(**************************************************************************) (* ocplib-resto *) (* Copyright (C) 2016, OCamlPro. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *) (* of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type meth = [ `GET | `POST | `DELETE | `PUT | `PATCH ] let string_of_meth = function | `GET -> "GET" | `POST -> "POST" | `DELETE -> "DELETE" | `PUT -> "PUT" | `PATCH -> "PATCH" let meth_of_string = function | "GET" -> Some `GET | "POST" -> Some `POST | "DELETE" -> Some `DELETE | "PUT" -> Some `PUT | "PATCH" -> Some `PATCH | _ -> None module MethMap = Map.Make(struct type t = meth let compare = compare end) module StringMap = Map.Make(String) module Internal = struct module Ty = struct type 'a witness = .. exception Not_equal type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq module type Ty = sig type t val witness : t witness val eq: 'a witness -> ('a, t) eq end type 'a id = (module Ty with type t = 'a) let new_id (type a) () = let module Ty = struct type t = a type 'a witness += Ty : t witness let witness = Ty let eq (type b) : b witness -> (b, t) eq = function Ty -> Eq | _ -> raise Not_equal end in (module Ty : Ty with type t = a) let eq : type a b. a id -> b id -> (a, b) eq = fun (module TyA) (module TyB) -> TyB.eq TyA.witness end type descr = { name: string ; descr: string option ; } type 'a arg = { id: 'a Ty.id; destruct: string -> ('a, string) result ; construct: 'a -> string ; descr: descr ; } let from_arg x = x let to_arg x = x type (_,_) path = | Root : ('rkey, 'rkey) path | Static : ('rkey, 'key) path * string -> ('rkey, 'key) path | Dynamic : ('rkey, 'key) path * 'a arg -> ('rkey, 'key * 'a) path | DynamicTail : ('rkey, 'key) path * 'a arg -> ('rkey, 'key * 'a list) path let rec subst0 : type a b. (a, a) path -> (b, b) path = function | Root -> Root | Static (path, name) -> Static (subst0 path, name) | Dynamic (path, arg) -> assert false (* impossible *) | DynamicTail (path, arg) -> assert false (* impossible *) let rec subst1 : type a b c. (a, a * c) path -> (b, b * c) path = function | Root -> assert false (* impossible *) | Static (path, name) -> Static (subst1 path, name) | Dynamic (path, arg) -> Dynamic (subst0 path, arg) | DynamicTail (path, arg) -> DynamicTail (subst0 path, arg) let rec subst2 : type a b c d. (a, (a * c) * d) path -> (b, (b * c) * d) path = function | Root -> assert false (* impossible *) | Static (path, name) -> Static (subst2 path, name) | Dynamic (path, arg) -> Dynamic (subst1 path, arg) | DynamicTail (path, arg) -> DynamicTail (subst1 path, arg) let rec subst3 : type a b c d e. (a, ((a * c) * d) * e) path -> (b, ((b * c) * d) * e) path = function | Root -> assert false (* impossible *) | Static (path, name) -> Static (subst3 path, name) | Dynamic (path, arg) -> Dynamic (subst2 path, arg) | DynamicTail (path, arg) -> DynamicTail (subst2 path, arg) let from_path x = x let to_path x = x type 'a query = (* inspired from Irmin.Ty.record. *) | Fields: ('a, 'b) query_fields * 'b -> 'a query and ('a, 'b) query_fields = | F0: ('a, 'a) query_fields | F1: ('a, 'b) query_field * ('a, 'c) query_fields -> ('a, 'b -> 'c) query_fields and ('a, 'b) query_field = | Single : { name : string ; description : string option ; ty : 'b arg ; default : 'b ; get : 'a -> 'b ; } -> ('a, 'b) query_field | Opt : { name : string ; description : string option ; ty : 'b arg ; get : 'a -> 'b option ; } -> ('a, 'b option) query_field | Flag : { name : string ; description : string option ; get : 'a -> bool ; } -> ('a, bool) query_field | Multi : { name : string ; description : string option ; ty : 'b arg ; get : 'a -> 'b list ; } -> ('a, 'b list) query_field type query_kind = | Single of descr | Optional of descr | Flag | Multi of descr let field_name (type t) : (_,t) query_field -> _ = function | Single { name } -> name | Opt { name } -> name | Flag { name } -> name | Multi { name } -> name let field_description (type t) : (_,t) query_field -> _ = function | Single { description } -> description | Opt { description } -> description | Flag { description } -> description | Multi { description } -> description let field_kind (type t) : (_,t) query_field -> query_kind = function | Single { ty ; _ } -> Single ty.descr | Opt { ty ; _ } -> Optional ty.descr | Flag _ -> Flag | Multi { ty ; _ } -> Multi ty.descr let from_query x = x let to_query x = x end open Internal module Arg = struct type descr = Internal.descr = { name: string ; descr: string option ; } type 'a t = 'a Internal.arg type 'a arg = 'a t let make ?descr ~name ~destruct ~construct () = let id = Ty.new_id () in let descr = { name ; descr } in { descr ; id ; construct ; destruct } let like arg ?descr name = { arg with id = Ty.new_id () ; descr = { name ; descr } } let descr (ty: 'a arg) = ty.descr let ignore : unit arg = let destruct _ = Ok () in let construct () = "" in make ~name:"unit" ~destruct ~construct () let bool : bool arg = let bool_of_string s = match String.lowercase_ascii s with | "false" | "no" -> Ok false | _ -> Ok true in let string_of_bool = function | true -> "yes" | false -> "no" in make ~name:"bool" ~destruct:bool_of_string ~construct:string_of_bool () let int = let int_of_string s = try Ok (int_of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (Printf.sprintf "Cannot parse integer value: %S." s) in make ~name:"int" ~destruct:int_of_string ~construct:string_of_int () let float = let float_of_string s = try Ok (float_of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (Printf.sprintf "Cannot parse float value: %S." s) in make ~name:"float" ~destruct:float_of_string ~construct:string_of_float () let int32 = let int32_of_string s = try Ok (Int32.of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (Printf.sprintf "Cannot parse int32 value: %S." s) in make ~name:"int32" ~destruct:int32_of_string ~construct:Int32.to_string () let int64 = let int64_of_string s = try Ok (Int64.of_string s) with Failure _ -> Error (Printf.sprintf "Cannot parse int64 value: %S." s) in make ~name:"int64" ~destruct:int64_of_string ~construct:Int64.to_string () let string = make ~name:"string" ~destruct:(fun x -> Ok x) ~construct:(fun x -> x) () end module Path = struct type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Internal.path type ('a, 'b) path = ('a, 'b) Internal.path type 'prefix context = ('prefix, 'prefix) path let root = Root let open_root = Root let add_suffix (type p pr) (path : (p, pr) path) name = match path with | DynamicTail _ -> invalid_arg "Resto.Path.add_suffix" | path -> Static (path, name) let add_arg (type p pr) (path : (p, pr) path) arg = match path with | DynamicTail _ -> invalid_arg "Resto.Path.add_arg" | path -> Dynamic (path, arg) let add_final_args (type p pr) (path : (p, pr) path) arg = match path with | DynamicTail _ -> invalid_arg "Resto.Path.add_final_arg" | path -> DynamicTail (path, arg) let prefix : type p pr a. (pr, a) path -> (a, p) path -> (pr, p) path = fun p1 p2 -> let rec prefix : type pr a k. (pr, a) path -> (a, k) path -> (pr, k) path = fun p1 p2 -> match p2 with | Root -> p1 | Static (path, name) -> add_suffix (prefix p1 path) name | Dynamic (path, arg) -> add_arg (prefix p1 path) arg | DynamicTail (path, arg) -> add_final_args (prefix p1 path) arg in match p1 with | DynamicTail _ -> invalid_arg "Resto.Path.prefix" | _ -> prefix p1 p2 let (/) = add_suffix let (/:) = add_arg let (/:*) = add_final_args let subst0 = Internal.subst0 let subst1 = Internal.subst1 let subst2 = Internal.subst2 let subst3 = Internal.subst3 end module Query = struct type 'a t = 'a Internal.query type 'a query = 'a Internal.query type ('a, 'b) field = ('a, 'b) Internal.query_field type ('a, 'b, 'c) open_query = ('a, 'c) query_fields -> 'b * ('a, 'b) query_fields let field ?descr name ty default get : (_,_) query_field = Single { name; description = descr ; ty ; default ; get } let opt_field ?descr name ty get : (_,_) query_field = Opt { name; description = descr ; ty ; get } let flag ?descr name get : (_,_) query_field = Flag { name; description = descr ; get } let