(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* Copyright (c) 2019 Nomadic Labs, *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) include Logging.Make(struct let name = "p2p" end) type 'peer_meta peer_meta_config = 'peer_meta P2p_pool.peer_meta_config = { peer_meta_encoding : 'peer_meta Data_encoding.t ; peer_meta_initial : unit -> 'peer_meta ; score : 'peer_meta -> float ; } type 'conn_meta conn_meta_config = 'conn_meta P2p_socket.metadata_config = { conn_meta_encoding : 'conn_meta Data_encoding.t ; conn_meta_value : P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'conn_meta ; private_node : 'conn_meta -> bool ; } type 'msg app_message_encoding = 'msg P2p_pool.encoding = Encoding : { tag: int ; title: string ; encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ; wrap: 'a -> 'msg ; unwrap: 'msg -> 'a option ; max_length: int option ; } -> 'msg app_message_encoding type 'msg message_config = 'msg P2p_pool.message_config = { encoding : 'msg app_message_encoding list ; versions : P2p_version.t list; } type config = { listening_port : P2p_addr.port option ; listening_addr : P2p_addr.t option ; discovery_port : P2p_addr.port option ; discovery_addr : Ipaddr.V4.t option ; trusted_points : P2p_point.Id.t list ; peers_file : string ; private_mode : bool ; identity : P2p_identity.t ; proof_of_work_target : Crypto_box.target ; disable_mempool : bool ; trust_discovered_peers : bool ; } type limits = { connection_timeout : float ; authentication_timeout : float ; greylist_timeout : int ; maintenance_idle_time: float ; min_connections : int ; expected_connections : int ; max_connections : int ; backlog : int ; max_incoming_connections : int ; max_download_speed : int option ; max_upload_speed : int option ; read_buffer_size : int ; read_queue_size : int option ; write_queue_size : int option ; incoming_app_message_queue_size : int option ; incoming_message_queue_size : int option ; outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ; known_peer_ids_history_size : int ; known_points_history_size : int ; max_known_peer_ids : (int * int) option ; max_known_points : (int * int) option ; swap_linger : float ; binary_chunks_size : int option ; } let create_scheduler limits = let max_upload_speed = Option.map limits.max_upload_speed ~f:(( * ) 1024) in let max_download_speed = Option.map limits.max_upload_speed ~f:(( * ) 1024) in P2p_io_scheduler.create ~read_buffer_size:limits.read_buffer_size ?max_upload_speed ?max_download_speed ?read_queue_size:limits.read_queue_size ?write_queue_size:limits.write_queue_size () let create_connection_pool config limits meta_cfg conn_meta_cfg msg_cfg io_sched = let pool_cfg = { P2p_pool.identity = config.identity ; proof_of_work_target = config.proof_of_work_target ; listening_port = config.listening_port ; trusted_points = config.trusted_points ; peers_file = config.peers_file ; private_mode = config.private_mode ; min_connections = limits.min_connections ; max_connections = limits.max_connections ; max_incoming_connections = limits.max_incoming_connections ; connection_timeout = limits.connection_timeout ; authentication_timeout = limits.authentication_timeout ; greylist_timeout = limits.greylist_timeout ; maintenance_idle_time = limits.maintenance_idle_time ; incoming_app_message_queue_size = limits.incoming_app_message_queue_size ; incoming_message_queue_size = limits.incoming_message_queue_size ; outgoing_message_queue_size = limits.outgoing_message_queue_size ; known_peer_ids_history_size = limits.known_peer_ids_history_size ; known_points_history_size = limits.known_points_history_size ; max_known_points = limits.max_known_points ; max_known_peer_ids = limits.max_known_peer_ids ; swap_linger = limits.swap_linger ; binary_chunks_size = limits.binary_chunks_size ; } in let pool = P2p_pool.create pool_cfg meta_cfg conn_meta_cfg msg_cfg io_sched in pool let may_create_discovery_worker _limits config pool = match (config.listening_port, config.discovery_port, config.discovery_addr) with | (Some listening_port, Some discovery_port, Some discovery_addr) -> Some (P2p_discovery.create pool config.identity.peer_id ~listening_port ~discovery_port ~discovery_addr ~trust_discovered_peers:config.trust_discovered_peers) | (_, _, _) -> None