(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* TODO Test cancelation of a (pending) connection *) (* TODO do not recompute list_known_points at each requests... but only once in a while, e.g. every minutes or when a point or the associated gid is blacklisted. *) (* TODO allow to track "requested gids" when we reconnect to a point. *) open P2p_types open P2p_connection_pool_types include Logging.Make (struct let name = "p2p.connection-pool" end) type 'msg encoding = Encoding : { tag: int ; encoding: 'a Data_encoding.t ; wrap: 'a -> 'msg ; unwrap: 'msg -> 'a option ; max_length: int option ; } -> 'msg encoding module Message = struct type 'msg t = | Bootstrap | Advertise of Point.t list | Message of 'msg | Disconnect let encoding msg_encoding = let open Data_encoding in union ~tag_size:`Uint16 ([ case ~tag:0x01 null (function Disconnect -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Disconnect); case ~tag:0x02 null (function Bootstrap -> Some () | _ -> None) (fun () -> Bootstrap); case ~tag:0x03 (Variable.list Point.encoding) (function Advertise points -> Some points | _ -> None) (fun points -> Advertise points); ] @ ListLabels.map msg_encoding ~f:(function Encoding { tag ; encoding ; wrap ; unwrap } -> case ~tag encoding (function Message msg -> unwrap msg | _ -> None) (fun msg -> Message (wrap msg)))) end module Answerer = struct type 'msg callback = { bootstrap: unit -> Point.t list Lwt.t ; advertise: Point.t list -> unit Lwt.t ; message: int -> 'msg -> unit Lwt.t ; } type 'msg t = { canceler: Canceler.t ; conn: 'msg Message.t P2p_connection.t ; callback: 'msg callback ; mutable worker: unit Lwt.t ; } let rec worker_loop st = Lwt_unix.yield () >>= fun () -> Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler:st.canceler begin fun () -> P2p_connection.read st.conn end >>= function | Ok (_, Bootstrap) -> begin st.callback.bootstrap () >>= function | [] -> worker_loop st | points -> match P2p_connection.write_now st.conn (Advertise points) with | Ok _sent -> (* if not sent then ?? TODO count dropped message ?? *) worker_loop st | Error _ -> Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit end | Ok (_, Advertise points) -> st.callback.advertise points >>= fun () -> worker_loop st | Ok (size, Message msg) -> st.callback.message size msg >>= fun () -> worker_loop st | Ok (_, Disconnect) | Error [P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed] -> Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit | Error [Lwt_utils.Canceled] -> Lwt.return_unit | Error err -> lwt_log_error "@[Answerer unexpected error:@ %a@]" Error_monad.pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let run conn canceler callback = let st = { canceler ; conn ; callback ; worker = Lwt.return_unit ; } in st.worker <- Lwt_utils.worker "answerer" (fun () -> worker_loop st) (fun () -> Canceler.cancel canceler) ; st let shutdown st = Canceler.cancel st.canceler >>= fun () -> st.worker end type config = { identity : Identity.t ; proof_of_work_target : Crypto_box.target ; trusted_points : Point.t list ; peers_file : string ; closed_network : bool ; listening_port : port option ; min_connections : int ; max_connections : int ; max_incoming_connections : int ; authentification_timeout : float ; incoming_app_message_queue_size : int option ; incoming_message_queue_size : int option ; outgoing_message_queue_size : int option ; } type 'meta meta_config = { encoding : 'meta Data_encoding.t; initial : 'meta; } type 'msg message_config = { encoding : 'msg encoding list ; versions : P2p_types.Version.t list; } type ('msg, 'meta) t = { config : config ; meta_config : 'meta meta_config ; message_config : 'msg message_config ; my_id_points : unit Point.Table.t ; known_gids : (('msg, 'meta) connection, 'meta) Gid_info.t Gid.Table.t ; connected_gids : (('msg, 'meta) connection, 'meta) Gid_info.t Gid.Table.t ; known_points : ('msg, 'meta) connection Point_info.t Point.Table.t ; connected_points : ('msg, 'meta) connection Point_info.t Point.Table.t ; incoming : Canceler.t Point.Table.t ; io_sched : P2p_io_scheduler.t ; encoding : 'msg Message.t Data_encoding.t ; events : events ; } and events = { too_few_connections : unit Lwt_condition.t ; too_many_connections : unit Lwt_condition.t ; new_point : unit Lwt_condition.t ; new_connection : unit Lwt_condition.t ; } and ('msg, 'meta) connection = { canceler : Canceler.t ; messages : (int * 'msg) Lwt_pipe.t ; conn : 'msg Message.t P2p_connection.t ; gid_info : (('msg, 'meta) connection, 'meta) Gid_info.t ; point_info : ('msg, 'meta) connection Point_info.t option ; answerer : 'msg Answerer.t ; mutable wait_close : bool ; } type ('msg, 'meta) pool = ('msg, 'meta) t let register_point pool ?trusted (addr, port as point) = match Point.Table.find pool.known_points point with | exception Not_found -> let pi = Point_info.create ?trusted addr port in Point.Table.add pool.known_points point pi ; pi | pi -> pi let register_peer pool gid = match Gid.Table.find pool.known_gids gid with | exception Not_found -> Lwt_condition.broadcast pool.events.new_point () ; let peer = Gid_info.create gid ~metadata:pool.meta_config.initial in Gid.Table.add pool.known_gids gid peer ; peer | peer -> peer let register_new_point pool _gid point = if not (Point.Table.mem pool.my_id_points point) then ignore (register_point pool point) let register_new_points pool gid points = List.iter (register_new_point pool gid) points ; Lwt.return_unit let compare_known_point_info p1 p2 = (* The most-recently disconnected peers are greater. *) (* Then come long-standing connected peers. *) let disconnected1 = Point_info.State.is_disconnected p1 and disconnected2 = Point_info.State.is_disconnected p2 in let compare_last_seen p1 p2 = match Point_info.last_seen p1, Point_info.last_seen p2 with | None, None -> Random.int 2 * 2 - 1 (* HACK... *) | Some _, None -> 1 | None, Some _ -> -1 | Some (_, time1), Some (_, time2) -> match compare time1 time2 with | 0 -> Random.int 2 * 2 - 1 (* HACK... *) | x -> x in match disconnected1, disconnected2 with | false, false -> compare_last_seen p1 p2 | false, true -> -1 | true, false -> 1 | true, true -> compare_last_seen p2 p1 let list_known_points pool _gid () = let knowns = Point.Table.fold (fun _ pi acc -> pi :: acc) pool.known_points [] in let best_knowns = Utils.take_n ~compare:compare_known_point_info 50 knowns in Lwt.return (List.map Point_info.point best_knowns) let active_connections pool = Gid.Table.length pool.connected_gids let create_connection pool conn id_point pi gi _version = let gid = Gid_info.gid gi in let canceler = Canceler.create () in let size = map_option pool.config.incoming_app_message_queue_size ~f:(fun qs -> qs, fun (size, _) -> (Sys.word_size / 8) * 11 + size) in let messages = Lwt_pipe.create ?size () in let callback = { Answerer.message = (fun size msg -> Lwt_pipe.push messages (size, msg)) ; advertise = register_new_points pool gid ; bootstrap = list_known_points pool gid ; } in let answerer = Answerer.run conn canceler callback in let conn = { conn ; point_info = pi ; gid_info = gi ; messages ; canceler ; answerer ; wait_close = false } in iter_option pi ~f:begin fun pi -> Point_info.State.set_running pi gid conn ; Point.Table.add pool.connected_points (Point_info.point pi) pi ; end ; Gid_info.State.set_running gi id_point conn ; Gid.Table.add pool.connected_gids gid gi ; Lwt_condition.broadcast pool.events.new_connection () ; Canceler.on_cancel canceler begin fun () -> lwt_debug "Disconnect: %a (%a)" Gid.pp gid Id_point.pp id_point >>= fun () -> iter_option ~f:Point_info.State.set_disconnected pi; Gid_info.State.set_disconnected gi ; iter_option pi ~f:begin fun pi -> Point.Table.remove pool.connected_points (Point_info.point pi) ; end ; Gid.Table.remove pool.connected_gids gid ; if pool.config.max_connections <= active_connections pool then Lwt_condition.broadcast pool.events.too_many_connections () ; P2p_connection.close ~wait:conn.wait_close conn.conn end ; if active_connections pool < pool.config.min_connections then Lwt_condition.broadcast pool.events.too_few_connections () ; conn let disconnect ?