(H)(H) let of_c c = v ~info:(C.info c) ~node:(C.node c) ~parents:(C.parents c) let to_c { info ; node ; parents } = C.v ~info ~node ~parents let t = Irmin.Type.like C.t of_c to_c end module Key = H module AO = struct let lmdb_of_key h = "commit/" ^ Cstruct.to_string (H.to_raw h) type nonrec t = t type key = H.t type value = Val.t let mem { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in mem db key let of_cstruct v = Irmin.Type.decode_cstruct Val.t v |> Option.of_result let find { db ; _ } key = let key = lmdb_of_key key in find_bind db key ~f:(fun v -> of_cstruct (cstruct_of_ba_copy v)) let add { db ; _ } v = let v = Irmin.Type.encode_cstruct Val.t v in let k = H.digest Irmin.Type.cstruct v in let k_lmdb = lmdb_of_key k in add_cstruct db k_lmdb v >|= fun () -> k end include AO end module Commit = Irmin.Private.Commit.Store(Node)(XCommit) end module type Branch = sig include Irmin.Branch.S val pp_ref: t Fmt.t val of_ref: string -> (t, [`Msg of string]) result end module Branch (B: Irmin.Branch.S): Branch with type t = B.t = struct open Astring include B let pp_ref ppf b = Fmt.pf ppf "heads/%a" B.pp b let of_ref str = match String.cuts ~sep:"/" str with | "heads" :: b -> B.of_string (String.concat ~sep:"/" b) | _ -> Error (`Msg (Fmt.strf "%s is not a valid branch" str)) end module Irmin_branch_store (B: Branch) (H: Irmin.Hash.S) = struct module Key = B module Val = H module W = Irmin.Private.Watch.Make(Key)(Val) type nonrec t = { db: t; w: W.t; } let watches = Hashtbl.create 10 type key = Key.t type value = Val.t type watch = W.watch * (unit -> unit Lwt.t) (* let branch_of_lmdb r = *) (* let str = String.trim @@ Git.Reference.to_raw r in *) (* match B.of_ref str with *) (* | Ok r -> Some r *) (* | Error (`Msg _) -> None *) let lmdb_of_branch r = Fmt.to_to_string B.pp_ref r let mem { db ; _ } r = mem db.db (lmdb_of_branch r) let find { db ; _ } r = find_bind db.db (lmdb_of_branch r) ~f:(fun v -> Some (H.of_raw (cstruct_of_ba_copy v))) let listen_dir _ = Lwt.return (fun () -> Lwt.return_unit) let watch_key t key ?init f = listen_dir t >>= fun stop -> W.watch_key t.w key ?init f >|= fun w -> (w, stop) let watch t ?init f = listen_dir t >>= fun stop -> W.watch t.w ?init f >|= fun w -> (w, stop) let unwatch t (w, stop) = stop () >>= fun () -> W.unwatch t.w w let v db (* ~head *) = let w = try Hashtbl.find watches db.root with Not_found -> let w = W.v () in (* FIXME: we might want to use a weak table *) Hashtbl.add watches db.root w; w in Lwt.return { db ; w } let list _ = Lwt.return_nil (* TODO, or not *) (* let write_index _t _gr _gk = *) (* Lwt.return_unit *) let set _t r _k = Log.debug (fun f -> f "update %a" B.pp r); Lwt.return_unit (* let gr = git_of_branch r in *) (* let gk = git_of_commit k in *) (* G.write_reference t.t gr gk >>= fun () -> *) (* W.notify t.w r (Some k) >>= fun () -> *) (* write_index t gr (Git.Hash.to_commit gk) *) let remove _t r = Log.debug (fun f -> f "remove %a" B.pp r); Lwt.return_unit (* G.remove_reference t.t (git_of_branch r) >>= fun () -> *) (* W.notify t.w r None *) let test_and_set _t _r ~test:_ ~set:_ = Log.debug (fun f -> f "test_and_set"); Lwt.return_true (* let gr = git_of_branch r in *) (* let c = function None -> None | Some h -> Some (git_of_commit h) in *) (* G.test_and_set_reference t.t gr ~test:(c test) ~set:(c set) >>= fun b -> *) (* (if b then W.notify t.w r set else Lwt.return_unit) >>= fun () -> *) (* begin *) (* We do not protect [write_index] because it can take a log time and we don't want to hold the lock for too long. Would be safer to grab a lock, although the expanded filesystem is not critical for Irmin consistency (it's only a convenience for the user). *) (* if b then match set with *) (* | None -> Lwt.return_unit *) (* | Some v -> write_index t gr (Git.Hash.to_commit (git_of_commit v)) *) (* else *) (* Lwt.return_unit *) (* end >|= fun () -> *) (* b *) end module Make (M: Irmin.Metadata.S) (C: Irmin.Contents.S) (P: Irmin.Path.S) (B: Irmin.Branch.S) (H: Irmin.Hash.S) = struct module P = struct module Branch = Irmin_branch_store(Branch(B))(H) include Irmin_value_store(M)(H)(C)(P) module Slice = Irmin.Private.Slice.Make(Contents)(Node)(Commit) module Sync = struct type t = unit type commit = H.t type branch = B.t let fetch _ ?depth:_ ~uri:_ _ = Lwt.return_error `Not_available let push _ ?depth:_ ~uri:_ _ = Lwt.return_error `Not_available let v _ = Lwt.return_unit end module Repo = struct type nonrec t = { config: Irmin.config ; db: t ; branch: Branch.t ; } let branch_t t : Branch.t = t.branch let contents_t t : Contents.t = t.db let node_t t : Node.t = contents_t t, t.db let commit_t t : Commit.t = node_t t, t.db type config = { root : string option ; mapsize : int64 ; readonly : bool ; (* TODO *) (* ?write_buffer_size:int -> *) (* ?max_open_files:int -> *) (* ?block_size:int -> *) (* ?block_restart_interval:int -> *) (* ?cache_size:int *) } let config c = let root = Irmin.Private.Conf.get c Conf.root in let mapsize = Irmin.Private.Conf.get c Conf.mapsize in let readonly = Irmin.Private.Conf.get c Conf.readonly in { root ; mapsize ; readonly } let v conf = let { root ; mapsize ; readonly } = config conf in let root = match root with None -> "irmin.ldb" | Some root -> root in if not (Sys.file_exists root) then Unix.mkdir root 0o755 ; let flags = Lmdb.NoTLS :: if readonly then [ Lmdb.RdOnly ] else [] in let file_flags = if readonly then 0o444 else 0o644 in match Lmdb.opendir ~mapsize ~flags root file_flags with | Error err -> Lwt.fail_with (Lmdb.string_of_error err) | Ok db -> let db = { db ; root } in Branch.v db >|= fun branch -> { db; branch; config = conf } end end include Irmin.Make_ext(P) end include Conf