(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module LC = Lwt_condition open Lwt.Infix open Logging.Core let may ~f = function | None -> Lwt.return_unit | Some x -> f x let never_ending = fst (Lwt.wait ()) (* A non exception-based cancelation mechanism. Builds a [cancelation] thread to bind / pick on, awoken when a cancelation is requested by [cancel ()]. [on_cancel cb] registers a callback to be called at cancelation. [cancel ()] finishes when all calbacks have completed (sequentially), instantly when called more than once. *) let canceler () : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) * (unit -> unit Lwt.t) * ((unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit) = let cancelation = LC.create () in let cancelation_complete = LC.create () in let cancel_hook = ref (fun () -> Lwt.return ()) in let canceling = ref false and canceled = ref false in let cancel () = if !canceled then Lwt.return () else if !canceling then LC.wait cancelation_complete else begin canceling := true ; LC.broadcast cancelation () ; Lwt.finalize !cancel_hook (fun () -> canceled := true ; LC.broadcast cancelation_complete () ; Lwt.return ()) >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit end in let on_cancel cb = let hook = !cancel_hook in cancel_hook := (fun () -> hook () >>= cb) ; in let cancelation () = if !canceling then Lwt.return () else LC.wait cancelation in cancelation, cancel, on_cancel module Canceler = struct type t = { cancelation: unit Lwt_condition.t ; cancelation_complete: unit Lwt_condition.t ; mutable cancel_hook: unit -> unit Lwt.t ; mutable canceling: bool ; mutable canceled: bool ; } let create () = let cancelation = LC.create () in let cancelation_complete = LC.create () in { cancelation ; cancelation_complete ; cancel_hook = (fun () -> Lwt.return ()) ; canceling = false ; canceled = false ; } let cancel st = if st.canceled then Lwt.return () else if st.canceling then LC.wait st.cancelation_complete else begin st.canceling <- true ; LC.broadcast st.cancelation () ; Lwt.finalize st.cancel_hook (fun () -> st.canceled <- true ; LC.broadcast st.cancelation_complete () ; Lwt.return ()) end let on_cancel st cb = let hook = st.cancel_hook in st.cancel_hook <- (fun () -> hook () >>= cb) let cancelation st = if st.canceling then Lwt.return () else LC.wait st.cancelation let canceled st = st.canceling end module Idle_waiter = struct type t = { mutable pending_tasks : unit Lwt.u list ; mutable pending_idle : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) list ; mutable running_tasks : int ; mutable running_idle : bool ; mutable prevent_tasks : bool } let create () = { pending_tasks = [] ; pending_idle = [] ; running_tasks = 0 ; running_idle = false ; prevent_tasks = false } let rec may_run_idle_tasks w = if w.running_tasks = 0 && not w.running_idle then match w.pending_idle with | [] -> () | pending_idle -> w.running_idle <- true ; w.prevent_tasks <- false ; w.pending_idle <- [] ; Lwt.async (fun () -> let pending_idle = List.rev pending_idle in Lwt_list.iter_s (fun f -> f ()) pending_idle >>= fun () -> w.running_idle <- false ; let pending_tasks = List.rev w.pending_tasks in w.pending_tasks <- [] ; List.iter (fun u -> Lwt.wakeup u ()) pending_tasks ; may_run_idle_tasks w ; Lwt.return ()) let wrap_error f = Lwt.catch (fun () -> f () >>= fun r -> Lwt.return (Ok r)) (fun exn -> Lwt.return (Error exn)) let unwrap_error = function | Ok r -> Lwt.return r | Error exn -> Lwt.fail exn let wakeup_error u = function | Ok r -> Lwt.wakeup u r | Error exn -> Lwt.wakeup_exn u exn let rec task w f = if w.running_idle || w.prevent_tasks then let t, u = Lwt.task () in w.pending_tasks <- u :: w.pending_tasks ; t >>= fun () -> task w f else begin w.running_tasks <- w.running_tasks + 1 ; wrap_error f >>= fun res -> w.running_tasks <- w.running_tasks - 1 ; may_run_idle_tasks w ; unwrap_error res end let when_idle w f = let t, u = Lwt.task () in let canceled = ref false in Lwt.on_cancel t (fun () -> canceled := true) ; let f () = if !canceled then Lwt.return () else wrap_error f >>= fun res -> wakeup_error u res ; Lwt.return () in w.pending_idle <- f :: w.pending_idle ; may_run_idle_tasks w ; t let force_idle w f = w.prevent_tasks <- true ; when_idle w f end type trigger = | Absent | Present | Waiting of unit Lwt.u let trigger () : (unit -> unit) * (unit -> unit Lwt.t) = let state = ref Absent in let trigger () = match !state with | Absent -> state := Present | Present -> () | Waiting u -> state := Absent; Lwt.wakeup u () in let wait () = match !state with | Absent -> let waiter, u = Lwt.wait () in state := Waiting u; waiter | Present -> state := Absent; Lwt.return_unit | Waiting u -> Lwt.waiter_of_wakener u in trigger, wait type 'a queue = | Absent | Present of 'a list ref | Waiting of 'a list Lwt.u let queue () : ('a -> unit) * (unit -> 'a list Lwt.t) = let state = ref Absent in let queue v = match !state with | Absent -> state := Present (ref [v]) | Present r -> r := v :: !r | Waiting u -> state := Absent; Lwt.wakeup u [v] in let wait () = match !state with | Absent -> let waiter, u = Lwt.wait () in state := Waiting u; waiter | Present r -> state := Absent; Lwt.return (List.rev !r) | Waiting u -> Lwt.waiter_of_wakener u in queue, wait (* A worker launcher, takes a cancel callback to call upon *) let worker name ~run ~cancel = let stop = LC.create () in let fail e = log_error "%s worker failed with %s" name (Printexc.to_string e) ; cancel () in let waiter = LC.wait stop in log_info "%s worker started" name ; Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt.catch run fail >>= fun () -> LC.signal stop (); Lwt.return ()) ; waiter >>= fun () -> log_info "%s worker ended" name ; Lwt.return () let rec chop k l = if k = 0 then l else begin match l with | _::t -> chop (k-1) t | _ -> assert false end let stable_sort cmp l = let rec rev_merge l1 l2 accu = match l1, l2 with | [], l2 -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l2 accu) | l1, [] -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l1 accu) | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> cmp h1 h2 >>= function | x when x <= 0 -> rev_merge t1 l2 (h1::accu) | _ -> rev_merge l1 t2 (h2::accu) in let rec rev_merge_rev l1 l2 accu = match l1, l2 with | [], l2 -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l2 accu) | l1, [] -> Lwt.return (List.rev_append l1 accu) | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> cmp h1 h2 >>= function | x when x > 0 -> rev_merge_rev t1 l2 (h1::accu) | _ -> rev_merge_rev l1 t2 (h2::accu) in let rec sort n l = match n, l with | 2, x1 :: x2 :: _ -> begin cmp x1 x2 >|= function | x when x <= 0 -> [x1; x2] | _ -> [x2; x1] end | 3, x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: _ -> begin cmp x1 x2 >>= function | x when x <= 0 -> begin cmp x2 x3 >>= function | x when x <= 0 -> Lwt.return [x1; x2; x3] | _ -> cmp x1 x3 >|= function | x when x <= 0 -> [x1; x3; x2] | _ -> [x3; x1; x2] end | _ -> begin cmp x1 x3 >>= function | x when x <= 0 -> Lwt.return [x2; x1; x3] | _ -> cmp x2 x3 >|= function | x when x <= 0 -> [x2; x3; x1] | _ -> [x3; x2; x1] end end | n, l -> let n1 = n asr 1 in let n2 = n - n1 in let l2 = chop n1 l in rev_sort n1 l >>= fun s1 -> rev_sort n2 l2 >>= fun s2 -> rev_merge_rev s1 s2 [] and rev_sort n l = match n, l with | 2, x1 :: x2 :: _ -> begin cmp x1 x2 >|= function | x when x > 0 -> [x1; x2] | _ -> [x2; x1] end | 3, x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: _ -> begin cmp x1 x2 >>= function | x when x > 0 -> begin cmp x2 x3 >>= function | x when x > 0 -> Lwt.return [x1; x2; x3] | _ -> cmp x1 x3 >|= function | x when x > 0 -> [x1; x3; x2] | _ -> [x3; x1; x2] end | _ -> begin cmp x1 x3 >>= function | x when x > 0 -> Lwt.return [x2; x1; x3] | _ -> cmp x2 x3 >|= function | x when x > 0 -> [x2; x3; x1] | _ -> [x3; x2; x1] end end | n, l -> let n1 = n asr 1 in let n2 = n - n1 in let l2 = chop n1 l in sort n1 l >>= fun s1 -> sort n2 l2 >>= fun s2 -> rev_merge s1 s2 [] in let len = List.length l in if len < 2 then Lwt.return l else sort len l let sort = stable_sort let rec read_bytes ?(pos = 0) ?len fd buf = let len = match len with None -> Bytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in let rec inner pos len = if len = 0 then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_unix.read fd buf pos len >>= function | 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *) | nb_read -> inner (pos + nb_read) (len - nb_read) in inner pos len let read_mbytes ?(pos=0) ?len fd buf = let len = match len with None -> MBytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in let rec inner pos len = if len = 0 then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_bytes.read fd buf pos len >>= function | 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *) | nb_read -> inner (pos + nb_read) (len - nb_read) in inner pos len let write_mbytes ?(pos=0) ?len descr buf = let len = match len with None -> MBytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in let rec inner pos len = if len = 0 then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_bytes.write descr buf pos len >>= function | 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *) | nb_written -> inner (pos + nb_written) (len - nb_written) in inner pos len let write_bytes ?