(wait = false) conn = conn.wait_close <- wait ; Canceler.cancel conn.canceler >>= fun () -> conn.answerer.worker type error += Rejected of Gid.t type error += Unexpected_point_state type error += Unexpected_gid_state let may_register_my_id_point pool = function | [P2p_connection.Myself (addr, Some port)] -> Point.Table.add pool.my_id_points (addr, port) () ; Point.Table.remove pool.known_points (addr, port) | _ -> () let authenticate pool ?pi canceler fd point = let incoming = pi = None in lwt_debug "authenticate: %a%s" Point.pp point (if incoming then " incoming" else "") >>= fun () -> Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler begin fun () -> P2p_connection.authenticate ~proof_of_work_target:pool.config.proof_of_work_target ~incoming (P2p_io_scheduler.register pool.io_sched fd) point ?listening_port:pool.config.listening_port pool.config.identity pool.message_config.versions end ~on_error: begin fun err -> (* TODO do something when the error is Not_enough_proof_of_work ?? *) lwt_debug "authenticate: %a%s -> failed %a" Point.pp point (if incoming then " incoming" else "") pp_print_error err >>= fun () -> may_register_my_id_point pool err ; if incoming then Point.Table.remove pool.incoming point else iter_option Point_info.State.set_disconnected pi ; Lwt.return (Error err) end >>=? fun (info, auth_fd) -> lwt_debug "authenticate: %a -> auth %a" Point.pp point Connection_info.pp info >>= fun () -> let remote_pi = match info.id_point with | addr, Some port when not (Point.Table.mem pool.my_id_points (addr, port)) -> Some (register_point pool (addr, port)) | _ -> None in let connection_pi = match pi, remote_pi with | None, None -> None | Some _ as pi, _ | _, (Some _ as pi) -> pi in let gi = register_peer pool info.gid in let acceptable_versions = Version.common info.versions pool.message_config.versions in let acceptable_point = unopt_map connection_pi ~default:(not pool.config.closed_network) ~f:begin fun connection_pi -> match Point_info.State.get connection_pi with | Requested _ -> not incoming | Disconnected -> not pool.config.closed_network || Point_info.trusted connection_pi | Accepted _ | Running _ -> false end in let acceptable_gid = match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Accepted _ -> (* TODO: in some circumstances cancel and accept... *) false | Running _ -> false | Disconnected -> true in if incoming then Point.Table.remove pool.incoming point ; match acceptable_versions with | Some version when acceptable_gid && acceptable_point -> begin iter_option connection_pi ~f:(fun pi -> Point_info.State.set_accepted pi info.gid canceler) ; Gid_info.State.set_accepted gi info.id_point canceler ; lwt_debug "authenticate: %a -> accept %a" Point.pp point Connection_info.pp info >>= fun () -> Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler begin fun () -> P2p_connection.accept ?incoming_message_queue_size:pool.config.incoming_message_queue_size ?outgoing_message_queue_size:pool.config.outgoing_message_queue_size auth_fd pool.encoding >>= fun conn -> lwt_debug "authenticate: %a -> Connected %a" Point.pp point Connection_info.pp info >>= fun () -> Lwt.return conn end ~on_error: begin fun err -> lwt_debug "authenticate: %a -> rejected %a" Point.pp point Connection_info.pp info >>= fun () -> iter_option connection_pi ~f:Point_info.State.set_disconnected; Gid_info.State.set_disconnected gi ; Lwt.return (Error err) end >>=? fun conn -> let id_point = match info.id_point, map_option Point_info.point pi with | (addr, _), Some (_, port) -> addr, Some port | id_point, None -> id_point in return (create_connection pool conn id_point connection_pi gi version) end | _ -> begin lwt_debug "authenticate: %a -> kick %a point: %B gid: %B" Point.pp point Connection_info.pp info acceptable_point acceptable_gid >>= fun () -> P2p_connection.kick auth_fd >>= fun () -> if not incoming then begin iter_option ~f:Point_info.State.set_disconnected pi ; (* FIXME Gid_info.State.set_disconnected ~requested:true gi ; *) end ; fail (Rejected info.gid) end type