let bounds ~min ~expected ~max = assert (min <= expected) ; assert (expected <= max) ; let step_min = (expected - min) / 3 and step_max = (max - expected) / 3 in { P2p_maintenance.min_threshold = min + step_min ; min_target = min + 2 * step_min ; max_target = max - 2 * step_max ; max_threshold = max - step_max ; } let create_maintenance_worker limits pool config = let bounds = bounds ~min:limits.min_connections ~expected:limits.expected_connections ~max:limits.max_connections in let discovery = may_create_discovery_worker limits config pool in P2p_maintenance.create ?discovery bounds pool let may_create_welcome_worker config limits pool = match config.listening_port with | None -> Lwt.return_none | Some port -> P2p_welcome.create ~backlog:limits.backlog pool ?addr:config.listening_addr port >>= fun w -> Lwt.return_some w type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection = ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) P2p_pool.connection module Real = struct type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net = { config: config ; limits: limits ; io_sched: P2p_io_scheduler.t ; pool: ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) P2p_pool.t ; maintenance: 'peer_meta P2p_maintenance.t ; welcome: P2p_welcome.t option ; } let create ~config ~limits meta_cfg conn_meta_cfg msg_cfg = let io_sched = create_scheduler limits in create_connection_pool config limits meta_cfg conn_meta_cfg msg_cfg io_sched >>= fun pool -> let maintenance = create_maintenance_worker limits pool config in may_create_welcome_worker config limits pool >>= fun welcome -> return { config ; limits ; io_sched ; pool ; maintenance ; welcome ; } let peer_id { config } = config.identity.peer_id let maintain { maintenance } () = P2p_maintenance.maintain maintenance let activate t () = log_info "activate"; begin match t.welcome with | None -> () | Some w -> P2p_welcome.activate w end ; P2p_maintenance.activate t.maintenance ; Lwt.async (fun () -> P2p_maintenance.maintain t.maintenance) ; () let roll _net () = Lwt.return_unit (* TODO implement *) (* returns when all workers have shutted down in the opposite creation order. *) let shutdown net () = Lwt_utils.may ~f:P2p_welcome.shutdown net.welcome >>= fun () -> P2p_maintenance.shutdown net.maintenance >>= fun () -> P2p_pool.destroy net.pool >>= fun () -> P2p_io_scheduler.shutdown ~timeout:3.0 net.io_sched let connections { pool } () = P2p_pool.Connection.fold pool ~init:[] ~f:(fun _peer_id c acc -> c :: acc) let find_connection { pool } peer_id = P2p_pool.Connection.find_by_peer_id pool peer_id let disconnect ?wait conn = P2p_pool.disconnect ?wait conn let connection_info _net conn = P2p_pool.Connection.info conn let connection_local_metadata _net conn = P2p_pool.Connection.local_metadata conn let connection_remote_metadata _net conn = P2p_pool.Connection.remote_metadata conn let connection_stat _net conn = P2p_pool.Connection.stat conn let global_stat { pool } () = P2p_pool.pool_stat pool let set_peer_metadata { pool } conn meta = P2p_pool.Peers.set_peer_metadata pool conn meta let get_peer_metadata { pool } conn = P2p_pool.Peers.get_peer_metadata pool conn let recv _net conn = P2p_pool.read conn >>=? fun msg -> lwt_debug "message read from %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id >>= fun () -> return msg let rec recv_any net () = let pipes = P2p_pool.Connection.fold net.pool ~init:[] ~f:begin fun _peer_id conn acc -> (P2p_pool.is_readable conn >>= function | Ok () -> Lwt.return_some conn | Error _ -> Lwt_utils.never_ending ()) :: acc end in Lwt.pick ( ( P2p_pool.Pool_event.wait_new_connection net.pool >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_none ):: pipes) >>= function | None -> recv_any net () | Some conn -> P2p_pool.read conn >>= function | Ok msg -> lwt_debug "message read from %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (conn, msg) | Error _ -> lwt_debug "error reading message from %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () -> recv_any net () let send _net conn m = P2p_pool.write conn m >>= function | Ok () -> lwt_debug "message sent to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id >>= fun () -> return_unit | Error err -> lwt_debug "error sending message from %a: %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (Error err) let try_send _net conn v = match P2p_pool.write_now conn v with | Ok v -> debug "message trysent to %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id ; v | Error err -> debug "error trysending message to %a@ %a" P2p_peer.Id.pp (P2p_pool.Connection.info conn).peer_id pp_print_error err ; false let broadcast { pool } msg = P2p_pool.write_all pool msg ; debug "message broadcasted" let fold_connections { pool } ~init ~f = P2p_pool.Connection.fold pool ~init ~f let iter_connections { pool } f = P2p_pool.Connection.fold pool ~init:() ~f:(fun gid conn () -> f gid conn) let on_new_connection { pool } f = P2p_pool.on_new_connection pool f let pool { pool } = pool end module Fake = struct let id = P2p_identity.generate (Crypto_box.make_target 0.) let empty_stat = { P2p_stat.total_sent = 0L ; total_recv = 0L ; current_inflow = 0 ; current_outflow = 0 ; } let connection_info faked_metadata = { P2p_connection.Info.incoming = false ; peer_id = id.peer_id ; id_point = (Ipaddr.V6.unspecified, None) ; remote_socket_port = 0 ; versions = [] ; local_metadata = faked_metadata ; remote_metadata = faked_metadata ; private_node = false ; } end type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) t = { versions : P2p_version.t list ; peer_id : P2p_peer.Id.t ; maintain : unit -> unit Lwt.t ; roll : unit -> unit Lwt.t ; shutdown : unit -> unit Lwt.t ; connections : unit -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection list ; find_connection : P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection option ; disconnect : ?wait:bool -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit Lwt.t ; connection_info : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta P2p_connection.Info.t ; connection_local_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta ; connection_remote_metadata : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'conn_meta ; connection_stat : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> P2p_stat.t ; global_stat : unit -> P2p_stat.t ; get_peer_metadata : P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'peer_meta ; set_peer_metadata : P2p_peer.Id.t -> 'peer_meta -> unit ; recv : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg tzresult Lwt.t ; recv_any : unit -> (('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection * 'msg) Lwt.t ; send : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg -> unit tzresult Lwt.t ; try_send : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'msg -> bool ; broadcast : 'msg -> unit ; pool : ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) P2p_pool.t option ; fold_connections : 'a. init: 'a -> f:(P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a ; iter_connections : (P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit) -> unit ; on_new_connection : (P2p_peer.Id.t -> ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) connection -> unit) -> unit ; activate : unit -> unit ; } type ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) net = ('msg, 'peer_meta, 'conn_meta) t let check_limits = let fail_1 v orig = if not (v <= 0.) then return_unit else Error_monad.failwith "value of option %S cannot be negative or null@." orig in let fail_2 v orig = if not (v < 0) then return_unit else Error_monad.failwith "value of option %S cannot be negative@." orig in fun c -> fail_1 c.authentication_timeout "authentication-timeout" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.min_connections "min-connections" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.expected_connections "expected-connections" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.max_connections "max-connections" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.max_incoming_connections "max-incoming-connections" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.read_buffer_size "read-buffer-size" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.known_peer_ids_history_size "known-peer-ids-history-size" >>=? fun () -> fail_2 c.known_points_history_size "known-points-history-size" >>=? fun () -> fail_1 c.swap_linger "swap-linger" >>=? fun () -> begin match c.binary_chunks_size with | None -> return_unit | Some size -> P2p_socket.check_binary_chunks_size size end >>=? fun () -> return_unit let create ~config ~limits peer_cfg conn_cfg msg_cfg = check_limits limits >>=? fun () -> Real.create ~config ~limits peer_cfg conn_cfg msg_cfg >>=? fun net -> return { versions = msg_cfg.versions ; peer_id = Real.peer_id net ; maintain = Real.maintain net ; roll = Real.roll net ; shutdown = Real.shutdown net ; connections = Real.connections net ; find_connection = Real.find_connection net ; disconnect = Real.disconnect ; connection_info = Real.connection_info net ; connection_local_metadata = Real.connection_local_metadata net ; connection_remote_metadata = Real.connection_remote_metadata net ; connection_stat = Real.connection_stat net ; global_stat = Real.global_stat net ; get_peer_metadata = Real.get_peer_metadata net ; set_peer_metadata = Real.set_peer_metadata net ; recv = Real.recv net ; recv_any = Real.recv_any net ; send = Real.send net ; try_send = Real.try_send net ; broadcast = Real.broadcast net ; pool = Some net.pool ; fold_connections = (fun ~init ~f -> Real.fold_connections net ~init ~f) ; iter_connections = Real.iter_connections net ; on_new_connection = Real.on_new_connection net ; activate = Real.activate net ; } let activate t = log_info "activate P2P layer !"; t.activate () let faked_network peer_cfg faked_metadata = { versions = [] ; peer_id = Fake.id.peer_id ; maintain = Lwt.return ; roll = Lwt.return ; shutdown = Lwt.return ; connections = (fun () -> []) ; find_connection = (fun _ -> None) ; disconnect = (fun ?wait:_ _ -> Lwt.return_unit) ; connection_info = (fun _ -> Fake.connection_info faked_metadata) ; connection_local_metadata = (fun _ -> faked_metadata) ; connection_remote_metadata = (fun _ -> faked_metadata) ; connection_stat = (fun _ -> Fake.empty_stat) ; global_stat = (fun () -> Fake.empty_stat) ; get_peer_metadata = (fun _ -> peer_cfg.peer_meta_initial ()) ; set_peer_metadata = (fun _ _ -> ()) ; recv = (fun _ -> Lwt_utils.never_ending ()) ; recv_any = (fun () -> Lwt_utils.never_ending ()) ; send = (fun _ _ -> fail P2p_errors.Connection_closed) ; try_send = (fun _ _ -> false) ; fold_connections = (fun ~init ~f:_ -> init) ; iter_connections = (fun _f -> ()) ; on_new_connection = (fun _f -> ()) ; broadcast = ignore ; pool = None ; activate = (fun _ -> ()) ; } let peer_id net = net.peer_id let maintain net = net.maintain () let roll net = net.roll () let shutdown net = net.shutdown () let connections net = net.connections () let disconnect net = net.disconnect let find_connection net = net.find_connection let connection_info net = net.connection_info let connection_local_metadata net = net.connection_local_metadata let connection_remote_metadata net = net.connection_remote_metadata let connection_stat net = net.connection_stat let global_stat net = net.global_stat () let get_peer_metadata net = net.get_peer_metadata let set_peer_metadata net = net.set_peer_metadata let recv net = net.recv let recv_any net = net.recv_any () let send net = net.send let try_send net = net.try_send let broadcast net = net.broadcast let fold_connections net = net.fold_connections let iter_connections net = net.iter_connections let on_new_connection net = net.on_new_connection let greylist_addr net addr = Option.iter net.pool ~f:(fun pool -> P2p_pool.greylist_addr pool addr) let greylist_peer net peer_id = Option.iter net.pool ~f:(fun pool -> P2p_pool.greylist_peer pool peer_id) module Raw = struct type 'a t = 'a P2p_pool.Message.t = | Bootstrap | Advertise of P2p_point.Id.t list | Swap_request of P2p_point.Id.t * P2p_peer.Id.t | Swap_ack of P2p_point.Id.t * P2p_peer.Id.t | Message of 'a | Disconnect let encoding = P2p_pool.Message.encoding end let info_of_point_info i = let open P2p_point.Info in let open P2p_point.State in let state = match P2p_point_state.get i with | Requested _ -> Requested | Accepted { current_peer_id ; _ } -> Accepted current_peer_id | Running { current_peer_id ; _ } -> Running current_peer_id | Disconnected -> Disconnected in P2p_point_state.Info.