(pos=0) ?len descr buf = let len = match len with None -> Bytes.length buf - pos | Some l -> l in let rec inner pos len = if len = 0 then Lwt.return_unit else Lwt_unix.write descr buf pos len >>= function | 0 -> Lwt.fail End_of_file (* other endpoint cleanly closed its connection *) | nb_written -> inner (pos + nb_written) (len - nb_written) in inner pos len let (>>=) = Lwt.bind let remove_dir dir = let rec remove dir = let files = Lwt_unix.files_of_directory dir in Lwt_stream.iter_s (fun file -> if file = "." || file = ".." then Lwt.return () else begin let file = Filename.concat dir file in if Sys.is_directory file then remove file else Lwt_unix.unlink file end) files >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.rmdir dir in if Sys.file_exists dir && Sys.is_directory dir then remove dir else Lwt.return () let rec create_dir ?(perm = 0o755) dir = Lwt_unix.file_exists dir >>= function | false -> create_dir (Filename.dirname dir) >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.mkdir dir perm | true -> Lwt_unix.stat dir >>= function | {st_kind = S_DIR} -> Lwt.return_unit | _ -> failwith "Not a directory" let create_file ?(perm = 0o644) name content = Lwt_unix.openfile name Unix.([O_TRUNC; O_CREAT; O_WRONLY]) perm >>= fun fd -> Lwt_unix.write_string fd content 0 (String.length content) >>= fun _ -> Lwt_unix.close fd let safe_close fd = Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd) (fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit) open Error_monad type error += Canceled let protect ?on_error ?canceler t = let cancelation = match canceler with | None -> never_ending | Some canceler -> ( Canceler.cancelation canceler >>= fun () -> fail Canceled ) in let res = Lwt.pick [ cancelation ; Lwt.catch t (fun exn -> fail (Exn exn)) ] in res >>= function | Ok _ -> res | Error err -> let canceled = Utils.unopt_map canceler ~default:false ~f:Canceler.canceled in let err = if canceled then [Canceled] else err in match on_error with | None -> Lwt.return (Error err) | Some on_error -> on_error err type error += Timeout let with_timeout ?(canceler = Canceler.create ()) timeout f = let t = Lwt_unix.sleep timeout in Lwt.choose [ (t >|= fun () -> None) ; (f canceler >|= fun x -> Some x) ] >>= function | Some x when Lwt.state t = Lwt.Sleep -> Lwt.cancel t ; Lwt.return x | _ -> Canceler.cancel canceler >>= fun () -> fail Timeout let unless cond f = if cond then Lwt.return () else f () module Lock_file = struct let create_inner lock_command ?(close_on_exec=true) ?(unlink_on_exit=false) fn = protect begin fun () -> Lwt_unix.openfile fn Unix.[O_CREAT ; O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC] 0o644 >>= fun fd -> if close_on_exec then Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec fd ; Lwt_unix.lockf fd lock_command 0 >>= fun () -> if unlink_on_exit then Lwt_main.at_exit (fun () -> Lwt_unix.unlink fn) ; let pid_str = string_of_int @@ Unix.getpid () in Lwt_unix.write_string fd pid_str 0 (String.length pid_str) >>= fun _ -> return () end let create = create_inner Unix.F_TLOCK let blocking_create ?timeout ?(close_on_exec=true) ?(unlink_on_exit=false) fn = let create () = create_inner Unix.F_LOCK ~close_on_exec ~unlink_on_exit fn in match timeout with | None -> create () | Some duration -> with_timeout duration (fun _ -> create ()) let is_locked fn = if not @@ Sys.file_exists fn then return false else protect begin fun () -> Lwt_unix.openfile fn [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o644 >>= fun fd -> Lwt.finalize (fun () -> Lwt.try_bind (fun () -> Lwt_unix.(lockf fd F_TEST 0)) (fun () -> return false) (fun _ -> return true)) (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd) end let get_pid fn = let open Lwt_io in protect begin fun () -> with_file ~mode:Input fn begin fun ic -> read ic >>= fun content -> return (int_of_string content) end end end let of_sockaddr = function | Unix.ADDR_UNIX _ -> None | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> match Ipaddr_unix.of_inet_addr addr with | V4 addr -> Some (Ipaddr.v6_of_v4 addr, port) | V6 addr -> Some (addr, port) let getaddrinfo ~passive ~node ~service = let open Lwt_unix in getaddrinfo node service ( AI_SOCKTYPE SOCK_STREAM :: (if passive then [AI_PASSIVE] else []) ) >>= fun addr -> let points = Utils.filter_map (fun { ai_addr } -> of_sockaddr ai_addr) addr in Lwt.return points