error += Pending_connection type error += Connected type error += Connection_closed = P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed type error += Connection_refused type error += Closed_network let fail_unless_disconnected_point pi = match Point_info.State.get pi with | Disconnected -> return () | Requested _ | Accepted _ -> fail Pending_connection | Running _ -> fail Connected let fail_unless_disconnected_gid gi = match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Disconnected -> return () | Accepted _ -> fail Pending_connection | Running _ -> fail Connected let raw_connect canceler pool point = let pi = register_point pool point in let addr, port as point = Point_info.point pi in fail_unless (not pool.config.closed_network || Point_info.trusted pi) Closed_network >>=? fun () -> fail_unless_disconnected_point pi >>=? fun () -> Point_info.State.set_requested pi canceler ; let fd = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET6 SOCK_STREAM 0 in let uaddr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Ipaddr_unix.V6.to_inet_addr addr, port) in lwt_debug "connect: %a" Point.pp point >>= fun () -> Lwt_utils.protect ~canceler begin fun () -> Lwt_unix.connect fd uaddr >>= fun () -> return () end ~on_error: begin fun err -> lwt_debug "connect: %a -> disconnect" Point.pp point >>= fun () -> Point_info.State.set_disconnected pi ; Lwt_utils.safe_close fd >>= fun () -> match err with | [Exn (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECONNREFUSED, _, _))] -> fail Connection_refused | err -> Lwt.return (Error err) end >>=? fun () -> lwt_debug "connect: %a -> authenticate" Point.pp point >>= fun () -> authenticate pool ~pi canceler fd point type error += Too_many_connections let connect ~timeout pool point = fail_unless (active_connections pool <= pool.config.max_connections) Too_many_connections >>=? fun () -> let canceler = Canceler.create () in Lwt_utils.with_timeout ~canceler timeout begin fun canceler -> raw_connect canceler pool point end let accept pool fd point = if pool.config.max_incoming_connections <= Point.Table.length pool.incoming || pool.config.max_connections <= active_connections pool then Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_utils.safe_close fd) else let canceler = Canceler.create () in Point.Table.add pool.incoming point canceler ; Lwt.async begin fun () -> Lwt_utils.with_timeout ~canceler pool.config.authentification_timeout (fun canceler -> authenticate pool canceler fd point) end (***************************************************************************) let read { messages ; conn } = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.pop messages >>= fun (s, msg) -> lwt_debug "%d bytes message popped from queue %a\027[0m" s Connection_info.pp (P2p_connection.info conn) >>= fun () -> return msg) (fun _ (* Closed *) -> fail P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed) let is_readable { messages } = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_pipe.values_available messages >>= return) (fun _ (* Closed *) -> fail P2p_io_scheduler.Connection_closed) let write { conn } msg = P2p_connection.write conn (Message msg) let write_sync { conn } msg = P2p_connection.write_sync conn (Message msg) let write_now { conn } msg = P2p_connection.write_now conn (Message msg) let write_all pool msg = Gid.Table.iter (fun _gid gi -> match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Running { data = conn } -> ignore (write_now conn msg : bool tzresult ) | _ -> ()) pool.connected_gids let broadcast_bootstrap_msg pool = Gid.Table.iter (fun _gid gi -> match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Running { data = { conn } } -> ignore (P2p_connection.write_now conn Bootstrap : bool tzresult ) | _ -> ()) pool.connected_gids (***************************************************************************) module Gids = struct type ('msg, 'meta) info = (('msg, 'meta) connection, 'meta) Gid_info.t let info { known_gids } point = try Some (Gid.Table.find known_gids point) with Not_found -> None let