multi_field ?descr name ty get : (_,_) query_field = Multi { name; description = descr ; ty ; get } let query : 'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) open_query = fun c fs -> c, fs let app : type a b c d. (a, b, c -> d) open_query -> (a, c) query_field -> (a, b, d) open_query = fun r f fs -> let c, fs = r (F1 (f, fs)) in c, fs let seal : type a b. (a, b, a) open_query -> a t = fun r -> let c, fs = r F0 in Fields (fs, c) let (|+) = app let empty = Fields (F0 , ()) type 'a efield = Field: ('a, 'b) query_field -> 'a efield let fold_fields (type fs) ~f ~init fs = let rec loop : type f. _ -> (fs, f) query_fields -> _ = fun acc -> function | F0 -> acc | F1 (field, fs) -> loop (f acc (Field field)) fs in loop init fs type 'a parsed_field = | Parsed: ('a, 'b) query_field * 'b option -> 'a parsed_field let rec rebuild : type fs f. _ -> (fs, f) query_fields -> f -> fs = fun map fs f -> match fs with | F0 -> f | F1 (Single field, fs) -> begin match StringMap.find field.name map with | Parsed (Single field', v) -> let Ty.Eq = Ty.eq field.ty.id field'.ty.id in let v = match v with None -> field.default | Some v -> v in rebuild map fs (f v) | Parsed _ -> assert false end | F1 (Opt field, fs) -> begin match StringMap.find field.name map with | Parsed (Opt field', v) -> let Ty.Eq = Ty.eq field.ty.id field'.ty.id in let v = match v with None -> None | Some v -> v in rebuild map fs (f v) | Parsed _ -> assert false end | F1 (Flag field, fs) -> begin match StringMap.find field.name map with | Parsed (Flag _, v) -> let v = match v with None -> false | Some v -> v in rebuild map fs (f v) | Parsed _ -> assert false end | F1 (Multi field, fs) -> begin match StringMap.find field.name map with | Parsed (Multi field', v) -> let Ty.Eq = Ty.eq field.ty.id field'.ty.id in let v = match v with None -> [] | Some v -> v in rebuild map fs (f v) | Parsed _ -> assert false end exception Invalid of string type untyped = (string * string) list let parse (Fields (fs, f)) = let fields = fold_fields ~f:(fun map (Field f) -> StringMap.add (field_name f) (Parsed (f, None)) map) ~init:StringMap.empty fs in fun query -> let fail fmt = Format.kasprintf (fun s -> raise (Invalid s)) fmt in let fields = List.fold_left begin fun fields (name, value) -> match StringMap.find name fields with | exception Not_found -> fields | (Parsed (Single f, Some _)) -> fail "Duplicate argument '%s' in query string." name | (Parsed (Opt f, Some _)) -> fail "Duplicate argument '%s' in query string." name | (Parsed (Flag f, Some _)) -> fail "Duplicate argument '%s' in query string." name | (Parsed (Single f, None)) -> begin match f.ty.destruct value with | Error error -> fail "Failed to parse argument '%s' (%S): %s" name value error | Ok v -> StringMap.add name (Parsed (Single f, Some v)) fields end | (Parsed (Opt f, None)) -> begin match f.ty.destruct value with | Error error -> fail "Failed to parse argument '%s' (%S): %s" name value error | Ok v -> StringMap.add name (Parsed (Opt f, Some (Some v))) fields end | (Parsed (Flag f, None)) -> begin let v = match String.lowercase_ascii value with | "no" | "false" -> false | _ -> true in StringMap.add name (Parsed (Flag f, Some v)) fields end | (Parsed (Multi f, previous)) -> begin match f.ty.destruct value with | Error error -> fail "Failed to parse argument '%s' (%S): %s" name value error | Ok v -> let v = match previous with | None -> [v] | Some l -> v :: l in StringMap.add name (Parsed (Multi f, Some v)) fields end end fields query in rebuild fields fs f end module Description = struct type request = { recurse: bool ; } let request_query = let open Query in query (fun recurse -> { recurse }) |+ field "recurse" Arg.bool false (fun t -> t.recurse) |> seal type nonrec query_kind = query_kind = | Single of Arg.descr | Optional of Arg.descr | Flag | Multi of Arg.descr type 'schema service = { description: string option ; path: path_item list ; meth: meth ; query: query_item list ; input: 'schema option ; output: 'schema ; error: 'schema ; } and path_item = | PStatic of string | PDynamic of Arg.descr | PDynamicTail of Arg.descr and query_item = { name: string ; description: string option ; kind: query_kind ; } type 'schema directory = | Empty | Static of 'schema static_directory | Dynamic of string option and 'schema static_directory = { services: 'schema service MethMap.t ; subdirs: 'schema static_subdirectories option ; } and 'schema static_subdirectories = | Suffixes of 'schema directory Map.Make(String).t | Arg of Arg.descr * 'schema directory let rec pp_print_directory ppf = let open Format in function | Empty -> fprintf ppf "<empty>" | Static dir -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" pp_print_static_directory dir | Dynamic None -> fprintf ppf "<dyntree>" | Dynamic (Some descr) -> fprintf ppf "<dyntree> : %s" descr and pp_print_static_directory ppf = let open Format in function | { services ; subdirs = None } when MethMap.is_empty services -> fprintf ppf "{}" | { services ; subdirs = None } -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_print_dispatch_services services | { services ; subdirs = Some subdirs } when MethMap.is_empty services -> fprintf ppf "%a" pp_print_static_subdirectories subdirs | { services ; subdirs = Some subdirs } -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@ %a@]" pp_print_dispatch_services services pp_print_static_subdirectories subdirs and pp_print_static_subdirectories ppf = let open Format in function | Suffixes map -> let print_binding ppf (name, tree) = fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s:@ %a@]" name pp_print_directory tree in fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut print_binding) (StringMap.bindings map) | Arg (arg, tree) -> fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>[:%s:]@ @[%a@]@]" (arg.name) pp_print_directory tree and pp_print_dispatch_services ppf services = MethMap.iter begin fun meth s -> match s with | { description = None ; meth ; _ } -> Format.fprintf ppf "<%s>" (string_of_meth meth) | { description = Some descr ; meth ; _ } -> Format.fprintf ppf "<%s> : %s" (string_of_meth meth) descr end services end module type ENCODING = sig type 'a t type schema val unit : unit t val untyped : string t val conv : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b t -> 'a t val schema : 'a t -> schema val description_request_encoding : Description.request t val description_answer_encoding : schema Description.directory t end module MakeService(Encoding : ENCODING) = struct module Internal = struct include Internal type ('query, 'input, 'output, 'error) types = { query : 'query query ; input : 'input input ; output : 'output Encoding.t ; error : 'error Encoding.t ; } and _ input = | No_input : unit input | Input : 'input Encoding.t -> 'input input type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) iservice = { description : string option ; meth : 'meth ; path : ('prefix, 'params) path ; types : ('query, 'input, 'output, 'error) types ; } constraint 'meth = [< meth ] let from_service x = x let to_service x = x type (_, _) eq = | Eq : (('query, 'input, 'output, 'error) types, ('query, 'input, 'output, 'error) types) eq exception Not_equal let eq : type query1 input1 output1 error1 query2 input2 output2 error2. (query1, input1, output1, error1) types -> (query2, input2, output2, error2) types -> ((query1, input1, output1, error1) types, (query2, input2, output2, error2) types) eq = fun x y -> if Obj.magic x == Obj.magic y then Obj.magic Eq (* FIXME *) else raise Not_equal end include Internal open Path type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t = ('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) Internal.iservice type (+'meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) service = ('meth, 'prefix, 'params, 'query, 'input, 'output, 'error) t let get_service ?description ~query ~output ~error path = let input = No_input in { meth = `GET ; description ; path ; types = { query ; input ; output ; error } } let post_service ?description ~query ~input ~output ~error path = let input = Input input in { meth = `POST ; description ; path ; types = { query ; input ; output ; error } } let delete_service ?description ~query ~output ~error path = let input = No_input in { meth = `DELETE ; description ; path ; types = { query ; input ; output ; error } } let put_service ?description ~query ~input ~output ~error path = let input = Input input in { meth = `PUT ; description ; path ; types = { query ; input ; output ; error } } let patch_service ?description ~query ~input ~output ~error path = let input = Input input in { meth = `PATCH ; description ; path ; types = { query ; input ; output ; error } } let prefix path s = { s with path = Path.prefix path s.path } let subst0 s = { s with path = Internal.subst0 s.path } let subst1 s = { s with path = Internal.subst1 s.path } let subst2 s = { s with path = Internal.subst2 s.path } let subst3 s = { s with path = Internal.subst3 s.path } let meth = fun { meth } -> meth let query : type pr p i q o e. (_, pr, p, q, i, o, e) service -> q Query.t = fun { types } -> types.query let input_encoding : type pr p i q o e. (_, pr , p, q, i, o, e) service -> i input = fun { types } -> types.input let output_encoding : type pr p i q o e. (_, pr, p, q, i, o, e) service -> o Encoding.t = fun { types } -> types.output let error_encoding : type pr p i q o e. (_, pr, p, q, i, o, e) service -> e Encoding.t = fun { types } -> types.error type ('prefix, 'params, 'error) description_service = ([ `GET ], 'prefix, 'params * string list, Description.request, unit, Encoding.schema Description.directory, 'error) service let description_service ?description error path = let description = match description with | Some descr -> descr | None -> "<TODO>" in get_service ~description ~query:Description.request_query ~output:Encoding.description_answer_encoding ~error Path.(path /:* Arg.string) type 'input request = { meth: meth ; uri: Uri.t ; input: 'input input ; } let forge_request_args : type pr p. (pr, p) path -> p -> string list = fun path args -> let rec forge_request_args : type k. (pr, k) path -> k -> string list -> string list = fun path args acc -> match path, args with | Root, _ -> acc | Static (path, name), args -> forge_request_args path args (name :: acc) | Dynamic (path, arg), (args, x) -> forge_request_args path args (arg.construct x :: acc) | DynamicTail (path, arg), (args, xs) -> forge_request_args path args (List.fold_right (fun x acc -> arg.construct x :: acc) xs acc) in forge_request_args path args [] let forge_request_query : type q. q query -> q -> (string * string) list = fun (Fields (fields, _)) q -> let rec loop : type t. (q, t) query_fields -> _ = function | F0 -> [] | F1 (Single { name ; ty ; get ; _ }, fields) -> (name, ty.construct (get q)) :: loop fields | F1 (Opt { name ; ty ; get ; _ }, fields) -> begin match get q with | None -> loop fields | Some v -> (name, ty.construct v) :: loop fields end | F1 (Flag { name ; get ; _ }, fields) -> begin match get q with | false -> loop fields | true -> (name, "true") :: loop fields end | F1 (Multi { name ; ty ; get ; _ }, fields) -> begin match get q with | [] -> loop fields | l -> List.fold_right (fun v acc -> (name, ty.construct v) :: acc) l (loop fields) end in loop fields let forge_partial_request : type pr p i q o e. (_, pr, p, q, i, o, e) service -> ?base:Uri.t -> p -> q -> i request = fun s ?base:(uri = Uri.empty) args query -> let path = String.concat "/" (forge_request_args s.path args) in let prefix = Uri.path uri in let prefixed_path = if prefix = "" then path else prefix ^ "/" ^ path in let uri = Uri.with_path uri prefixed_path in let uri = Uri.with_query' uri (forge_request_query s.types.query query) in { meth = s.meth ; uri ; input = s.types.input } let forge_partial_request = (forge_partial_request : (meth, _, _, _, _, _, _) service -> _ :> ([< meth], _, _, _, _, _, _) service -> _ ) let forge_request = (forge_partial_request : (meth, _, _, _, _, _, _) service -> _ :> ([< meth], unit, _, _, _, _, _) service -> _ ) end