{ trusted = trusted i ; state ; greylisted_until = greylisted_until i ; last_failed_connection = last_failed_connection i ; last_rejected_connection = last_rejected_connection i ; last_established_connection = last_established_connection i ; last_disconnection = last_disconnection i ; last_seen = last_seen i ; last_miss = last_miss i ; } let info_of_peer_info pool i = let open P2p_peer.Info in let open P2p_peer.State in let state, id_point = match P2p_peer_state.get i with | Accepted { current_point } -> Accepted, Some current_point | Running { current_point } -> Running, Some current_point | Disconnected -> Disconnected, None in let peer_id = P2p_peer_state.Info.peer_id i in let score = P2p_pool.Peers.get_score pool peer_id in let conn_opt = P2p_pool.Connection.find_by_peer_id pool peer_id in let stat = match conn_opt with | None -> P2p_stat.empty | Some conn -> P2p_pool.Connection.stat conn in let meta_opt = match conn_opt with | None -> None | Some conn -> Some (P2p_pool.Connection.remote_metadata conn) in P2p_peer_state.Info.{ score ; trusted = trusted i ; conn_metadata = meta_opt ; peer_metadata = peer_metadata i; state ; id_point ; stat ; last_failed_connection = last_failed_connection i ; last_rejected_connection = last_rejected_connection i ; last_established_connection = last_established_connection i ; last_disconnection = last_disconnection i ; last_seen = last_seen i ; last_miss = last_miss i ; } let build_rpc_directory net = let dir = RPC_directory.empty in (* Network : Global *) let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.S.versions begin fun () () -> return net.versions end in let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.S.self begin fun () () -> match net.pool with | None -> failwith "The P2P layer is disabled." | Some pool -> return (P2p_pool.config pool).identity.peer_id end in let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.S.stat begin fun () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return P2p_stat.empty | Some pool -> return (P2p_pool.pool_stat pool) end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register0 dir P2p_services.S.events begin fun () () -> let stream, stopper = match net.pool with | None -> Lwt_watcher.create_fake_stream () | Some pool -> P2p_pool.watch pool in let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in let next () = Lwt_stream.get stream in RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } end in let dir = RPC_directory.register1 dir P2p_services.S.connect begin fun point q () -> match net.pool with | None -> failwith "The P2P layer is disabled." | Some pool -> P2p_pool.connect ~timeout:q#timeout pool point >>=? fun _conn -> return_unit end in (* Network : Connection *) let dir = RPC_directory.opt_register1 dir P2p_services.Connections.S.info begin fun peer_id () () -> return @@ Option.apply net.pool ~f: begin fun pool -> Option.map ~f:P2p_pool.Connection.info (P2p_pool.Connection.find_by_peer_id pool peer_id) end end in let dir = RPC_directory.lwt_register1 dir P2p_services.Connections.S.kick begin fun peer_id q () -> match net.pool with | None -> Lwt.return_unit | Some pool -> match P2p_pool.Connection.find_by_peer_id pool peer_id with | None -> Lwt.return_unit | Some conn -> P2p_pool.disconnect ~wait:q#wait conn end in let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.Connections.S.list begin fun () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_nil | Some pool -> return @@ P2p_pool.Connection.fold pool ~init:[] ~f:begin fun _peer_id c acc -> P2p_pool.Connection.info c :: acc end end in (* Network : Peer_id *) let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.list begin fun q () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_nil | Some pool -> return @@ P2p_pool.Peers.fold_known pool ~init:[] ~f:begin fun peer_id i a -> let info = info_of_peer_info pool i in match q#filters with | [] -> (peer_id, info) :: a | filters when P2p_peer.State.filter filters info.state -> (peer_id, info) :: a | _ -> a end end in let dir = RPC_directory.opt_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.info begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_none | Some pool -> return @@ Option.map ~f:(info_of_peer_info pool) (P2p_pool.Peers.info pool peer_id) end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.events