get_metadata pool gid = try Some (Gid_info.metadata (Gid.Table.find pool.known_gids gid)) with Not_found -> None let set_metadata pool gid data = Gid_info.set_metadata (register_peer pool gid) data let get_trusted pool gid = try Gid_info.trusted (Gid.Table.find pool.known_gids gid) with Not_found -> false let set_trusted pool gid = try Gid_info.set_trusted (register_peer pool gid) with Not_found -> () let unset_trusted pool gid = try Gid_info.unset_trusted (Gid.Table.find pool.known_gids gid) with Not_found -> () let find_connection pool gid = apply_option (info pool gid) ~f:(fun p -> match Gid_info.State.get p with | Running { data } -> Some data | _ -> None) let fold_known pool ~init ~f = Gid.Table.fold f pool.known_gids init let fold_connected pool ~init ~f = Gid.Table.fold f pool.connected_gids init end let fold_connections pool ~init ~f = Gids.fold_connected pool ~init ~f:begin fun gid gi acc -> match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Running { data } -> f gid data acc | _ -> acc end module Points = struct type ('msg, 'meta) info = ('msg, 'meta) connection Point_info.t let info { known_points } point = try Some (Point.Table.find known_points point) with Not_found -> None let get_trusted pool gid = try Point_info.trusted (Point.Table.find pool.known_points gid) with Not_found -> false let set_trusted pool gid = try Point_info.set_trusted (register_point pool gid) with Not_found -> () let unset_trusted pool gid = try Point_info.unset_trusted (Point.Table.find pool.known_points gid) with Not_found -> () let find_connection pool point = apply_option (info pool point) ~f:(fun p -> match Point_info.State.get p with | Running { data } -> Some data | _ -> None) let fold_known pool ~init ~f = Point.Table.fold f pool.known_points init let fold_connected pool ~init ~f = Point.Table.fold f pool.connected_points init end module Events = struct let too_few_connections pool = Lwt_condition.wait pool.events.too_few_connections let too_many_connections pool = Lwt_condition.wait pool.events.too_many_connections let new_point pool = Lwt_condition.wait pool.events.new_point let new_connection pool = Lwt_condition.wait pool.events.new_connection end let connection_stat { conn } = P2p_connection.stat conn let pool_stat { io_sched } = P2p_io_scheduler.global_stat io_sched let connection_info { conn } = P2p_connection.info conn (***************************************************************************) let create config meta_config message_config io_sched = let events = { too_few_connections = Lwt_condition.create () ; too_many_connections = Lwt_condition.create () ; new_point = Lwt_condition.create () ; new_connection = Lwt_condition.create () ; } in let pool = { config ; meta_config ; message_config ; my_id_points = Point.Table.create 7 ; known_gids = Gid.Table.create 53 ; connected_gids = Gid.Table.create 53 ; known_points = Point.Table.create 53 ; connected_points = Point.Table.create 53 ; incoming = Point.Table.create 53 ; io_sched ; encoding = Message.encoding message_config.encoding ; events ; } in List.iter (Points.set_trusted pool) config.trusted_points ; Gid_info.File.load config.peers_file meta_config.encoding >>= function | Ok gids -> List.iter (fun gi -> Gid.Table.add pool.known_gids (Gid_info.gid gi) gi) gids ; Lwt.return pool | Error err -> log_error "@[Failed to parsed peers file:@ %a@]" pp_print_error err ; Lwt.return pool let destroy pool = Point.Table.fold (fun _point pi acc -> match Point_info.State.get pi with | Requested { cancel } | Accepted { cancel } -> Canceler.cancel cancel >>= fun () -> acc | Running { data = conn } -> disconnect conn >>= fun () -> acc | Disconnected -> acc) pool.known_points @@ Gid.Table.fold (fun _gid gi acc -> match Gid_info.State.get gi with | Accepted { cancel } -> Canceler.cancel cancel >>= fun () -> acc | Running { data = conn } -> disconnect conn >>= fun () -> acc | Disconnected -> acc) pool.known_gids @@ Point.Table.fold (fun _point canceler acc -> Canceler.cancel canceler >>= fun () -> acc) pool.incoming Lwt.return_unit