(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com> *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Lwt.Infix module Make (Encoding : Resto.ENCODING) = struct open Cohttp module Media_type = Media_type.Make(Encoding) module Service = Resto.MakeService(Encoding) type content_type = (string * string) type raw_content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option type content = Cohttp_lwt.Body.t * content_type option * Media_type.t option type ('o, 'e) generic_rest_result = [ `Ok of 'o option | `Conflict of 'e | `Error of 'e | `Forbidden of 'e | `Not_found of 'e | `Unauthorized of 'e | `Bad_request of string | `Method_not_allowed of string list | `Unsupported_media_type | `Not_acceptable of string | `Unexpected_status_code of Cohttp.Code.status_code * content | `Connection_failed of string | `OCaml_exception of string | `Unauthorized_host of string option ] type ('o, 'e) service_result = [ ('o, 'e option) generic_rest_result | `Unexpected_content_type of raw_content | `Unexpected_content of (string * Media_type.t) * string | `Unexpected_error_content_type of raw_content | `Unexpected_error_content of (string * Media_type.t) * string ] module type LOGGER = sig type request val log_empty_request: Uri.t -> request Lwt.t val log_request: ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t -> Uri.t -> string -> request Lwt.t val log_response: request -> ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string Lwt.t Lazy.t -> unit Lwt.t end type logger = (module LOGGER) let null_logger = (module struct type request = unit let log_empty_request = (fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit) let log_request = (fun ?media:_ _ _ _-> Lwt.return_unit) let log_response = (fun _ ?media:_ _ _ _ -> Lwt.return_unit) end : LOGGER) let timings_logger ppf = (module struct type request = string * float let log_empty_request uri = let tzero = Unix.gettimeofday () in Lwt.return (Uri.to_string uri, tzero) let log_request ?media:_ _enc uri _body = log_empty_request uri let log_response (uri, tzero) ?media:_ _enc _code _body = let time = Unix.gettimeofday () -. tzero in Format.fprintf ppf "Request to %s succeeded in %gs@." uri time ; Lwt.return_unit end : LOGGER) let faked_media = { Media_type.name = AnyMedia ; q = None ; pp = (fun _enc ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<h 0>%a@]" Format.pp_print_text s) ; construct = (fun _ -> assert false) ; destruct = (fun _ -> assert false) ; } let full_logger ppf = (module struct let cpt = ref 0 type request = int * string let log_empty_request uri = let id = !cpt in let uri = Uri.to_string uri in incr cpt ; Format.fprintf ppf ">>>>%d: %s@." id uri ; Lwt.return (id, uri) let log_request ?(media = faked_media) enc uri body = let id = !cpt in let uri = Uri.to_string uri in incr cpt ; Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>>>>>%d: %s@,%a@]@." id uri (media.pp enc) body ; Lwt.return (id, uri) let log_response (id, _uri) ?(media = faked_media) enc code body = Lazy.force body >>= fun body -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[<v 2><<<<%d: %s@,%a@]@." id (Cohttp.Code.string_of_status code) (media.pp enc) body ; Lwt.return_unit end : LOGGER) let find_media received media_types = match received with | Some received -> Media_type.find_media received media_types | None -> match media_types with | [] -> None | m :: _ -> Some m let clone_body = function | `Stream s -> `Stream (Lwt_stream.clone s) | x -> x type log = { log: 'a. ?media:Media_type.t -> 'a Encoding.t -> Cohttp.Code.status_code -> string Lwt.t Lazy.t -> unit Lwt.t ; } let internal_call meth (log : log) ?(headers = []) ?accept ?body ?media uri : (content, content) generic_rest_result Lwt.t = let host = match Uri.host uri, Uri.port uri with | None, _ -> None | Some host, None -> Some host | Some host, Some port -> Some (host ^ ":" ^ string_of_int port) in let init_headers = match host with | None -> Header.init () | Some host -> Header.replace (Header.init ()) "host" host in let headers = List.fold_left (fun headers (header, value) -> let header = String.lowercase_ascii header in if header <> "host" && (String.length header < 2 || String.sub header 0 2 <> "x-") then invalid_arg "Resto_cohttp.Client.call: \ only headers \"host\" or starting with \"x-\" are supported" else Header.replace headers header value) init_headers headers in let body, headers = match body, media with | None, _ -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.empty, headers | Some body, None -> body, headers | Some body, Some