(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Tezos - Versioned (key x value) store (over Irmin) *) open Logging.Db module IrminPath = Irmin.Path.String_list module rec S : sig module type STORE = sig include Irmin.S with type commit_id = Irmin.Hash.SHA1.t and type key = IrminPath.t and type value = MBytes.t and type branch_id = string module FunView : sig type v val of_path: t -> IrminPath.t -> v Lwt.t val update_path: t -> IrminPath.t -> v -> unit Lwt.t val mem: v -> IrminPath.t -> bool Lwt.t val get: v -> IrminPath.t -> MBytes.t option Lwt.t val set: v -> IrminPath.t -> MBytes.t-> v Lwt.t val del: v -> IrminPath.t -> v Lwt.t val list: v -> IrminPath.t list -> IrminPath.t list Lwt.t val remove_rec: v -> IrminPath.t -> v Lwt.t end val path : string val local_repo : Repo.t val patch_context : (module S.VIEW) -> (module S.VIEW) Lwt.t end module type VIEW = sig module Store : STORE val s : Store.t val v : Store.FunView.v end end = struct module type STORE = S.STORE module type VIEW = S.VIEW end include S let pack (type s) (type v) (module S : STORE with type t = s and type FunView.v = v) (s : s) (v : v) = (module struct module Store = S let s = s let v = v end : VIEW) type index = (module STORE) type store = (module VIEW) (*-- Version Access and Update -----------------------------------------------*) let genesis_block_key = ["genesis";"block"] let genesis_protocol_key = ["genesis";"protocol"] let genesis_time_key = ["genesis";"time"] let current_protocol_key = ["protocol"] let current_test_protocol_key = ["test_protocol"] let current_test_network_key = ["test_network"] let current_test_network_expiration_key = ["test_network_expiration"] let current_fork_test_network_key = ["fork_test_network"] let invalid_context_key = ["invalid_context"] let exists (module GitStore : STORE) key = GitStore.of_branch_id Irmin.Task.none (Block_hash.to_b48check key) GitStore.local_repo >>= fun t -> let store = t () in GitStore.read store genesis_block_key >>= function | Some _ -> Lwt.return true | None -> GitStore.read store invalid_context_key >>= function | Some _ -> Lwt.return true | None -> Lwt.return false let checkout ((module GitStore : STORE) as index) key = lwt_debug "-> Context.checkout %a" Block_hash.pp_short key >>= fun () -> exists index key >>= fun exists -> if not exists then Lwt.return None else GitStore.of_branch_id Irmin.Task.none (Block_hash.to_b48check key) GitStore.local_repo >>= fun t -> let store = t () in GitStore.FunView.of_path store [] >>= fun v -> lwt_debug "<- Context.checkout %a OK" Block_hash.pp_short key >>= fun () -> GitStore.FunView.get v invalid_context_key >>= function | None -> GitStore.patch_context (pack (module GitStore) store v) >>= fun ctxt -> Lwt.return (Some (Ok ctxt)) | Some bytes -> match Data_encoding.Json.from_string (MBytes.to_string bytes) with | Ok (`A errors) -> Lwt.return (Some (Error (List.map error_of_json errors))) | Error _ | Ok _-> Lwt.return (Some (generic_error (MBytes.to_string bytes))) exception Invalid_context of error list let checkout_exn index key = checkout index key >>= function | None -> Lwt.fail Not_found | Some (Error error) -> Lwt.fail (Invalid_context error) | Some (Ok p) -> Lwt.return p let exists ((module GitStore : STORE) as index) key = lwt_debug "-> Context.exists %a" Block_hash.pp_short key >>= fun () -> exists index key >>= fun exists -> lwt_debug "<- Context.exists %a %B" Block_hash.pp_short key exists >>= fun () -> Lwt.return exists exception Preexistent_context of string * Block_hash.t exception Empty_head of string * Block_hash.t let commit (module GitStore : STORE) block key (module View : VIEW) = let module GitStore = View.Store in let task = Irmin.Task.create ~date:(Time.to_seconds block.Store.shell.timestamp) ~owner:"tezos" in GitStore.clone task View.s (Block_hash.to_b48check key) >>= function | `Empty_head -> Lwt.fail (Empty_head (GitStore.path, key)) | `Duplicated_branch -> Lwt.fail (Preexistent_context (GitStore.path, key)) | `Ok store -> let msg = Format.asprintf "%a %a" Fitness.pp block.shell.fitness Block_hash.pp_short key in GitStore.FunView.update_path (store msg) [] View.v let commit_invalid (module GitStore : STORE) block key exns = let task = Irmin.Task.create ~date:(Time.to_seconds block.Store.shell.timestamp) ~owner:"tezos" in GitStore.of_branch_id task (Block_hash.to_b48check key) GitStore.local_repo >>= fun t -> let msg = Format.asprintf "%a %a" Fitness.pp block.shell.fitness Block_hash.pp_short key in let store = t msg in GitStore.clone Irmin.Task.none store (Block_hash.to_b48check key) >>= function | `Empty_head -> GitStore.update store invalid_context_key (MBytes.of_string @@ Data_encoding.Json.to_string @@ `A (List.map json_of_error exns)) | `Duplicated_branch | `Ok _ -> Lwt.fail (Preexistent_context (GitStore.path, key)) (*-- Generic Store Primitives ------------------------------------------------*) type t = store type key = string list let data_key key = "data" :: key let undata_key = function | "data" :: key -> key | _ -> assert false let mem (module View : VIEW) key = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.mem View.v (data_key key) >>= fun v -> Lwt.return v let raw_get (module View : VIEW) key = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.get View.v key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some bytes -> Lwt.return (Some bytes) let get t key = raw_get t (data_key key) let raw_set (module View : VIEW) key data = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.set View.v key data >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (pack (module GitStore) View.s v) let set t key data = raw_set t (data_key key) data let raw_del (module View : VIEW) key = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.del View.v key >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (pack (module GitStore) View.s v) let del t key = raw_del t (data_key key) let list (module View : VIEW) keys = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.list View.v (List.map data_key keys) >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (List.map undata_key v) let remove_rec (module View : VIEW) key = let module GitStore = View.Store in GitStore.FunView.remove_rec View.v (data_key key) >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (pack (module GitStore) View.s v) let keys (module View : VIEW) = Store.undefined_key_fn (*-- Initialisation ----------------------------------------------------------*) let init ?patch_context ~root = let module GitStore = Irmin_unix.Irmin_git.FS (Store.MBytesContent) (Irmin.Ref.String) (Irmin.Hash.SHA1) in GitStore.Repo.create (Irmin_unix.Irmin_git.config ~root ~bare:true ()) >>= fun local_repo -> let module GitStoreView = Irmin.View (GitStore) in let module ViewStore = struct let path = root let local_repo = local_repo let patch_context = match patch_context with | None -> (fun ctxt -> Lwt.return ctxt) | Some patch_context -> patch_context include GitStore module FunView = struct include Ir_funview.Make (GitStore) type v = t let get = read let del = remove let set = update let list v k = Lwt_list.map_p (list v) k >|= List.flatten end end in Lwt.return (module ViewStore : STORE) let create_genesis_context (module GitStore : STORE) genesis test_protocol = GitStore.of_branch_id Irmin.Task.none (Block_hash.to_b48check genesis.Store.block) GitStore.local_repo >>= fun t -> let store = t () in GitStore.FunView.of_path store [] >>= fun v -> GitStore.FunView.set v genesis_block_key (Block_hash.to_bytes genesis.block) >>= fun v -> GitStore.FunView.set v genesis_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes genesis.protocol) >>= fun v -> GitStore.FunView.set v genesis_time_key (MBytes.of_string (Time.to_notation genesis.time)) >>= fun v -> GitStore.FunView.set v current_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes genesis.protocol) >>= fun v -> GitStore.FunView.set v current_test_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes test_protocol) >>= fun v -> let ctxt = pack (module GitStore) store v in GitStore.patch_context ctxt >>= fun ctxt -> let (module View : VIEW) = ctxt in View.Store.FunView.update_path View.s [] View.v >>= fun () -> Lwt.return ctxt (*-- Predefined Fields -------------------------------------------------------*) let get_protocol v = raw_get v current_protocol_key >>= function | None -> assert false | Some data -> Lwt.return (Protocol_hash.of_bytes data) let set_protocol v key = raw_set v current_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes key) let get_test_protocol v = raw_get v current_test_protocol_key >>= function | None -> assert false | Some data -> Lwt.return (Protocol_hash.of_bytes data) let set_test_protocol v data = raw_set v current_test_protocol_key (Protocol_hash.to_bytes data) let get_test_network v = raw_get v current_test_network_key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some data -> Lwt.return (Some (Store.Net (Block_hash.of_bytes data))) let set_test_network v (Store.Net data) = raw_set v current_test_network_key (Block_hash.to_bytes data) let del_test_network v = raw_del v current_test_network_key let get_test_network_expiration v = raw_get v current_test_network_expiration_key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some data -> Lwt.return (Time.of_notation @@ MBytes.to_string data) let set_test_network_expiration v data = raw_set v current_test_network_expiration_key (MBytes.of_string @@ Time.to_notation data) let del_test_network_expiration v = raw_del v current_test_network_expiration_key let read_and_reset_fork_test_network v = raw_get v current_fork_test_network_key >>= function | None -> Lwt.return (false, v) | Some _ -> raw_del v current_fork_test_network_key >>= fun v -> Lwt.return (true, v) let fork_test_network v = raw_set v current_fork_test_network_key (MBytes.of_string "fork") let get_genesis_block v = raw_get v genesis_block_key >>= function | None -> assert false | Some block -> Lwt.return (Block_hash.of_bytes block) let get_genesis_time v = raw_get v genesis_time_key >>= function | None -> assert false | Some time -> Lwt.return (Time.of_notation_exn (MBytes.to_string time))