(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Tezos Protocol Implementation - Low level Repr. of Operations *) module Kind = struct type seed_nonce_revelation = Seed_nonce_revelation_kind type double_endorsement_evidence = Double_endorsement_evidence_kind type double_baking_evidence = Double_baking_evidence_kind type activate_account = Activate_account_kind type endorsement = Endorsement_kind type proposals = Proposals_kind type ballot = Ballot_kind type reveal = Reveal_kind type transaction = Transaction_kind type origination = Origination_kind type delegation = Delegation_kind type 'a manager = | Reveal_manager_kind : reveal manager | Transaction_manager_kind : transaction manager | Origination_manager_kind : origination manager | Delegation_manager_kind : delegation manager end type raw = Operation.t = { shell: Operation.shell_header ; proto: MBytes.t ; } let raw_encoding = Operation.encoding type 'kind operation = { shell: Operation.shell_header ; protocol_data: 'kind protocol_data ; } and 'kind protocol_data = { contents: 'kind contents_list ; signature: Signature.t option ; } and _ contents_list = | Single : 'kind contents -> 'kind contents_list | Cons : 'kind Kind.manager contents * 'rest Kind.manager contents_list -> (('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager ) contents_list and _ contents = | Endorsement : { level: Raw_level_repr.t ; } -> Kind.endorsement contents | Seed_nonce_revelation : { level: Raw_level_repr.t ; nonce: Seed_repr.nonce ; } -> Kind.seed_nonce_revelation contents | Double_endorsement_evidence : { op1: Kind.endorsement operation ; op2: Kind.endorsement operation ; } -> Kind.double_endorsement_evidence contents | Double_baking_evidence : { bh1: Block_header_repr.t ; bh2: Block_header_repr.t ; } -> Kind.double_baking_evidence contents | Activate_account : { id: Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t ; activation_code: Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code ; } -> Kind.activate_account contents | Proposals : { source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; period: Voting_period_repr.t ; proposals: Protocol_hash.t list ; } -> Kind.proposals contents | Ballot : { source: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; period: Voting_period_repr.t ; proposal: Protocol_hash.t ; ballot: Vote_repr.ballot ; } -> Kind.ballot contents | Manager_operation : { source: Contract_repr.contract ; fee: Tez_repr.tez ; counter: counter ; operation: 'kind manager_operation ; gas_limit: Z.t; storage_limit: Z.t; } -> 'kind Kind.manager contents and _ manager_operation = | Reveal : Signature.Public_key.t -> Kind.reveal manager_operation | Transaction : { amount: Tez_repr.tez ; parameters: Script_repr.lazy_expr option ; destination: Contract_repr.contract ; } -> Kind.transaction manager_operation | Origination : { manager: Signature.Public_key_hash.t ; delegate: Signature.Public_key_hash.t option ; script: Script_repr.t option ; spendable: bool ; delegatable: bool ; credit: Tez_repr.tez ; preorigination: Contract_repr.t option ; } -> Kind.origination manager_operation | Delegation : Signature.Public_key_hash.t option -> Kind.delegation manager_operation and counter = Z.t let manager_kind : type kind. kind manager_operation -> kind Kind.manager = function | Reveal _ -> Kind.Reveal_manager_kind | Transaction _ -> Kind.Transaction_manager_kind | Origination _ -> Kind.Origination_manager_kind | Delegation _ -> Kind.Delegation_manager_kind type 'kind internal_operation = { source: Contract_repr.contract ; operation: 'kind manager_operation ; nonce: int ; } type packed_manager_operation = | Manager : 'kind manager_operation -> packed_manager_operation type packed_contents = | Contents : 'kind contents -> packed_contents type packed_contents_list = | Contents_list : 'kind contents_list -> packed_contents_list type packed_protocol_data = | Operation_data : 'kind protocol_data -> packed_protocol_data type packed_operation = { shell: Operation.shell_header ; protocol_data: packed_protocol_data ; } let pack ({ shell ; protocol_data} : _ operation) : packed_operation = { shell ; protocol_data = Operation_data protocol_data ; } type packed_internal_operation = | Internal_operation : 'kind internal_operation -> packed_internal_operation let rec to_list = function | Contents_list (Single o) -> [Contents o] | Contents_list (Cons (o, os)) -> Contents o :: to_list (Contents_list os) let rec of_list = function | [] -> assert false | [Contents o] -> Contents_list (Single o) | (Contents o) :: os -> let Contents_list os = of_list os in match o, os with | Manager_operation _, Single (Manager_operation _) -> Contents_list (Cons (o, os)) | Manager_operation _, Cons _ -> Contents_list (Cons (o, os)) | _ -> Pervasives.failwith "Operation list of length > 1 \ should only contains manager operations." module Encoding = struct open Data_encoding let case tag name args proj inj = let open Data_encoding in case tag ~title:(String.capitalize_ascii name) (merge_objs (obj1 (req "kind" (constant name))) args) (fun x -> match proj x with None -> None | Some x -> Some ((), x)) (fun ((), x) -> inj x) module Manager_operations = struct type 'kind case = MCase : { tag: int ; name: string ; encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ; select: packed_manager_operation -> 'kind manager_operation option ; proj: 'kind manager_operation -> 'a ; inj: 'a -> 'kind manager_operation } -> 'kind case let reveal_case = MCase { tag = 0 ; name = "reveal" ; encoding = (obj1 (req "public_key" Signature.Public_key.encoding)) ; select = (function | Manager (Reveal _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (function Reveal pkh -> pkh) ; inj = (fun pkh -> Reveal pkh) } let transaction_case = MCase { tag = 1 ; name = "transaction" ; encoding = (obj3 (req "amount" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "destination" Contract_repr.encoding) (opt "parameters" Script_repr.lazy_expr_encoding)) ; select = (function | Manager (Transaction _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (function | Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters } -> (amount, destination, parameters)) ; inj = (fun (amount, destination, parameters) -> Transaction { amount ; destination ; parameters }) } let origination_case = MCase { tag = 2 ; name = "origination" ; encoding = (obj6 (req "manager_pubkey" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "balance" Tez_repr.encoding) (dft "spendable" bool true) (dft "delegatable" bool true) (opt "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (opt "script" Script_repr.encoding)) ; select = (function | Manager (Origination _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (function | Origination { manager ; credit ; spendable ; delegatable ; delegate ; script ; preorigination = _ (* the hash is only used internally when originating from smart contracts, don't serialize it *) } -> (manager, credit, spendable, delegatable, delegate, script)) ; inj = (fun (manager, credit, spendable, delegatable, delegate, script) -> Origination {manager ; credit ; spendable ; delegatable ; delegate ; script ; preorigination = None }) } let delegation_case = MCase { tag = 3 ; name = "delegation" ; encoding = (obj1 (opt "delegate" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding)) ; select = (function | Manager (Delegation _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (function Delegation key -> key) ; inj = (fun key -> Delegation key) } let encoding = let make (MCase { tag ; name ; encoding ; select ; proj ; inj }) = case (Tag tag) name encoding (fun o -> match select o with None -> None | Some o -> Some (proj o)) (fun x -> Manager (inj x)) in union ~tag_size:`Uint8 [ make reveal_case ; make transaction_case ; make origination_case ; make delegation_case ; ] end type 'b case = Case : { tag: int ; name: string ; encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ; select: packed_contents -> 'b contents option ; proj: 'b contents -> 'a ; inj: 'a -> 'b contents } -> 'b case let endorsement_encoding = obj1 (req "level" Raw_level_repr.encoding) let endorsement_case = Case { tag = 0 ; name = "endorsement" ; encoding = endorsement_encoding ; select = (function | Contents (Endorsement _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Endorsement { level }) -> level) ; inj = (fun level -> Endorsement { level }) } let endorsement_encoding = let make (Case { tag ; name ; encoding ; select = _ ; proj ; inj }) = case (Tag tag) name encoding (fun o -> Some (proj o)) (fun x -> inj x) in let to_list : Kind.endorsement contents_list -> _ = function | Single o -> o in let of_list : Kind.endorsement contents -> _ = function | o -> Single o in def "inlined.endorsement" @@ conv (fun ({ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature } } : _ operation)-> (shell, (contents, signature))) (fun (shell, (contents, signature)) -> ({ shell ; protocol_data = { contents ; signature }} : _ operation)) (merge_objs Operation.shell_header_encoding (obj2 (req "operations" (conv to_list of_list @@ def "inlined.endorsement.contents" @@ union [ make endorsement_case ; ])) (varopt "signature" Signature.encoding))) let seed_nonce_revelation_case = Case { tag = 1; name = "seed_nonce_revelation" ; encoding = (obj2 (req "level" Raw_level_repr.encoding) (req "nonce" Seed_repr.nonce_encoding)) ; select = (function | Contents (Seed_nonce_revelation _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) -> (level, nonce)) ; inj = (fun (level, nonce) -> Seed_nonce_revelation { level ; nonce }) } let double_endorsement_evidence_case : Kind.double_endorsement_evidence case = Case { tag = 2 ; name = "double_endorsement_evidence" ; encoding = (obj2 (req "op1" (dynamic_size endorsement_encoding)) (req "op2" (dynamic_size endorsement_encoding))) ; select = (function | Contents (Double_endorsement_evidence _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 }) -> (op1, op2)) ; inj = (fun (op1, op2) -> (Double_endorsement_evidence { op1 ; op2 })) } let double_baking_evidence_case = Case { tag = 3 ; name = "double_baking_evidence" ; encoding = (obj2 (req "bh1" (dynamic_size Block_header_repr.encoding)) (req "bh2" (dynamic_size Block_header_repr.encoding))) ; select = (function | Contents (Double_baking_evidence _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 }) -> (bh1, bh2)) ; inj = (fun (bh1, bh2) -> Double_baking_evidence { bh1 ; bh2 }) ; } let activate_account_case = Case { tag = 4 ; name = "activate_account" ; encoding = (obj2 (req "pkh" Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "secret" Blinded_public_key_hash.activation_code_encoding)) ; select = (function | Contents (Activate_account _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Activate_account { id ; activation_code }) -> (id, activation_code)) ; inj = (fun (id, activation_code) -> Activate_account { id ; activation_code }) } let proposals_case = Case { tag = 5 ; name = "proposals" ; encoding = (obj3 (req "source" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "period" Voting_period_repr.encoding) (req "proposals" (list Protocol_hash.encoding))) ; select = (function | Contents (Proposals _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (fun (Proposals { source ; period ; proposals }) -> (source, period, proposals)) ; inj = (fun (source, period, proposals) -> Proposals { source ; period ; proposals }) ; } let ballot_case = Case { tag = 6 ; name = "ballot" ; encoding = (obj4 (req "source" Signature.Public_key_hash.encoding) (req "period" Voting_period_repr.encoding) (req "proposal" Protocol_hash.encoding) (req "ballot" Vote_repr.ballot_encoding)) ; select = (function | Contents (Ballot _ as op) -> Some op | _ -> None) ; proj = (function (Ballot { source ; period ; proposal ; ballot }) -> (source, period, proposal, ballot)) ; inj = (fun (source, period, proposal, ballot) -> Ballot { source ; period ; proposal ; ballot }) ; } let manager_encoding = (obj5 (req "source" Contract_repr.encoding) (req "fee" Tez_repr.encoding) (req "counter" (check_size 10 n)) (req "gas_limit" (check_size 10 n)) (req "storage_limit" (check_size 10 n))) let extract (type kind) (Manager_operation { source ; fee ; counter ; gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operation = _ } : kind Kind.manager contents) = (source, fee, counter, gas_limit, storage_limit) let rebuild (source, fee, counter, gas_limit, storage_limit) operation = Manager_operation { source ; fee ; counter ; gas_limit ; storage_limit ; operation } let make_manager_case tag (type kind) (Manager_operations.MCase mcase : kind Manager_operations.case) = Case { tag ; name = mcase.name ; encoding = merge_objs manager_encoding mcase.encoding ; select = (function | Contents (Manager_operation ({ operation ; _ } as op)) -> begin match mcase.select (Manager operation) with | None -> None | Some operation -> Some (Manager_operation { op with operation }) end | _ -> None) ; proj = (function | Manager_operation { operation ; _ } as op -> (extract op, mcase.proj operation )) ; inj = (fun (op, contents) -> (rebuild op (mcase.inj contents))) } let reveal_case = make_manager_case 7 Manager_operations.reveal_case let transaction_case = make_manager_case 8 Manager_operations.transaction_case let origination_case = make_manager_case 9 Manager_operations.origination_case let delegation_case = make_manager_case 10 Manager_operations.delegation_case let contents_encoding = let make (Case { tag ; name ; encoding ; select ; proj ; inj }) = case (Tag tag) name encoding (fun o -> match select o with None -> None | Some o -> Some (proj o)) (fun x -> Contents (inj x)) in def "operation.alpha.contents" @@ union [ make endorsement_case ; make seed_nonce_revelation_case ; make double_endorsement_evidence_case ; make double_baking_evidence_case ; make activate_account_case ; make proposals_case ; make ballot_case ; make reveal_case ; make transaction_case ; make origination_case ; make delegation_case ; ] let contents_list_encoding = conv to_list of_list (Variable.list contents_encoding) let optional_signature_encoding = conv (function Some s -> s | None -> Signature.zero) (fun s -> if Signature.equal s Signature.zero then None else Some s) Signature.encoding let protocol_data_encoding = def "operation.alpha.contents_and_signature" @@ conv (fun (Operation_data { contents ; signature }) -> (Contents_list contents, signature)) (fun (Contents_list contents, signature) -> Operation_data { contents ; signature }) (obj2 (req "contents" contents_list_encoding) (req "signature" optional_signature_encoding)) let operation_encoding = conv (fun ({ shell ; protocol_data }) -> (shell, protocol_data)) (fun (shell, protocol_data) -> { shell ; protocol_data }) (merge_objs Operation.shell_header_encoding protocol_data_encoding) let unsigned_operation_encoding = def "operation.alpha.unsigned_operation" @@ merge_objs Operation.shell_header_encoding (obj1 (req "contents" contents_list_encoding)) let internal_operation_encoding = def "operation.alpha.internal_operation" @@ conv (fun (Internal_operation { source ; operation ; nonce }) -> ((source, nonce), Manager operation)) (fun ((source, nonce), Manager operation) -> Internal_operation { source ; operation ; nonce }) (merge_objs (obj2 (req "source" Contract_repr.encoding) (req "nonce" uint16)) Manager_operations.encoding) end let encoding = Encoding.operation_encoding let contents_encoding = Encoding.contents_encoding let contents_list_encoding = Encoding.contents_list_encoding let protocol_data_encoding = Encoding.protocol_data_encoding let unsigned_operation_encoding = Encoding.unsigned_operation_encoding let internal_operation_encoding = Encoding.internal_operation_encoding let raw ({ shell ; protocol_data } : _ operation) = let proto = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn protocol_data_encoding (Operation_data protocol_data) in { Operation.shell ; proto } let acceptable_passes (op : packed_operation) = let Operation_data protocol_data = op.protocol_data in match protocol_data.contents with | Single (Endorsement _) -> [0] | Single (Proposals _ ) -> [1] | Single (Ballot _ ) -> [1] | Single (Seed_nonce_revelation _) -> [2] | Single (Double_endorsement_evidence _) -> [2] | Single (Double_baking_evidence _) -> [2] | Single (Activate_account _) -> [2] | Single (Manager_operation _) -> [3] | Cons _ -> [3] type error += Invalid_signature (* `Permanent *) type error += Missing_signature (* `Permanent *) let () = register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.invalid_signature" ~title:"Invalid operation