begin fun peer_id q () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> match P2p_pool.Peers.info pool peer_id with | None -> RPC_answer.return [] | Some gi -> let rev = false and max = max_int in let evts = P2p_peer_state.Info.fold gi ~init:[] ~f:(fun a e -> e :: a) in let evts = (if rev then List.rev_sub else List.sub) evts max in if not q#monitor then RPC_answer.return evts else let stream, stopper = P2p_peer_state.Info.watch gi in let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then begin Lwt_stream.get stream >|= Option.map ~f:(fun i -> [i]) end else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return_some evts end in RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.ban begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Peers.untrust pool peer_id ; P2p_pool.Peers.ban pool peer_id ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.unban begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Peers.unban pool peer_id ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.trust begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Peers.trust pool peer_id ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.untrust begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Peers.untrust pool peer_id ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.register1 dir P2p_services.Peers.S.banned begin fun peer_id () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_false | Some pool when (P2p_pool.Peers.get_trusted pool peer_id) -> return_false | Some pool -> return (P2p_pool.Peers.banned pool peer_id) end in (* Network : Point *) let dir = RPC_directory.register0 dir P2p_services.Points.S.list begin fun q () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_nil | Some pool -> return @@ P2p_pool.Points.fold_known pool ~init:[] ~f:begin fun point i a -> let info = info_of_point_info i in match q#filters with | [] -> (point, info) :: a | filters when P2p_point.State.filter filters info.state -> (point, info) :: a | _ -> a end end in let dir = RPC_directory.opt_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.info begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_none | Some pool -> return @@ Option.map (P2p_pool.Points.info pool point) ~f:info_of_point_info end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.events begin fun point_id q () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> match P2p_pool.Points.info pool point_id with | None -> RPC_answer.return [] | Some gi -> let rev = false and max = max_int in let evts = P2p_point_state.Info.fold gi ~init:[] ~f:(fun a e -> e :: a) in let evts = (if rev then List.rev_sub else List.sub) evts max in if not q#monitor then RPC_answer.return evts else let stream, stopper = P2p_point_state.Info.watch gi in let shutdown () = Lwt_watcher.shutdown stopper in let first_request = ref true in let next () = if not !first_request then begin Lwt_stream.get stream >|= Option.map ~f:(fun i -> [i]) end else begin first_request := false ; Lwt.return_some evts end in RPC_answer.return_stream { next ; shutdown } end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.ban begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Points.untrust pool point; P2p_pool.Points.ban pool point; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.unban begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Points.unban pool point; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.trust begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Points.trust pool point ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.untrust begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool -> P2p_pool.Points.untrust pool point ; RPC_answer.return_unit end in let dir = RPC_directory.gen_register1 dir P2p_services.Points.S.banned begin fun point () () -> match net.pool with | None -> RPC_answer.not_found | Some pool when (P2p_pool.Points.get_trusted pool point) -> RPC_answer.return false | Some pool -> RPC_answer.return (P2p_pool.Points.banned pool point) end in (* Network : Greylist *) let dir = RPC_directory.register dir P2p_services.ACL.S.clear begin fun () () () -> match net.pool with | None -> return_unit | Some pool -> P2p_pool.acl_clear pool ; return_unit end in dir