id: constants-and-variables
title: Constants & Variables

The next building block after types are constants and variables.

## Constants

Constants are immutable by design, which means their values can't be reassigned.
When defining a constant you need to provide a `name`, `type` and a `value`:

const age : int = 25;

You can evaluate the constant definition above using the following CLI command:
ligo evaluate-value -s pascaligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/const.ligo age
# Outputs: 25
let age: int = 25

You can evaluate the constant definition above using the following CLI command:
ligo evaluate-value -s cameligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/const.mligo age
# Outputs: 25

let age: int = 25;

You can evaluate the constant definition above using the following CLI command:
ligo evaluate-value -s reasonligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/const.religo age
# Outputs: 25


## Variables


Variables, unlike constants, are mutable. They can't be used in a *global scope*, but they can be used within functions, or function arguments.

> 💡 Don't worry if you don't understand the function syntax yet. We'll get to it in upcoming sections of the docs.

> ⚠️ Please be wary that mutation only works within the function scope itself, values outside of the function scope will not be affected.

// won't work, use const for global values instead
// var four: int = 4;

function add(const a: int; const b: int) : int is
    block { 
        var c : int := a + b;
     } with c

> ⚠️ Notice the different assignment operator `:=`

You can run the `add` function defined above using the LIGO compiler like this:

ligo run-function -s pascaligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/add.ligo add '(1,1)' 
# Outputs: 2


As expected from a functional language, CameLIGO uses value-binding
for variables rather than assignment. Variables are changed by replacement,
with a new value being bound in place of the old one.

> 💡 Don't worry if you don't understand the function syntax yet. We'll get to it in upcoming sections of the docs.


let add (a: int) (b: int) : int =
  let c : int = a + b in c

You can run the `add` function defined above using the LIGO compiler like this:

ligo run-function -s cameligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/add.mligo add '(1,1)' 
# Outputs: 2

As expected from a functional language, ReasonLIGO uses value-binding
for variables rather than assignment. Variables are changed by replacement,
with a new value being bound in place of the old one.

> 💡 Don't worry if you don't understand the function syntax yet. We'll get to it in upcoming sections of the docs.


let add = (a: int, b: int): int => {
  let c: int = a + b;

You can run the `add` function defined above using the LIGO compiler like this:

ligo run-function -s reasonligo gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/variables-and-constants/add.religo add '(1,1)' 
# Outputs: 2