signature" ~description:"The operation signature is ill-formed \ or has been made with the wrong public key" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "The operation signature is invalid") Data_encoding.unit (function Invalid_signature -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Invalid_signature) ; register_error_kind `Permanent ~id:"operation.missing_signature" ~title:"Missing operation signature" ~description:"The operation is of a kind that must be signed, \ but the signature is missing" ~pp:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "The operation requires a signature") Data_encoding.unit (function Missing_signature -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Missing_signature) let check_signature_sync (type kind) key chain_id ({ shell ; protocol_data } : kind operation) = let check ~watermark contents signature = let unsigned_operation = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn unsigned_operation_encoding (shell, contents) in if Signature.check ~watermark key signature unsigned_operation then Ok () else Error [Invalid_signature] in match protocol_data.contents, protocol_data.signature with | Single _, None -> Error [Missing_signature] | Cons _, None -> Error [Missing_signature] | Single (Endorsement _) as contents, Some signature -> check ~watermark:(Endorsement chain_id) (Contents_list contents) signature | Single _ as contents, Some signature -> check ~watermark:Generic_operation (Contents_list contents) signature | Cons _ as contents, Some signature -> check ~watermark:Generic_operation (Contents_list contents) signature let check_signature pk chain_id op = Lwt.return (check_signature_sync pk chain_id op) let hash_raw = Operation.hash let hash (o : _ operation) = let proto = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn protocol_data_encoding (Operation_data o.protocol_data) in Operation.hash { shell = o.shell ; proto } let hash_packed (o : packed_operation) = let proto = Data_encoding.Binary.to_bytes_exn protocol_data_encoding o.protocol_data in Operation.hash { shell = o.shell ; proto } type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq let equal_manager_operation_kind : type a b. a manager_operation -> b manager_operation -> (a, b) eq option = fun op1 op2 -> match op1, op2 with | Reveal _, Reveal _ -> Some Eq | Reveal _, _ -> None | Transaction _, Transaction _ -> Some Eq | Transaction _, _ -> None | Origination _, Origination _ -> Some Eq | Origination _, _ -> None | Delegation _, Delegation _ -> Some Eq | Delegation _, _ -> None let equal_contents_kind : type a b. a contents -> b contents -> (a, b) eq option = fun op1 op2 -> match op1, op2 with | Endorsement _, Endorsement _ -> Some Eq | Endorsement _, _ -> None | Seed_nonce_revelation _, Seed_nonce_revelation _ -> Some Eq | Seed_nonce_revelation _, _ -> None | Double_endorsement_evidence _, Double_endorsement_evidence _ -> Some Eq | Double_endorsement_evidence _, _ -> None | Double_baking_evidence _, Double_baking_evidence _ -> Some Eq | Double_baking_evidence _, _ -> None | Activate_account _, Activate_account _ -> Some Eq | Activate_account _, _ -> None | Proposals _, Proposals _ -> Some Eq | Proposals _, _ -> None | Ballot _, Ballot _ -> Some Eq | Ballot _, _ -> None | Manager_operation op1, Manager_operation op2 -> begin match equal_manager_operation_kind op1.operation op2.operation with | None -> None | Some Eq -> Some Eq end | Manager_operation _, _ -> None let rec equal_contents_kind_list : type a b. a contents_list -> b contents_list -> (a, b) eq option = fun op1 op2 -> match op1, op2 with | Single op1, Single op2 -> equal_contents_kind op1 op2 | Single _, Cons _ -> None | Cons _, Single _ -> None | Cons (op1, ops1), Cons (op2, ops2) -> begin match equal_contents_kind op1 op2 with | None -> None | Some Eq -> match equal_contents_kind_list ops1 ops2 with | None -> None | Some Eq -> Some Eq end let equal : type a b. a operation -> b operation -> (a, b) eq option = fun op1 op2 -> if not (Operation_hash.equal (hash op1) (hash op2)) then None else equal_contents_kind_list op1.protocol_data.contents op2.protocol_data.contents