#! /usr/bin/env bash client_dir="${client_dir:=$HOME/.tezos-client}" client="${client:=tezos-client -base-dir $client_dir}" client_dirs=() init_sandboxed_client() { id="$1" shift 1 rpc=$((18730 + id)) client_dir="$(mktemp -d -t tezos-client.XXXXXXXX)" client_dirs+=("$client_dir") local_client=${local_client:-$src_dir/_build/default/src/client_main.exe} client="$local_client -base-dir $client_dir -addr -port $rpc" } cleanup_clients() { rm -rf "${client_dirs[@]}" } ## Waiter ################################################################## wait_for_the_node_to_be_ready() { local count=0 if $client rpc call blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1; then return; fi printf "Waiting for the node to initialize..." sleep 1 while ! $client rpc call blocks/head/hash >/dev/null 2>&1 do count=$((count+1)) if [ "$count" -ge 30 ]; then echo " timeout." exit 2 fi printf "." sleep 1 done echo " done." } wait_for_the_node_to_be_bootstraped() { wait_for_the_node_to_be_ready echo "Waiting for the node to synchronize with the network..." $client bootstrapped } ## Account ################################################################# may_create_identity() { if ! $client get balance for "my_identity" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Generating new manager key (known as 'my_identity')..." $client gen keys "my_identity" fi if ! $client get balance for "my_account" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Creating new account for 'my_identity' (known as 'my_account')..." $client forget contract "my_account" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true $client originate free account "my_account" for "my_identity" fi } ## Baker ################################################################### check_baker() { pids=$(pgrep -x tezos-client 2>/dev/null) for pid in $pids; do if grep -- "-mining" "/proc/$pid/cmdline" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then return 0 fi done return 1 } run_baker() { if check_baker; then echo "Cannot run two bakers in the same container." exit 1 fi echo "Start baker..." exec $client launch daemon -mining -max-priority 64 "$@" > "$client_dir/baker.log" } stop_baker() { pids=$(pgrep -x tezos-client 2>/dev/null) for pid in $pids; do if grep -- "-mining" "/proc/$pid/cmdline" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Killing the baker..." kill "$pid" fi done } log_baker() { if ! check_baker ; then echo echo "##############################################" echo "## ##" echo "## Warning: The tezos baker is not running! ##" echo "## ##" echo "##############################################" echo tail "$client_dir/baker.log" else tail -f "$client_dir/baker.log" fi } ## Endorser ################################################################ check_endorser() { pids=$(pgrep -x tezos-client 2>/dev/null) for pid in $pids; do if grep -- "-endorsement" "/proc/$pid/cmdline" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then return 0 fi done return 1 } run_endorser() { if check_endorser; then echo "Cannot run two endorsers in the same container." exit 1 fi echo "Start endorser..." exec $client launch daemon -endorsement "$@" > "$client_dir/endorser.log" } stop_endorser() { pids=$(pgrep -x tezos-client 2>/dev/null) for pid in $pids; do if grep -- "-endorsement" "/proc/$pid/cmdline" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then kill "$pid" fi done } log_endorser() { if ! check_endorser ; then echo echo "#################################################" echo "## ##" echo "## Warning: The tezos endorser is not running! ##" echo "## ##" echo "#################################################" echo tail "$client_dir/endorser.log" else tail -f "$client_dir/endorser.log" fi } ## Sandboxed client ######################################################## # key pairs from $src_dir/test/sandbox.json BOOTSTRAP1_IDENTITY="tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx" BOOTSTRAP1_PUBLIC="edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav" BOOTSTRAP1_SECRET="edskRuR1azSfboG86YPTyxrQgosh5zChf5bVDmptqLTb5EuXAm9rsnDYfTKhq7rDQujdn5WWzwUMeV3agaZ6J2vPQT58jJAJPi" BOOTSTRAP2_IDENTITY="tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN" BOOTSTRAP2_PUBLIC="edpktzNbDAUjUk697W7gYg2CRuBQjyPxbEg8dLccYYwKSKvkPvjtV9" BOOTSTRAP2_SECRET="edskRkJz4Rw2rM5NtabEWMbbg2bF4b1nfFajaqEuEk4SgU7eeDbym9gVQtBTbYo32WUg2zb5sNBkD1whRN7zX43V9bftBbtaKc" BOOTSTRAP3_IDENTITY="tz1faswCTDciRzE4oJ9jn2Vm2dvjeyA9fUzU" BOOTSTRAP3_PUBLIC="edpkuTXkJDGcFd5nh6VvMz8phXxU3Bi7h6hqgywNFi1vZTfQNnS1RV" BOOTSTRAP3_SECRET="edskS3qsqsNgdjUqeMsVcEwBn8dkZ5iDRz6aF21KhcCtRiAkWBypUSbicccR4Vgqm9UdW2Vabuos6seezqgbXTrmcbLUG4rdAC" BOOTSTRAP4_IDENTITY="tz1b7tUupMgCNw2cCLpKTkSD1NZzB5TkP2sv" BOOTSTRAP4_PUBLIC="edpkuFrRoDSEbJYgxRtLx2ps82UdaYc1WwfS9sE11yhauZt5DgCHbU" BOOTSTRAP4_SECRET="edskRg9qcPqaVQa6jXWNMU5p71tseSuR7NzozgqZ9URsVDi81wTyPJdFSBdeakobyHUi4Xgu61jgKRQvkhXrPmEdEUfiqfiJFL" BOOTSTRAP5_IDENTITY="tz1ddb9NMYHZi5UzPdzTZMYQQZoMub195zgv" BOOTSTRAP5_PUBLIC="edpkv8EUUH68jmo3f7Um5PezmfGrRF24gnfLpH3sVNwJnV5bVCxL2n" BOOTSTRAP5_SECRET="edskS7rLN2Df3nbS1EYvwJbWo4umD7yPM1SUeX7gp1WhCVpMFXjcCyM58xs6xsnTsVqHQmJQ2RxoAjJGedWfvFmjQy6etA3dgZ" DICTATOR_SECRET="edskRhxswacLW6jF6ULavDdzwqnKJVS4UcDTNiCyiH6H8ZNnn2pmNviL7pRNz9kRxxaWQFzEQEcZExGHKbwmuaAcoMegj5T99z" add_sandboxed_bootstrap_identities() { ${client} add public key bootstrap1 ${BOOTSTRAP1_PUBLIC} ${client} add secret key bootstrap1 ${BOOTSTRAP1_SECRET} ${client} add public key bootstrap2 ${BOOTSTRAP2_PUBLIC} ${client} add secret key bootstrap2 ${BOOTSTRAP2_SECRET} ${client} add public key bootstrap3 ${BOOTSTRAP3_PUBLIC} ${client} add secret key bootstrap3 ${BOOTSTRAP3_SECRET} ${client} add public key bootstrap4 ${BOOTSTRAP4_PUBLIC} ${client} add secret key bootstrap4 ${BOOTSTRAP4_SECRET} ${client} add public key bootstrap5 ${BOOTSTRAP5_PUBLIC} ${client} add secret key bootstrap5 ${BOOTSTRAP5_SECRET} ${client} add secret key dictator ${DICTATOR_SECRET} } activate_alpha() { ${client} \ -block genesis \ activate protocol ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK \ with fitness 1 \ and key dictator }