media -> body, Header.add headers "content-type" (Media_type.name media) in let headers = match accept with | None -> headers | Some ranges -> Header.add headers "accept" (Media_type.accept_header ranges) in Lwt.catch begin fun () -> let rec call_and_retry_on_502 attempt delay = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.call ~headers (meth :> Code.meth) ~body uri >>= fun (response, ansbody) -> let status = Response.status response in match status with | `Bad_gateway -> let log_ansbody = clone_body ansbody in log.log ~media:faked_media Encoding.untyped status (lazy (Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string log_ansbody >>= fun text -> Lwt.return @@ Format.sprintf "Attempt number %d/10, will retry after %g seconds.\n\ Original body follows.\n\ %s" attempt delay text)) >>= fun () -> if attempt >= 10 then Lwt.return (response, ansbody) else Lwt_unix.sleep delay >>= fun () -> call_and_retry_on_502 (attempt + 1) (delay +. 0.1) | _ -> Lwt.return (response, ansbody) in call_and_retry_on_502 1 0. >>= fun (response, ansbody) -> let headers = Response.headers response in let media_name = match Header.get headers "content-type" with | None -> None | Some s -> match Utils.split_path s with | [x ; y] -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None (* ignored invalid *) in let media = match accept with | None -> None | Some media_types -> find_media media_name media_types in let status = Response.status response in match status with | `OK -> Lwt.return (`Ok (Some (ansbody, media_name, media))) | `No_content -> Lwt.return (`Ok None) | `Created -> (* TODO handle redirection ?? *) failwith "Resto_cohttp_client.generic_json_call: unimplemented" | `Unauthorized -> Lwt.return (`Unauthorized (ansbody, media_name, media)) | `Forbidden when Cohttp.Header.mem headers "X-OCaml-Resto-CORS-Error" -> Lwt.return (`Unauthorized_host host) | `Forbidden -> Lwt.return (`Forbidden (ansbody, media_name, media)) | `Not_found -> Lwt.return (`Not_found (ansbody, media_name, media)) | `Conflict -> Lwt.return (`Conflict (ansbody, media_name, media)) | `Internal_server_error -> if media_name = Some ("text", "ocaml.exception") then Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string ansbody >>= fun msg -> Lwt.return (`OCaml_exception msg) else Lwt.return (`Error (ansbody, media_name, media)) | `Bad_request -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string ansbody >>= fun body -> Lwt.return (`Bad_request body) | `Method_not_allowed -> let allowed = Cohttp.Header.get_multi headers "accept" in Lwt.return (`Method_not_allowed allowed) | `Unsupported_media_type -> Lwt.return `Unsupported_media_type | `Not_acceptable -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string ansbody >>= fun body -> Lwt.return (`Not_acceptable body) | code -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_status_code (code, (ansbody, media_name, media))) end begin fun exn -> let msg = match exn with | Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Unix.error_message e | Failure msg -> msg | Invalid_argument msg -> msg | e -> Printexc.to_string e in Lwt.return (`Connection_failed msg) end let handle_error log service (body, media_name, media) status f = Cohttp_lwt.Body.is_empty body >>= fun empty -> if empty then log.log Encoding.untyped status (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (f None) else match media with | None -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_error_content_type (body, media_name)) | Some media -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body -> let error = Service.error_encoding service in log.log ~media error status (lazy (Lwt.return body)) >>= fun () -> match media.Media_type.destruct error body with | Ok body -> Lwt.return (f (Some body)) | Error msg -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_error_content ((body, media), msg)) let prepare (type i) media_types ?