(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module Public_key_hash = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.t let encoding = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.of_b58check s) let to_source _ p = return (Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check p) let name = "public key hash" end) module Public_key = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.Public_key.t let encoding = Ed25519.Public_key.encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Ed25519.Public_key.of_b58check s) let to_source _ p = return (Ed25519.Public_key.to_b58check p) let name = "public key" end) module Secret_key = Client_aliases.Alias (struct type t = Ed25519.Secret_key.t let encoding = Ed25519.Secret_key.encoding let of_source _ s = Lwt.return (Ed25519.Secret_key.of_b58check s) let to_source _ p = return (Ed25519.Secret_key.to_b58check p) let name = "secret key" end) let gen_keys ?(force=false) ?seed cctxt name = let seed = match seed with | None -> Ed25519.Seed.generate () | Some s -> s in let _, public_key, secret_key = Ed25519.generate_seeded_key seed in Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name secret_key >>=? fun () -> Public_key.add ~force cctxt name public_key >>=? fun () -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name (Ed25519.Public_key.hash public_key) >>=? fun () -> cctxt.message "I generated a brand new pair of keys under the name '%s'." name >>= fun () -> return () let gen_keys_containing ?(prefix=false) ?(force=false) ~containing ~name (cctxt : Client_commands.context) = let unrepresentable = List.filter (fun s -> not @@ Base58.Alphabet.all_in_alphabet Base58.Alphabet.bitcoin s) containing in match unrepresentable with | _ :: _ -> cctxt.warning "The following can't be written in the key alphabet (%a): %a" Base58.Alphabet.pp Base58.Alphabet.bitcoin (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ", ") (fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "'%s'" s)) unrepresentable >>= return | [] -> Public_key_hash.mem cctxt name >>=? fun name_exists -> if name_exists && not force then cctxt.warning "Key for name '%s' already exists. Use -force to update." name >>= return else begin cctxt.message "This process uses a brute force search and \ may take a long time to find a key." >>= fun () -> let matches = if prefix then let containing_tz1 = List.map ((^) "tz1") containing in (fun key -> List.exists (fun containing -> String.sub key 0 (String.length containing) = containing) containing_tz1) else let re = Str.regexp (String.concat "\\|" containing) in (fun key -> try ignore (Str.search_forward re key 0); true with Not_found -> false) in let rec loop attempts = let seed = Ed25519.Seed.generate () in let _, public_key, secret_key = Ed25519.generate_seeded_key seed in let hash = Ed25519.Public_key_hash.to_b58check @@ Ed25519.Public_key.hash public_key in if matches hash then Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name secret_key >>=? fun () -> Public_key.add ~force cctxt name public_key >>=? fun () -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name (Ed25519.Public_key.hash public_key) >>=? fun () -> return hash else begin if attempts mod 25_000 = 0 then cctxt.message "Tried %d keys without finding a match" attempts else Lwt.return () end >>= fun () -> loop (attempts + 1) in loop 1 >>=? fun key_hash -> cctxt.message "Generated '%s' under the name '%s'." key_hash name >>= fun () -> return () end let check_keys_consistency pk sk = let message = MBytes.of_string "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir ?" in let signature = Ed25519.sign sk message in Ed25519.Signature.check pk signature message let get_key cctxt pkh = Public_key_hash.rev_find cctxt pkh >>=? function | None -> cctxt.error "no keys for the source contract manager" | Some n -> Public_key.find cctxt n >>=? fun pk -> Secret_key.find cctxt n >>=? fun sk -> return (n, pk, sk) let get_keys cctxt = Secret_key.load cctxt >>=? fun sks -> Lwt_list.filter_map_s (fun (name, sk) -> begin Public_key.find cctxt name >>=? fun pk -> Public_key_hash.find cctxt name >>=? fun pkh -> return (name, pkh, pk, sk) end >>= function | Ok r -> Lwt.return (Some r) | Error _ -> Lwt.return_none) sks >>= fun keys -> return keys let list_keys cctxt = Public_key_hash.load cctxt >>=? fun l -> map_s (fun (name, pkh) -> Public_key.mem cctxt name >>=? fun pkm -> Secret_key.mem cctxt name >>=? fun pks -> return (name, pkh, pkm, pks)) l let alias_keys cctxt name = Public_key_hash.load cctxt >>=? fun l -> let rec find_key = function | [] -> return None | (key_name, pkh) :: tl -> if key_name = name then Public_key.find_opt cctxt name >>=? fun pkm -> Secret_key.find_opt cctxt name >>=? fun pks -> return (Some (pkh, pkm, pks)) else find_key tl in find_key l let group = { Cli_entries.name = "keys" ; title = "Commands for managing cryptographic keys" } let commands () = let open Cli_entries in let open Client_commands in let show_private_switch = switch ~parameter:"-show-secret" ~doc:"Show the private key" in [ command ~group ~desc: "generate a pair of keys" (args1 Client_commands.force_switch) (prefixes [ "gen" ; "keys" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ stop) (fun force name cctxt -> Secret_key.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> gen_keys ~force cctxt name) ; command ~group ~desc: "Generate keys including the given string" (args2 (switch ~doc:"The key must begin with tz1[containing]" ~parameter:"-prefix") force_switch) (prefixes [ "gen" ; "vanity" ; "keys" ] @@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param @@ prefix "matching" @@ (seq_of_param @@ string ~name:"strs" ~desc:"String key must contain")) (fun (prefix, force) name containing cctxt -> Public_key_hash.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> gen_keys_containing ~force ~prefix ~containing ~name cctxt) ; command ~group ~desc: "add a secret key to the wallet" (args1 Client_commands.force_switch) (prefixes [ "add" ; "secret" ; "key" ] @@ Secret_key.fresh_alias_param @@ Secret_key.source_param @@ stop) (fun force name sk cctxt -> Secret_key.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> Public_key.find_opt cctxt name >>=? function | None -> let pk = Ed25519.Secret_key.to_public_key sk in Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name (Ed25519.Public_key.hash pk) >>=? fun () -> Public_key.add ~force cctxt name pk >>=? fun () -> Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name sk | Some pk -> fail_unless (check_keys_consistency pk sk || force) (failure "public and secret keys '%s' don't correspond, \ please don't use -force" name) >>=? fun () -> Secret_key.add ~force cctxt name sk) ; command ~group ~desc: "add a public key to the wallet" (args1 Client_commands.force_switch) (prefixes [ "add" ; "identity" ] @@ Public_key_hash.fresh_alias_param @@ Public_key_hash.source_param @@ stop) (fun force name hash cctxt -> Public_key_hash.of_fresh cctxt force name >>=? fun name -> Public_key_hash.add ~force cctxt name hash) ; command ~group ~desc: "list all public key hashes and associated keys" no_options (fixed [ "list" ; "known" ; "identities" ]) (fun () cctxt -> list_keys cctxt >>=? fun l -> iter_s (fun (name, pkh, pkm, pks) -> Public_key_hash.to_source cctxt pkh >>=? fun v -> cctxt.message "%s: %s%s%s" name v (if pkm then " (public key known)" else "") (if pks then " (secret key known)" else "") >>= fun () -> return ()) l) ; command ~group ~desc: "show the keys associated with an identity" (args1 show_private_switch) (prefixes [ "show" ; "identity"] @@ Public_key_hash.alias_param @@ stop) (fun show_private (name, _) cctxt -> let ok_lwt x = x >>= (fun x -> return x) in alias_keys cctxt name >>=? fun key_info -> match key_info with | None -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt.message "No keys found for identity" | Some (hash, pub, priv) -> Public_key_hash.to_source cctxt hash >>=? fun hash -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt.message "Hash: %s" hash >>=? fun () -> match pub with | None -> return () | Some pub -> Public_key.to_source cctxt pub >>=? fun pub -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt.message "Public Key: %s" pub >>=? fun () -> if show_private then match priv with | None -> return () | Some priv -> Secret_key.to_source cctxt priv >>=? fun priv -> ok_lwt @@ cctxt.message "Secret Key: %s" priv else return ()) ; command ~group ~desc: "forget all keys" (args1 Client_commands.force_switch) (fixed [ "forget" ; "all" ; "keys" ]) (fun force cctxt -> fail_unless force (failure "this can only used with option -force true") >>=? fun () -> Public_key.save cctxt [] >>=? fun () -> Secret_key.save cctxt [] >>=? fun () -> Public_key_hash.save cctxt []) ; ]