#! /bin/bash set -e usage="Usage: $ ./scripts/snapshot_alpha.sh babylon_005 from athens_004 Packs the current proto_alpha directory in a new proto_005_<hash> directory with all the necessary renamings. With option --master prepares the protocol for master." script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && echo "$(pwd -P)/")" cd "$script_dir"/.. current=$1 label=$(echo $current | cut -d'_' -f1) version=$(echo $current | cut -d'_' -f2) if ! ( [[ "$label" =~ ^[a-z]+$ ]] && [[ "$version" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ ]] ); then echo "Wrong protocol version" echo echo "$usage" exit 1 fi predecessor=$3 previous_label=$(echo $predecessor | cut -d'_' -f1) previous_version=$(echo $predecessor | cut -d'_' -f2) if ! ( [[ "$2" == "from" ]] && [[ "$3" ]] && [[ "$previous_label" =~ ^[a-z]+$ ]] && [[ "$previous_version" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$ ]] ); then if [[ "$2" == "--master" ]]; then master="true" else echo 'pass a predecessor such as "from athens_004" or "--master"' echo echo "$usage" exit 1 fi fi if [ -d src/proto_${version} ] ; then echo "Error: you should remove the directory 'src/proto_${version}'" exit 1 fi #create a temporary directory until the hash is known cp -r src/proto_alpha/ src/proto_${version} # set current version sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/let version_value = "alpha_current"/let version_value = "'${current}'"/' \ src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/src/raw_context.ml # set previous version if [[ "$master" ]]; then #in master our predecessor is alpha_current sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/s = "alpha_previous"/s = "alpha_current"/' \ src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/src/raw_context.ml else # set previous version sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/Alpha_previous/'${predecessor^}'/' \ src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/src/{raw_context.ml,raw_context.mli,init_storage.ml} # set previous version sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/s = "alpha_previous"/s = "'${predecessor}'"/' \ src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/src/raw_context.ml fi long_hash=$(./tezos-protocol-compiler -hash-only src/proto_${version}/lib_protocol/src) short_hash=$(echo $long_hash | head -c 8) if [ -d src/proto_${version}_${short_hash} ] ; then echo "Error: you should remove the directory 'src/proto_${version}_${short_hash}'" exit 1 fi mv src/proto_${version} src/proto_${version}_${short_hash} cd src/proto_${version}_${short_hash} # the following files do not influence the hash # replace fake hash with real hash sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/"hash": "[^"]*",/"hash": "'$long_hash'",/' \ lib_protocol/src/TEZOS_PROTOCOL sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/"alpha"/"'${version}-${short_hash}'"/' \ lib_client/proto_alpha.ml sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e s/protocol_alpha/protocol_${version}_${short_hash}/ \ $(find -name \*.ml -or -name \*.mli) # rename main_*.ml{,i} files of the binaries rename s/_alpha/_${version}_${short_hash}/ $(find -name main_\*.ml -or -name main_\*.mli) # change version in opam files sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e 's/Some \\"alpha\\"/Some \\"'${version}_${short_hash}'\\"/' \ lib_protocol/tezos{,-embedded}-protocol-alpha.opam # rename .opam files rename s/alpha/${version}-${short_hash}/ $(find -name \*.opam) # fix content of dune and opam files sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e s/_alpha/_${version}_${short_hash}/g \ -e s/-alpha/-${version}-${short_hash}/g \ $(find . -name dune -or -name \*.opam) # rename genesis except if in master if [[ ! "$master" ]]; then #rename genesis sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e "s/-genesis/-000-Ps9mPmXa/" \ $(find . -name dune -or -name \*.opam) sed -i --follow-symlink \ -e "s/_genesis/_000_Ps9mPmXa/" \ $(find lib_delegate/test -type f) fi