(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Client_embedded_proto_alpha open Tezos_context module Helpers = Proto_alpha_helpers module Assert = Helpers.Assert let run blkid ({ b1 ; b2 ; _ } : Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts) = Helpers.Mining.mine blkid b1 [] >>=? fun blkh -> let foo = Helpers.Account.create "foo" in (* Origination with amount = 0 tez *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:foo ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:0L () >>= fun result -> Assert.unknown_contract ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Origination with amount = .5 tez *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:b1 ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:50L () >>= fun result -> Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Origination with amount = 1 tez *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:b1 ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:99L () >>= fun result -> Assert.initial_amount_too_low ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Origination with amount > 1 tez *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:b1 ~manager_pkh:foo.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:100L () >>= fun _result -> (* TODO: test if new contract exists *) (* Non-delegatable contract *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:b1 ~manager_pkh:b1.pkh ~spendable:true ~balance:500L () >>=? fun (_oph, nd_contract) -> (* Delegatable contract *) Helpers.Account.originate ~src:b1 ~manager_pkh:b1.pkh ~spendable:true ~delegate:b1.pkh ~balance:500L () >>=? fun (_oph, d_contract) -> (* Change delegate of a non-delegatable contract *) Helpers.Account.set_delegate ~contract:nd_contract ~manager_sk:b1.sk (Some b2.pkh) >>= fun result -> Assert.non_delegatable ~msg:__LOC__ result ; (* Change delegate of a delegatable contract *) Helpers.Account.set_delegate ~contract:d_contract ~manager_sk:b1.sk (Some b2.pkh) >>= fun _result -> Assert.delegate_equal ~msg:__LOC__ d_contract (Some b2.pkh) >>=? fun () -> return blkh let main () = Helpers.init () >>=? fun (_node_pid, hash) -> run (`Hash hash) Helpers.Account.bootstrap_accounts >>=? fun _blkh -> return () let tests = [ "main", (fun _ -> main ()) ; ] let () = Test.run "origination." tests