(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) let (//) = Filename.concat (** Commands *) let identity_file data_dir = data_dir // Node_identity_file.default_name let show { Node_config_file.data_dir } = Node_identity_file.read (identity_file data_dir) >>=? fun id -> Format.printf "Peer_id: %a.@." P2p_types.Peer_id.pp id.peer_id ; return () let generate { Node_config_file.data_dir ; net } = let identity_file = identity_file data_dir in if Sys.file_exists identity_file then fail (Node_identity_file.Existent_identity_file identity_file) else let target = Crypto_box.make_target net.expected_pow in Format.eprintf "Generating a new identity... " ; let id = P2p.Identity.generate_with_animation Format.err_formatter target in Node_identity_file.write identity_file id >>=? fun () -> Format.eprintf "Stored the new identity (%a) into '%s'.@." P2p.Peer_id.pp id.peer_id identity_file ; return () let check { Node_config_file.data_dir ; net = { expected_pow } } = Node_identity_file.read ~expected_pow (identity_file data_dir) >>=? fun id -> Format.printf "Peer_id: %a. Proof of work is higher than %.2f.@." P2p_types.Peer_id.pp id.peer_id expected_pow ; return () (** Main *) module Term = struct type subcommand = Show | Generate | Check let process subcommand data_dir config_file expected_pow = let res = begin match data_dir, config_file with | None, None -> return Node_config_file.default_config | None, Some config_file -> Node_config_file.read config_file | Some data_dir, None -> Node_config_file.read (data_dir // "config.json") >>=? fun cfg -> return { cfg with data_dir } | Some data_dir, Some config_file -> Node_config_file.read config_file >>=? fun cfg -> return { cfg with data_dir } end >>=? fun cfg -> let cfg = Node_config_file.update ?expected_pow cfg in match subcommand with | Show -> show cfg | Generate -> generate cfg | Check -> check cfg in match Lwt_main.run res with | Ok () -> `Ok () | Error err -> `Error (false, Format.asprintf "%a" pp_print_error err) let subcommand_arg = let parser = function | "show" -> `Ok Show | "generate" -> `Ok Generate | "check" -> `Ok Check | s -> `Error ("invalid argument: " ^ s) and printer fmt = function | Show -> Format.fprintf fmt "show" | Generate -> Format.fprintf fmt "generate" | Check -> Format.fprintf fmt "check" in let doc = "Operation to perform. \ Possible values: $(b,show), $(b,generate), $(b,check)." in let open Cmdliner.Arg in value & pos 0 (parser, printer) Show & info [] ~docv:"OPERATION" ~doc let expected_pow = let open Cmdliner in let doc = "Expected amount of proof-of-work for the node identity. \ The optional parameter should be a float between 0 and 256, where 0 disable the proof-of-work mechanism." in Arg.(value & pos 1 (some float) None & info [] ~docv:"DIFFICULTY" ~doc) let term = Cmdliner.Term.(ret (const process $ subcommand_arg $ Node_shared_arg.Term.data_dir $ Node_shared_arg.Term.config_file $ expected_pow)) end module Manpage = struct let command_description = "The $(b,identity) command is meant to create and manage node \ identities. An $(i,identity) uniquely identifies a peer on the \ network and consists of a cryptographic key pair as well as a \ proof-of-work stamp that certifies \ that enough CPU time has been dedicated to produce the identity, \ to avoid sybil attacks. An identity with enough proof-of-work is \ required to participate in the Tezos network, therefore this command \ is necessary to launch Tezos the first time." let description = [ `S "DESCRIPTION" ; `P (command_description ^ " Several options are possible:"); `P "$(b,show) reads, parses and displays the current identity of the node. \ Use this command to see what identity will be used by Tezos. \ This is the default operation." ; `P "$(b,generate [difficulty]) generates an identity whose \ proof of work stamp difficulty is at least equal to $(i,difficulty). \ The value provided must be a floating point number between 0 and 128. \ It roughly reflects the numbers of expected leading zeroes in the hash \ of the identity data-structure. \ Therefore, a value of 0 means no proof-of-work, and the difficulty \ doubles for each increment of 1 in the difficulty value." ; `P "$(b,check [difficulty]) checks that an identity is valid and that its \ proof of work stamp difficulty is at least equal to $(i,difficulty)." ; ] let man = description @ (* [ `S misc_docs ] @ *) Node_shared_arg.Manpage.bugs let info = Cmdliner.Term.info ~doc: "Manage node identities" ~man "identity" end let cmd = Term.term, Manpage.info