(logger = null_logger) ?base (service : (_,_,_,_,i,_,_) Service.t) params query body = let module Logger = (val logger : LOGGER) in let media = match Media_type.first_complete_media media_types with | None -> invalid_arg "Resto_cohttp_client.call_service" | Some (_, m) -> m in let { Service.meth ; uri ; input } = Service.forge_request ?base service params query in begin match input with | Service.No_input -> Logger.log_empty_request uri >>= fun log_request -> Lwt.return (None, None, log_request) | Service.Input input -> let body = media.Media_type.construct input body in Logger.log_request ~media input uri body >>= fun log_request -> Lwt.return (Some (Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string body), Some media, log_request) end >>= fun (body, media, log_request) -> let log = { log = fun ?media -> Logger.log_response log_request ?media } in Lwt.return (log, meth, uri, body, media) let call_service media_types ?logger ?headers ?base service params query body = prepare media_types ?logger ?base service params query body >>= fun (log, meth, uri, body, media) -> begin internal_call meth log ?headers ~accept:media_types ?body ?media uri >>= function | `Ok None -> log.log Encoding.untyped `No_content (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (`Ok None) | `Ok (Some (body, media_name, media)) -> begin match media with | None -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content_type (body, media_name)) | Some media -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body -> let output = Service.output_encoding service in log.log ~media output `OK (lazy (Lwt.return body)) >>= fun () -> match media.destruct output body with | Ok body -> Lwt.return (`Ok (Some body)) | Error msg -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content ((body, media), msg)) end | `Conflict body -> handle_error log service body `Conflict (fun v -> `Conflict v) | `Error body -> handle_error log service body `Internal_server_error (fun v -> `Error v) | `Forbidden body -> handle_error log service body `Forbidden (fun v -> `Forbidden v) | `Not_found body -> handle_error log service body `Not_found (fun v -> `Not_found v) | `Unauthorized body -> handle_error log service body `Unauthorized (fun v -> `Unauthorized v) | `Bad_request _ | `Method_not_allowed _ | `Unsupported_media_type | `Not_acceptable _ | `Unexpected_status_code _ | `Connection_failed _ | `OCaml_exception _ | `Unauthorized_host _ as err -> Lwt.return err end >>= fun ans -> Lwt.return (meth, uri, ans) let call_streamed_service media_types ?logger ?headers ?base service ~on_chunk ~on_close params query body = prepare media_types ?logger ?base service params query body >>= fun (log, meth, uri, body, media) -> begin internal_call meth log ?headers ~accept:media_types ?body ?media uri >>= function | `Ok None -> on_close () ; log.log Encoding.untyped `No_content (lazy (Lwt.return "")) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return (`Ok None) | `Ok (Some (body, media_name, media)) -> begin match media with | None -> Lwt.return (`Unexpected_content_type (body, media_name)) | Some media -> let stream = Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_stream body in Lwt_stream.get stream >>= function | None -> on_close () ; Lwt.return (`Ok None) | Some chunk -> let buffer = Buffer.create 2048 in let output = Service.output_encoding service in let rec loop = function | None -> on_close () ; Lwt.return_unit | Some chunk -> Buffer.add_string buffer chunk ; let data = Buffer.contents buffer in log.log ~media output `OK (lazy (Lwt.return chunk)) >>= fun () -> match media.destruct output data with | Ok body -> Buffer.reset buffer ; on_chunk body ; Lwt_stream.get stream >>= loop | Error _msg -> Lwt_stream.get stream >>= loop in ignore (loop (Some chunk) : unit Lwt.t) ; Lwt.return (`Ok (Some (fun () -> ignore (Lwt_stream.junk_while (fun _ -> true) stream : unit Lwt.t) ; ()))) end | `Conflict body -> handle_error log service body `Conflict (fun v -> `Conflict v) | `Error body -> handle_error log service body `Internal_server_error (fun v -> `Error v) | `Forbidden body -> handle_error log service body `Forbidden (fun v -> `Forbidden v) | `Not_found body -> handle_error log service body `Not_found (fun v -> `Not_found v) | `Unauthorized body -> handle_error log service body `Unauthorized (fun v -> `Unauthorized v) | `Bad_request _ | `Method_not_allowed _ | `Unsupported_media_type | `Not_acceptable _ | `Unexpected_status_code _ | `Connection_failed _ | `OCaml_exception _ | `Unauthorized_host _ as err -> Lwt.return err end >>= fun ans -> Lwt.return (meth, uri, ans) let generic_call meth ?(logger = null_logger) ?headers ?accept ?body ?media uri = let module Logger = (val logger) in begin match body with | None-> Logger.log_empty_request uri | Some (`Stream _) -> Logger.log_request Encoding.untyped uri "<stream>" | Some body -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body >>= fun body -> Logger.log_request ?media Encoding.untyped uri body end >>= fun log_request -> let log = { log = fun ?media -> Logger.log_response log_request ?media } in internal_call meth log ?headers ?accept ?body ?media uri end