(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Tezos Protocol Implementation - Low level Repr. of Operations *) type raw = Operation.t = { shell: Operation.shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } val raw_encoding: raw Data_encoding.t type operation = { hash: Operation_hash.t ; shell: Operation.shell_header ; contents: proto_operation ; signature: Ed25519.Signature.t option ; } and proto_operation = | Anonymous_operations of anonymous_operation list | Sourced_operations of sourced_operations and anonymous_operation = | Seed_nonce_revelation of { level: Raw_level_repr.t ; nonce: Seed_repr.nonce ; } | Faucet of { id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ; nonce: MBytes.t ; } and sourced_operations = | Manager_operations of { source: Contract_repr.contract ; public_key: Ed25519.Public_key.t option ; fee: Tez_repr.tez ; counter: counter ; operations: manager_operation list ; } | Delegate_operations of { source: Ed25519.Public_key.t ; operations: delegate_operation list ; } | Dictator_operation of dictator_operation and manager_operation = | Transaction of { amount: Tez_repr.tez ; parameters: Script_repr.expr option ; destination: Contract_repr.contract ; } | Origination of { manager: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ; delegate: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option ; script: Script_repr.t option ; spendable: bool ; delegatable: bool ; credit: Tez_repr.tez ; } | Delegation of Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t option and delegate_operation = | Endorsement of { block: Block_hash.t ; slot: int ; } | Proposals of { period: Voting_period_repr.t ; proposals: Protocol_hash.t list ; } | Ballot of { period: Voting_period_repr.t ; proposal: Protocol_hash.t ; ballot: Vote_repr.ballot ; } and dictator_operation = | Activate of Protocol_hash.t | Activate_testnet of Protocol_hash.t and counter = Int32.t type error += Cannot_parse_operation (* `Branch *) val encoding: operation Data_encoding.t val parse: Operation_hash.t -> Operation.t -> operation tzresult val parse_proto: MBytes.t -> (proto_operation * Ed25519.Signature.t option) tzresult Lwt.t type error += Missing_signature (* `Permanent *) type error += Invalid_signature (* `Permanent *) val check_signature: Ed25519.Public_key.t -> operation -> unit tzresult Lwt.t val forge: Operation.shell_header -> proto_operation -> MBytes.t val proto_operation_encoding: proto_operation Data_encoding.t val unsigned_operation_encoding: (Operation.shell_header * proto_operation) Data_encoding.t val max_operation_data_length: int