(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018. *) (* Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. No warranty, explicit or implicit, provided. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) include Logging.Make(struct let name = "node.validator" end) type t = { state: State.t ; db: Distributed_db.t ; block_validator: Block_validator.t ; chain_validator_limits: Chain_validator.limits ; peer_validator_limits: Peer_validator.limits ; block_validator_limits: Block_validator.limits ; prevalidator_limits: Prevalidator.limits ; valid_block_input: State.Block.t Lwt_watcher.input ; active_chains: Chain_validator.t Lwt.t Chain_id.Table.t ; } let create state db peer_validator_limits block_validator_limits prevalidator_limits chain_validator_limits = Block_validator.create block_validator_limits db >>= fun block_validator -> let valid_block_input = Lwt_watcher.create_input () in Lwt.return { state ; db ; block_validator ; block_validator_limits ; prevalidator_limits ; peer_validator_limits ; chain_validator_limits ; valid_block_input ; active_chains = Chain_id.Table.create 7 } let activate v ?max_child_ttl chain_state = let chain_id = State.Chain.id chain_state in lwt_log_notice "activate chain %a" Chain_id.pp chain_id >>= fun () -> try Chain_id.Table.find v.active_chains chain_id with Not_found -> let nv = Chain_validator.create ?max_child_ttl v.peer_validator_limits v.prevalidator_limits v.block_validator v.valid_block_input v.db chain_state v.chain_validator_limits in Chain_id.Table.add v.active_chains chain_id nv ; nv let get_exn { active_chains } chain_id = Chain_id.Table.find active_chains chain_id type error += | Inactive_chain of Chain_id.t let () = register_error_kind `Branch ~id: "node.validator.inactive_chain" ~title: "Inactive chain" ~description: "Attempted validation of a block from an inactive chain." ~pp: (fun ppf chain -> Format.fprintf ppf "Tried to validate a block from chain %a, \ that is not currently considered active." Chain_id.pp chain) Data_encoding.(obj1 (req "inactive_chain" Chain_id.encoding)) (function Inactive_chain chain -> Some chain | _ -> None) (fun chain -> Inactive_chain chain) let get v chain_id = try get_exn v chain_id >>= fun nv -> return nv with Not_found -> fail (Inactive_chain chain_id) let validate_block v ?(force = false) ?chain_id bytes operations = let hash = Block_hash.hash_bytes [bytes] in match Block_header.of_bytes bytes with | None -> failwith "Cannot parse block header." | Some block -> begin match chain_id with | None -> begin Distributed_db.read_block_header v.db block.shell.predecessor >>= function | None -> failwith "Unknown predecessor (%a), cannot inject the block." Block_hash.pp_short block.shell.predecessor | Some (chain_id, _bh) -> get v chain_id end | Some chain_id -> get v chain_id >>=? fun nv -> if force then return nv else Distributed_db.Block_header.known (Chain_validator.chain_db nv) block.shell.predecessor >>= function | true -> return nv | false -> failwith "Unknown predecessor (%a), cannot inject the block." Block_hash.pp_short block.shell.predecessor end >>=? fun nv -> let validation = Chain_validator.validate_block nv ~force hash block operations in return (hash, validation) let shutdown { active_chains ; block_validator } = let jobs = Block_validator.shutdown block_validator :: Chain_id.Table.fold (fun _ nv acc -> (nv >>= Chain_validator.shutdown) :: acc) active_chains [] in Lwt.join jobs >>= fun () -> Lwt.return_unit let watcher { valid_block_input } = Lwt_watcher.create_stream valid_block_input let inject_operation v ?chain_id op = begin match chain_id with | None -> begin Distributed_db.read_block_header v.db op.Operation.shell.branch >>= function | None -> failwith "Unknown branch (%a), cannot inject the operation." Block_hash.pp_short op.shell.branch | Some (chain_id, _bh) -> get v chain_id end | Some chain_id -> get v chain_id >>=? fun nv -> Distributed_db.Block_header.known (Chain_validator.chain_db nv) op.shell.branch >>= function | true -> return nv | false -> failwith "Unknown branch (%a), cannot inject the operation." Block_hash.pp_short op.shell.branch end >>=? fun nv -> let pv = Chain_validator.prevalidator nv in Prevalidator.inject_operation pv op